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Camillo Ballandt edited this page Jan 21, 2022 · 8 revisions


Avmath is a Python module for mathematical purposes. It contains functionalities for simple mathematical usage as sine or logarithm functions and submodules for more advanced applied math in the topics of analysis and linear algebra.

The module uses a mathematical syntax. The classes and functions are named in a mathematical manner and the class operations enable a mathematical workflow. Its issue is to calculate as accurate as possible and not firstly the aspect of time.

Learn how to use avmath

Version history

Avmath 3 introduced the possibility to accurately calculate objects inlinear algebra using fractions. Many obsolete parts were deleted. Many bugs of version 2 were closed and new features implemented.

Avmath 2 ended the former dependency to the math module. All mathematical problems are now solved independently. There have been changes in function names and parameters because of necessary syntax changes and corrections in names. Also, the implementation of functions was done. The Taylor-functions sometimes lack of speed andaccuracy. Many functions and methods had visible and invisible bugs.

Avmath 1 was the first GitHub version of avmath. It had the basic functionalities of the later avmath, but especially advanced matrix and function features were missing.

Even though avmath 1 was the first version on GitHub, there existed older versions of avmath - or former: evmath. The last version of evmath can be found on PyPi too. Yet there was no documentation of changes.

The first drafts of avmath are dated on the 22nd of March 2021.


  • Basic features

    • fractions
      • Basic operations
      • reducing
    • primes
      • detection of primes
      • primes < 100
    • trigonometry
      • trigonometrical functions (sine, cosine, tangent)
      • inverse trigonometrical functions (arc sine, arc cosine, arc tangent)
      • hyperbolic functions (hyperbolic sine, hyp. cosine, hyp. tangent)
      • inverted hyperbolic functions (inverse hyp. sine, inv. hyp. cosine, inv. hyp. tangent)
    • faculties
      • simple and double faculties
    • constants
      • pi
      • e
      • phi
      • gamma
  • Linear algebra

    • tuples
      • Basic iterable operations
      • basic mathematical operations
      • parent class for vector and matrix
    • vectors
      • basic operations
      • vector product, spat product
      • angle between vectors
    • matrices
      • matrix visual representation
      • basic operations
      • determinant
      • transposed matrix
      • cofactor matrix
      • adjunct of matrix
      • inverse matrix
      • row echelon form, reduced row echelon form
      • rank of a matrix
    • point structures
      • circumference
      • area
    • systems of linear equations
  • Analysis

    • functions
      • usual input possibility
      • basic calculations
      • maxima / minima
      • roots
      • numerical first and second differentiation
      • numerical integral
      • tangent and normal functions


The following developments are planned to improve avmath:

  • Calculations of eigenvectors and eigenvalues
  • Improvment on transparency of the code
  • Consistent type hints
  • Own types for special mathematical objects as roots

See Development plans

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