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Releases: Bardo91/fastcom

Fastcom v2.0.1

18 Dec 18:27
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  • Only C++ Interface.
  • Publishers and subscribers for works for any class with operators >> and << overloaded.
  • Examples of publishers and subscribers for cv::Mat and simple data types.
  • CMake ready for installation of c++ and basic types.
  • Internally using websockets.
  • A very cool logo.
  • Build an run on Linux and Windows

Known bugs


  • Auto placement of mole if app mole's app closes
  • Doxygen documentation
  • Enabled testing in windows and linux
  • Service clients and servers for generic data (self contained)



Fastcom v2.0.0-alpha

09 May 14:12
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Fastcom v2.0.0-alpha Pre-release


  • Only C++ Interface.
  • Publishers and subscribers for works for any class with operators >> and << overloaded.
  • Examples of publishers and subscribers for cv::Mat and simple data types.
  • CMake ready for installation of c++ and basic types.
  • Internally using websockets.
  • A very cool logo.

Known bugs


  • Auto placement of mole if app mole's app closes
  • Doxygen documentation
  • Enabled testing in windows and linux
  • Service clients and servers for generic data (self contained)



Fastcom v1.4.1-beta

25 Nov 22:05
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  • Python and c++ fully compatible interfaces
  • Publishers and subscribers for generic data (self contained)
  • Publishers and subscribers for cv::Mat
  • Publishers and subscribers for std::strings and std::vectors
  • Service clients and servers for generic data (self contained)
  • Specific publisher and subscriber for images optimized with JPEG compression
  • Doxygen documentation
  • CMake ready for installation of c++ library and python package
  • Enabled testing in windows and linux
  • Fuck u SFINAE 🖕

Known bugs

  • Subscribers don't reconnect to publishers.


  • Allow reconnection of publishes and subscribers



Fastcom v1.4.0-beta

22 Nov 20:20
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  • Python and c++ fully compatible interfaces
  • Publishers and subscribers for generic data (self contained)
  • Publishers and subscribers for cv::Mat
  • Publishers and subscribers for std::strings and std::vectors
  • Service clients and servers for generic data (self contained)
  • Specific publisher and subscriber for images optimized with JPEG compression
  • Doxygen documentation
  • CMake ready for installation of c++ library and python package
  • Enabled testing in windows and linux
  • Fuck u SFINAE 🖕

Known bugs

  • Subscribers don't reconnect to publishers.
  • Bad communication python-c++ due to connection stablishment (confirmation byte is not used in c++)


  • Allow reconnection of publishes and subscribers



Fastcom v1.3.2-beta

04 Nov 17:02
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  • Python and c++ fully compatible interfaces
  • Publishers and subscribers for generic data (self contained)
  • Publishers and subscribers for cv::Mat
  • Publishers and subscribers for std::strings and std::vectors
  • Service clients and servers for generic data (self contained)
  • Specific publisher and subscriber for images optimized with JPEG compression
  • Doxygen documentation
  • CMake ready for installation of c++ library and python package
  • Enabled testing in windows and linux

Known bugs

  • Subscribers don't reconnect to publishers.
  • StringSubscriber and StringPublisher compilation crashes with some versions of Clang.


  • Allow reconnection of publishes and subscribers



Fastcom v1.3.1-beta

31 Oct 19:58
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  • Python and c++ fully compatible interfaces
  • Publishers and subscribers for generic data (self contained)
  • Publishers and subscribers for cv::Mat
  • Publishers and subscribers for std::strings and std::vectors
  • Service clients and servers for generic data (self contained)
  • Specific publisher and subscriber for images optimized with JPEG compression
  • Doxygen documentation
  • CMake ready for installation of c++ library and python package

Known bugs

  • Subscribers don't reconnect to publishers.

Road map

  • Allow reconnection of publishes and subscribers



Fastcom v1.2.0-beta

28 Oct 08:23
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  • Python and c++ fully compatible interfaces
  • Publishers and subscribers for generic data
  • Service clients and servers for generic data
  • Specific publisher and subscriber for images optimized with JPEG compression
  • Doxygen documentation
  • CMake ready for installation of c++ library and python package

Known bugs

  • Subscribers don't reconnect to publishers.

Road map

  • Allow messages with dynamic memory sizes
  • Allow reconnection of publishes and subscribrs



Fastcom v1.0.5.1 - Flexible connections multi-machines unicast - Fix patch 1

04 Feb 18:00
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  • Subscriber can run before publishers
  • Subscriber check asynchronously the connection in case of disconnection of the publisher
  • Some examples are generalized to be configured by the input arguments.


  • Python and c++ fully compatible interfaces
  • Generic struct data publishers and subscribers
  • Specific publisher and subscriber for images optimized with JPEG compression
  • Doxygen documentation
  • CMake ready for installation of c++ library and python package

Fixed bugs

  • Now subscribers can be created before publishers.

Known bugs

  • Subscribers don't reconnect to publishers.



Fastcom v1.1.5 - Broadcast UDP - Multi-machines fixed

03 Feb 11:10
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  • Using broadcasting UDP. It prevents publisher's threads to get blocked if the number of subscribers is large. However, subscriptions seem to have lower rate.
  • Some examples are generalized to be configured by the input arguments.


  • Python and c++ fully compatible interfaces
  • Generic struct data publishers and subscribers
  • Specific publisher and subscriber for images optimized with JPEG compression
  • Doxygen documentation
  • CMake ready for installation of c++ library and python package


  • Fixed bug in 1.1 in which library only worked in the same machine. Now broadcast interface works abroad.




Fastcom v1.0.5 - Flexible connections multi-machines unicast

03 Feb 15:32
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  • Subscriber can run before publishers
  • Subscriber check asynchronously the connection in case of disconnection of the publisher
  • Some examples are generalized to be configured by the input arguments.


  • Python and c++ fully compatible interfaces
  • Generic struct data publishers and subscribers
  • Specific publisher and subscriber for images optimized with JPEG compression
  • Doxygen documentation
  • CMake ready for installation of c++ library and python package

Known bugs

  • Subscribers cannot be created before publishers.
  • Subscribers don't reconnect to publishers

