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Reworked linear_prediction and revcorr to handle the new slicestim
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Niru Maheswaranathan committed Nov 2, 2016
1 parent f51bffc commit fabc634
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61 changes: 23 additions & 38 deletions pyret/
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Expand Up @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ def lowranksta(f_orig, k=10):
This method requires that the linear filter be 3D. To decompose a
This method requires that the linear filter be 3D. To decompose a
linear filter into a temporal and 1-dimensional spatial filter, simply
promote the filter to 3D before calling this method.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -445,8 +445,8 @@ def get_contours(spatial_filter, threshold=10.0): # pragma: no cover
Gets iso-value contours of a 2D spatial filter.
This returns a list of arrays of shape (n, 2). Each array in the list
gives the indices into the spatial filter of one contour, and each
column of the contour gives the indices along the two dimesions of
gives the indices into the spatial filter of one contour, and each
column of the contour gives the indices along the two dimesions of
the filter.
Expand All @@ -473,9 +473,9 @@ def get_contours(spatial_filter, threshold=10.0): # pragma: no cover

def get_regionprops(spatial_filter, threshold=10.0): # pragma: no cover
Gets region properties of a 2D spatial filter.
This returns various attributes of the non-zero area of the given
Gets region properties of a 2D spatial filter.
This returns various attributes of the non-zero area of the given
spatial filter, such as its area, centroid, eccentricity, etc.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ def get_ellipse(spatial_filter, sigma=2.):

# return ellipse parameters, scaled by the appropriate scale factor

return _popt_to_ellipse(*popt, sigma)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -592,46 +592,38 @@ def linear_prediction(filt, stim):
filt : array_like
The linear filter whose response is to be computed. The array should
have shape ``(t, ...)``, where ``t`` is the number of time points in the
have shape ``(t, ...)``, where ``t`` is the number of time points in the
filter and the ellipsis indicates any remaining spatial dimenions.
The number of dimensions and the sizes of the spatial dimensions
must match that of ``stim``.
stim : array_like
The stimulus to which the predicted response is computed. The array
should have shape (T,...), where ``T`` is the number of time points
should have shape (T,...), where ``T`` is the number of time points
in the stimulus and the ellipsis indicates any remaining spatial
dimensions. The number of dimensions and the sizes of the spatial
dimenions must match that of ``filt``.
pred : array_like
The predicted linear response. The shape is (T,) where T is the
The predicted linear response. The shape is (T,) where T is the
number of time points in the input stimulus array.
ValueError : If the number of dimensions of ``stim`` and ``filt`` do not
match, or if the spatial dimensions differ.

if (filt.ndim != stim.ndim) or (filt.shape[1:] != stim.shape[1:]):
raise ValueError("The filter and stimulus must have the same " +
"number of dimensions and match in size along spatial dimensions")
"number of dimensions and match in size along spatial dimensions")

slices = slicestim(stim, filt.shape[0])
dim_start = ord('i')
indices = ''.join(map(chr, range(dim_start, dim_start + slices.ndim)))
subscripts = '{0},{1}{2}->{3}'.format(indices, indices[0],
indices[2:], indices[1])
return np.einsum(subscripts, slices, filt)
T = slices.shape[0]
return np.einsum('tx,x->t', slices.reshape(T, -1), filt.ravel())

def revcorr(response, stimulus, filter_length):
Expand All @@ -645,12 +637,11 @@ def revcorr(response, stimulus, filter_length):
response : array_like
A continuous output response correlated with the stimulus. Must
be one-dimensional.
stimulus : array_like
stimulus : array_like
A input stimulus correlated with the ``response``. Must be of shape
(t, ...), where t is the time and ... indicates any spatial dimensions.
Expand All @@ -660,39 +651,33 @@ def revcorr(response, stimulus, filter_length):
filt : array_like
An array of shape ``(filter_length, ...)`` containing the best-fitting
linear filter which predicts the response from the stimulus. The ellipses
indicates spatial dimensions of the filter.
ValueError : If the ``stimulus`` and ``response`` arrays are of different
The ``response`` and ``stimulus`` arrays must share the same sampling
rate. As the stimulus often has a lower sampling rate, one can use
``stimulustools.upsamplestim`` to upsample it.

