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badsyntax edited this page Apr 3, 2011 · 22 revisions

You will need to use git to download the application.

Here's the process outlined:

git clone git:// kohana3-project
cd kohana3-project
git submodule update --init
mkdir application/cache && mkdir application/logs && mkdir media/cache && mkdir -p media/assets/resized
sudo chmod -R 777 application/cache application/logs media/cache media/assets/resized

It might take some time to download the data from the different submodules. Once the files have been checked out, you'll need to:

IMPORTANT - you must ensure the project is in 'development' mode for install, this will allow you to view errors. If you are hit with a 'white screen of death' then project is probably in production mode (and might not be logging these errors!). You can change the production mode in the apache vhost or in bootstrap.php.

Installing the admin module

Add the admin repo as a submodule and update the admin submodules:

git submodule add git:// modules/admin
cd modules/admin
git submodule update --init
cd media/js/jquery-tree && git pull origin master
cd ../jquery-ui && git pull origin master
cd ../tinymce && git pull origin master
cd ../../
git submodule add git:// modules/imagemagick-driver
  • Enable the admin module in bootstrap.php
  • The admin module needs to be loaded before the base module!
  • Ensure you have the imagemagick libraries installed on your server
  • Enable the imagemagick-driver module in bootstrap.php

Build the Javascript libraries

It might take some time to download these repos, once they have finished downloading you'll need to build the scripts. Both jQuery UI and TinyMCE use Apache Ant to build the libraries. If you have ant installed, you simply navigation to the build folder and type 'ant'.

Build folders:

  • media/js/jquery-ui/build
  • media/js/tinymce

Login and create the default config

The default user details are:

  • username: admin
  • password: password

Once logged in, navigate to admin/migrations/save_config to setup the config.


If you have any problems getting the project running, please post an issue in the issue tracker.