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Sample10: Ballerina module with kubernetes annotations

  • This sample runs foodstore as a module.
  • Following files will be generated from this sample.
    $> docker image
    $> tree target
    ├── docker
        └── Dockerfile
    ├── kubernetes
    │   ├── burger
    │   │   ├── burger-deployment
    │   │   │   ├── Chart.yaml
    │   │   │   └── templates
    │   │   │       └── burger.yaml
    │   │   └── burger.yaml
    │   └── pizza
            ├── foodstore
            │   ├── Chart.yaml
            │   └── templates
            │       └── pizza.yaml
            └── pizza.yaml
    ├── balo
        ├── burger-2019r3-any-0.0.1.balo
        └── pizza-2019r3-any-0.0.1.balo
    ├── bin
        ├── burger.jar
        └── pizza.jar
    └── caches
        ├── bir_cache
        │   ├── john
        │   │   ├── burger
        │   │   |   └── 0.0.1
        │   │   |   |   └── burger.bir
        │   │   └── pizza
        │   │   |   └── 0.0.1
        │   │   |   |   └── pizza.bir
        └── jar_cache
            └── john
                ├── burger
                |   └── 0.0.1
                |   |    └── john-burger-0.0.1.jar
                └── pizza
                    └── 0.0.1
                        └── john-pizza-0.0.1.jar

How to run:

  1. Compile the project. Command to deploy kubernetes artifacts will be printed on build success.
sample10$> ballerina build -a
Compiling source

Creating balos

Running tests
        No tests found

        No tests found

Generating executables

Generating artifacts...

        @kubernetes:Service                      - complete 1/1
        @kubernetes:Ingress                      - complete 1/1      
        @kubernetes:Deployment                   - complete 1/1
        @kubernetes:Docker                       - complete 2/2 
        @kubernetes:Helm                         - complete 1/1

        Execute the below command to deploy the Kubernetes artifacts: 
        kubectl apply -f /Users/parkavi/Documents/Parkavi/BalKube/kubernetes/samples/sample10/target/kubernetes/burger

        Execute the below command to install the application using Helm: 
        helm install --name burger-deployment /Users/parkavi/Documents/Parkavi/BalKube/kubernetes/samples/sample10/target/kubernetes/burger/burger-deployment

Generating artifacts...

        @kubernetes:Service                      - complete 1/1
        @kubernetes:Ingress                      - complete 1/1
        @kubernetes:Deployment                   - complete 1/1
        @kubernetes:Docker                       - complete 2/2 
        @kubernetes:Helm                         - complete 1/1

        Execute the below command to deploy the Kubernetes artifacts: 
        kubectl apply -f /Users/parkavi/Documents/Parkavi/BalKube/kubernetes/samples/sample10/target/kubernetes/pizza

        Execute the below command to install the application using Helm: 
        helm install --name foodstore /Users/parkavi/Documents/Parkavi/BalKube/kubernetes/samples/sample10/target/kubernetes/pizza/foodstore
  1. burger.jar, pizza.jar, Dockerfile, docker image and kubernetes artifacts will be generated:
$> tree target
├── docker                                             
    └── Dockerfile                                     
├── kubernetes                                         
│   ├── burger                                         
│   │   ├── burger-deployment                          
│   │   │   ├── Chart.yaml                             
│   │   │   └── templates                              
│   │   │       └── burger.yaml                        
│   │   └── burger.yaml                                
|   └── pizza                                          
        ├── foodstore                                  
        │   ├── Chart.yaml                             
        │   └── templates                              
        │       └── pizza.yaml                         
        └── pizza.yaml                                 
├── balo                                               
    ├── burger-2019r3-any-0.0.1.balo                   
    └── pizza-2019r3-any-0.0.1.balo                    
├── bin                                                
    ├── burger.jar                                     
    └── pizza.jar                                      
└── caches                                             
    ├── bir_cache                                      
    │   ├── john                                       
    │   │   ├── burger                                 
    │   │   |   └── 0.0.1                              
    │   │   |   |   └── burger.bir                     
    │   │   └── pizza                                  
    │   │   |   └── 0.0.1                              
    │   │   |   |   └── pizza.bir                      
    └── jar_cache                                      
        └── john                                       
            ├── burger                                 
            |   └── 0.0.1                              
            |   |    └── john-burger-0.0.1.jar         
            └── pizza                                  
                └── 0.0.1                              
                    └── john-pizza-0.0.1.jar           
  1. Verify the docker image is created:
$> docker images
REPOSITORY                                                       TAG                               IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
pizza                                                            latest                            983a34711d0d        34 seconds ago      125MB
burger                                                           latest                            3b740094c254        35 seconds ago      125MB
  1. Run kubectl command to deploy artifacts (Use the command printed on screen in step 2):
$> kubectl apply -f /Users/parkavi/Documents/Parkavi/BalKube/kubernetes/samples/sample10/target/kubernetes/burger
service/burgerep-svc created
ingress.extensions/burgerep-ingress created
deployment.apps/burger-deployment created

$ kubectl apply -f /Users/parkavi/Documents/Parkavi/BalKube/kubernetes/samples/sample10/target/kubernetes/pizza
service/pizzaep-svc created
ingress.extensions/pizzaep-ingress created
deployment.apps/foodstore created
  1. Verify kubernetes deployment, service, secrets and ingress is deployed:
$> kubectl get pods
NAME                                 READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
burger-deployment-85448f5797-8wktg   1/1       Running   0          36s
foodstore-7bc59c848b-7lk5d           1/1       Running   0          11s
foodstore-7bc59c848b-8nczc           1/1       Running   0          11s

$> kubectl get svc
NAME           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
burgerep-svc   ClusterIP   <none>        9096/TCP   45s
pizzaep-svc    ClusterIP   <none>        9099/TCP   45s

$> kubectl get ingress
NAME               HOSTS        ADDRESS   PORTS     AGE
burgerep-ingress             80, 443   1m
pizzaep-ingress              80        43s
  1. Access the hello world service with curl command:
  • Using ingress: Add /etc/hosts entry to match hostname. ( is only applicable to docker for mac users. Other users should map the hostname with correct ip address from kubectl get ingress command.)
$> curl
Pizza menu

$> curl -k
Burger menu
  1. Undeploy sample:
$> kubectl delete -f target/kubernetes/pizza
$> kubectl delete -f target/kubernetes/burger
$> docker rmi pizza burger