if response.ndim > 1:
raise ValueError("The `response` must be 1-dimensional")
if response.size != (stimulus.shape[0] - filter_length):
raise ValueError(("`stimulus` must have {:#d} time points " +
"(`response.size` + `filter_length`").format(response.size + filter_length))
if response.size != (stimulus.shape[0] - filter_length + 1):
msg = "`stimulus` must have {:#d} time points (`response.size` + `filter_length`)"
raise ValueError(msg.format(response.size + filter_length + 1))

slices = slicestim(stimulus, filter_length)
dim_start = ord('i')
indices = ''.join(map(chr, range(dim_start, dim_start + slices.ndim)))
subscripts = '{0},{1}->{2}{3}'.format(indices, indices[1], indices[0], indices[2:])
recovered = np.einsum(subscripts, slices, response)
return recovered
T = slices.shape[0]
recovered = np.einsum('tx,t->x', slices.reshape(T, -1), response)
return recovered.reshape(slices.shape[1:])

def _gaussian_function(data, x0, y0, a, b, c):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -794,7 +779,7 @@ def _initial_gaussian_params(xm, ym, z, width=5):
xm : array_like
The x-points for the filter.
ym : array_like
The y-points for the filter.
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76 changes: 15 additions & 61 deletions pyret/
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Expand Up @@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ def slicestim(stimulus, history):
>>> x=np.arange(10).reshape((2,5))
>>> rolling_window(x, 3)
>>> x=np.arange(10).reshape((5, 2))
>>> slicestim(x, 3)
array([[[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]],
[[5, 6, 7], [6, 7, 8], [7, 8, 9]]])
Expand All @@ -131,18 +131,19 @@ def slicestim(stimulus, history):
array([[ 1., 2., 3.],
[ 6., 7., 8.]])

if not (1 <= history <= stimulus.shape[0]):
raise ValueError(
'`history` must be between 1 and {0:#d}'.format(
history = int(history)
msg = '`history` must be between 1 and {0:#d}'.format(stimulus.shape[0])
raise ValueError(msg)
elif not isinstance(history, int):
raise ValueError("`history` must be an integer")

# Use strides to create view onto array
shape = (history, stimulus.shape[0] - history) + stimulus.shape[1:]
strides = (stimulus.strides[0],) + stimulus.strides
return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(stimulus,
shape=shape, strides=strides)
shape = (history, stimulus.shape[0] - history + 1) + stimulus.shape[1:]
stride = (stimulus.strides[0],) + stimulus.strides

# return the newly strided array
arr = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(stimulus, shape=shape, strides=stride)
return np.rollaxis(arr, 1)

def cov(stimulus, history, nsamples=None, verbose=False):
Expand All @@ -160,60 +161,13 @@ def cov(stimulus, history, nsamples=None, verbose=False):
history : int
Integer number of time points to keep in each slice.
nsamples : int_like, optional
verbose : boolean, optional
If True, print out progress of the computation. (defaults to False)
stim_cov : array_like
(n*n*t by n*n*t) Covariance matrix
Covariance matrix
if not (1 <= history < stimulus.shape[0]):
raise ValueError('`history` must be in [1, {0:#d})'.format(

# Collapse spatial dimensions
cstim = stimulus.reshape(stimulus.shape[0], -1)

# store mean + covariance matrix
mean = np.zeros(cstim.shape[-1] * history)
stim_cov = np.zeros((cstim.shape[-1] * history,) * 2)

# Update covariance matrix from random points in the stimulus
indices = np.arange(history, cstim.shape[0])

# BLAS rank-1 covariance update function
blas_ger_fnc = get_blas_funcs(('ger',), (stim_cov,))[0]

if nsamples is None:
nsamples = indices.size

for j in range(nsamples):
idx = indices[j]
if verbose and np.mod(j, 100) == 0:
print('[%i of %i]' % (j, numpts))

stimslice = np.reshape(cstim[idx - history : idx, :],
(-1, 1), order='F')

mean += np.squeeze(stimslice)

