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Small application used to display data through a "magic mirror".

Morgan implementation

Display randomly on the screen the date/time and the weather, and display rss feeds titles in the bottom as a scrolling text.

Small 1-page application that uses AngularJS. Also uses google services to convert rss feeds to a json rest api.

2017 update

Google feed API is no longer available, so I removed the feed reader. I also removed the fullscreen button which is useless if I use dolphin browser on my Android tablet, since dolphin makes it possible to have the page fullscreen when you scroll down.

This project is not really maintained. When I'll have the time, I'll start a new application for the same purpose (magic mirror), but with more possibilities.



Create a dist/config.json file. You can use the file config.json.sample to start.

The content of the config file is the following:

  "lastupdate": 201605081210,
  "lang": "fr",
  "openweatherAppId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "units": "metric"

lastupdate: A timestamp of the last time this file was updated, used to refresh all sources lang: Language for display and localization openweatherAppId: Openweather AppId for openweather sources. Get yours at units: Units for openweather values can be metric or imperial


Modify the file dist/sources.json to add, modify or remove sources.

A source file has the following format:

    "id": "quebecWeather",
    "display": "block",
    "type": "yahooWeather",
    "url": "*%20from%20weather.forecast%20where%20woeid%20in%20(select%20woeid%20from%20geo.places(1)%20where%20text%3D%22quebec%2C%20ca%22)%20%20and%20u%3D'c'&format=json&",
    "refresh": 3600

Each source json object in the array must have the following parameters:

id: an identifier for the source. Your choice, will not be displayed anyway.

display: display type, values can be block for a randomly display block, or scroll for a bottom text scroll.

type: source type, for now supports openWeather, yahooWeather, time or rss.

url: mandatory for source types rss and yahooWeather, provides the url to get the data.

refresh: specify the time (in seconds) when the source will be refreshed.

locationId: used for openWeather types, specify the location id of the weather. You can find your location at


Install the folder dist/ to a folder accessible to your web server, example:

$ cp -R dist /var/www/morgan

Set your files config.json and sources.json as explained, then on your browser, go to the url http://<your_web_server>/morgan

Click on the fullscreen button to display the page in fullscreen mode.


The application is build using the 3 new knights of a brand new Web: npm/bower/gulp.

The source files are available in the src/ directory.

Run gulp serve to work on the source files.

Run gulp build to build a new standalone application. The application will be available in the dist/ directory.

Magic mirror fabrication

I used a two-way mirror, an old android tablet, and some tools to fix the tablet behind the mirror.

A two-way mirror can be baught by itself, or you can add a mirror window film to a window glass.

Pictures of the fabrications steps are available in the folder mirror_making.


Magic mirror AngularJS application







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