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Camillo Ballandt edited this page Jan 8, 2022 · 9 revisions

The following passages document the functionality of the avmath math module version v3.1.1.

Some features are followed by code examples.



The avmath module is registered as a PyPi project and can be downloaded via pip command:

pip install avmath

After that, the module can be imported as follows:

import avmath
from avmath import analysis, algebra

It can also manually been downloaded from GitHub as the current release version or as archive of the actual code using the code button. Then unpack the downloaded files and open command prompt in the unpacked file:

pip install .


Avmath provides its own errors representing specific issues in the usage.

Error Cause Implemented in version Last change
ArgumentError The argument given to a function or method is wrong. v1.0.0 v3.0.0
DimensionError The arguments of an operation have a different amount of dimensions and therefore cannot be combined. v1.0.0 v3.0.0
algebra.GeometricalError A geometrical construction cannot be done due to false arguments. v1.0.0 v3.0.0
algebra.MatrixError Matrix-argument to an operation is inappropriate. Often handles size issues. v1.0.0 v3.0.0


Avmath also contains warnings using the logging module.

Warning Cause Implemented in version Last change
algebra.GeometricalWarning A geometrical instruction is possible yet there may be unwanted conditions. Can be disabled running the GeometricalWarning.disable() method. v1.0.0 v3.0.0
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