# Update covariance matrix
blas_ger_fnc(1, stimslice, stimslice,
a=stim_cov.T, overwrite_a=True)

# Normalize and compute the mean outer product
mean /= nsamples
mean_op = mean.reshape(-1, 1).dot(mean.reshape(1, -1))

# Return normalized covariance matrix
stim_cov = (stim_cov / (nsamples - 1)) - mean_op

return stim_cov
stim = slicestim(stimulus, history)
return np.cov(stim.reshape(stim.shape[0], -1).T)

def rolling_window(array, window, time_axis=0):
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions tests/
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Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def test_empty_sta():
spikes = np.array(())
stimulus = np.random.randn(100,)
filter_length = 5

sta, _ = flt.sta(time, stimulus, spikes, filter_length)
assert np.all(np.isnan(sta))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,13 +154,13 @@ def test_rfsize():
filter_length = 100
nx, ny = 10, 10
true_filter = utils.create_spatiotemporal_filter(nx, ny, filter_length)[1]

xsize, ysize = flt.rfsize(true_filter, 1., 1.)
assert np.allclose(xsize, 3., 0.1) # 1 SD is about 3 units
assert np.allclose(ysize, 3., 0.1)

def test_linear_prediction_1d():
"""Test method for computing linear prediction from a
"""Test method for computing linear prediction from a
filter to a one-dimensional stimulus.
Expand All @@ -169,10 +169,11 @@ def test_linear_prediction_1d():
pred = flt.linear_prediction(filt, stim)

sl = slicestim(stim, filt.shape[0])
assert np.allclose(filt.reshape(1, -1).dot(sl), pred)
assert np.allclose(, pred)

def test_linear_prediction_nd():
"""Test method for computing linear prediction from a
"""Test method for computing linear prediction from a
filter to a multi-dimensional stimulus.
Expand All @@ -182,10 +183,9 @@ def test_linear_prediction_nd():
pred = flt.linear_prediction(filt, stim)

sl = slicestim(stim, filt.shape[0])
tmp = np.zeros(sl.shape[1])
filt_reshape = filt.reshape(1, -1)
tmp = np.zeros(sl.shape[0])
for i in range(tmp.size):
tmp[i] =[:, i, :].reshape(-1, 1))
tmp[i] = np.inner(filt.ravel(), sl[i].ravel())

assert np.allclose(tmp, pred)

Expand Down
14 changes: 4 additions & 10 deletions tests/
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Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def test_slicestim_1d():
sliced_stim = stimulustools.slicestim(stim, history)

for i in range(stim_size - history):
assert np.all(sliced_stim[:, i] == stim[i : i + history]), 'slicing failed'
assert np.all(sliced_stim[i] == stim[i:i + history]), 'slicing failed'

def test_slicestim_3d():
"""Test slicing a 3D stimulus into overlapping segments."""
Expand All @@ -60,19 +60,13 @@ def test_slicestim_3d():

sliced_stim = stimulustools.slicestim(stim, history)
assert sliced_stim.ndim == stim.ndim + 1
assert sliced_stim.shape[1] == stim.shape[0] - history
assert sliced_stim.shape[0] == stim.shape[0] - history + 1

for i in range(stim_size[0] - history):
assert np.all(sliced_stim[:, i, ...] == stim[i : i + history, ...]), 'slicing failed'
assert np.all(sliced_stim[i] == stim[i:i + history, ...]), 'slicing failed'

def test_getcov():
def test_cov():
"""Test recovering a stimulus covariance matrix."""
stim = np.random.randn(10, 2)
assert np.allclose(np.cov(stim.T), stimulustools.cov(stim, 1))

def test_rolling_window_warning():
"""Verify that calling rolling_window() raises a DeprecationWarning"""
with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
stimulustools.rolling_window(np.random.randn(20, 3, 3), 5)

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