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ericfoy edited this page Apr 17, 2023 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the modoc wiki!


  • Designed with the use of tables and blocks in mind.
  • When you need to optimize screen real estate utilization.
  • Makes an excellent admin theme, as well.


Better documentation is forthcoming. Meanwhile, some tips:

  • The easiest way to get rid of all the block borders is to set the block border color the same as the page background color.
  • The default block border width is one pixel. To change that, you may add the following css classes to any block through the admin UI (Configure Block | Style Settings | Style:Default -> Additional CSS Classes):
    • 'border-0' (no border)
    • 'border-2' (2px)
    • 'border-3' (3px...)
    • 'border-5'
    • 'border-7'
    • 'border-10' (10px)
    • combine any of the above with 'hide-overflow' (separated by a space) see below.
  • particularly useful for side menus and blocks: you may add the css class 'hide-overflow' to any block through the ui (see below). this will truncate the contents rather than having them bleed into the body of the next layout column to the right.
  • The logo image is not scaled in css, thus it must be pre-scaled prior to uploading. I have found an image height of 75 to 125 pixels to work well. Here's my favorite resizing tool:


  • For vertical menus, be sure to set the Menu Style to 'Dropdown Menu' in order to make them look good. More work on this is pending.
  • More testing is required to make sure that menus work in every layout implementation, etc.



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