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This application connects to coincap API to get cryptocurrency changes in real time, this project implements clean architecture for organization and freezed to use functional programming.

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Crypto App

This application connects to coincap API to get cryptocurrency changes in real time, this project implements clean architecture for organization and freezed to use functional programming.


Get code using

git clone

Step 2

Install the necessary libraries (this proyect use Flutter 3.7.0 & Dart 2.19.0)

flutter pub get

Step 3

Generate Freezed files

flutter pub run build_runner build

Step 4

Generate locale strings (en & es)

flutter gen-l10n

Run the app

My process

Build with (libs)

  • dio: Http Client
  • provider: State management
  • logger: Create friendly logs in console
  • freezed_annotation: Annotations for Freezed
  • web_socket_channel: Allow connections with WS
  • flutter_svg: Render SVG
  • intl: Internationalization
  • build_runner: Generate code
  • freezed


  • Using Sockets
  • Clean Architecture
  • Functional programming with Freezed
  • Dio Http client, interceptor and logger
  • Using Intl to formats and internationalization

What I learned

  • Implement clean architecture with provider
  • Using Either class
  • Create connection and using Web Sockets
  • State management using provider
  • Generate classes and entities using Freezed
  • when, maybeWhen, map, etc. Functional programming operators
  • Listen changes using streams

Crypto App

Stay in touch


This application connects to coincap API to get cryptocurrency changes in real time, this project implements clean architecture for organization and freezed to use functional programming.







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