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webui: change documentation references to
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arogge committed Jun 25, 2019
1 parent 413f505 commit 039a4f7
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Showing 26 changed files with 24 additions and 293 deletions.
270 changes: 1 addition & 269 deletions webui/doc/
@@ -1,271 +1,3 @@


Please see:


### System requirements

* A working Bareos environment, Bareos >= 16.2. The Bareos Director and Bareos Webui should have the same version.
* You can install Bareos Webui on any host it does not have to be installed on the same as the Bareos Director.
* An Apache 2.x Webserver with mod-rewrite, mod-php5 and mod-setenv enabled.
* PHP >= 5.3.23

### Get the source

You can download the source as a zip or tar.gz file from .
Upload it to your webserver and extract it e.g. in you webservers root directory.

cd /srv/www/htdocs
tar xf 15.2.1.tar.gz

### Configure your Apache Webserver

You can for example copy the default configuration file and edit it to your needs.

cd /etc/apache2/conf.d
cp /srv/www/htdocs/bareos-webui/install/apache/bareos-webui.conf .
vim bareos-webui.conf

The example configuration looks like following:

# Bareos WebUI Apache configuration file
# Environment Variable for Application Debugging
# Set to "development" to turn on debugging mode or
# "production" to turn off debugging mode.
<IfModule env_module>
SetEnv "APPLICATION_ENV" "production"
Alias /bareos-webui /srv/www/htdocs/bareos-webui/public
<Directory /srv/www/htdocs/bareos-webui/public>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
# Following module checks are only done to support
# Apache 2.2,
# Apache 2.4 with mod_access_compat and
# Apache 2.4 without mod_access_compat
# in the same configuration file.
# Feel free to adapt it to your needs.
# Apache 2.2
<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
# Apache 2.4
<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
<IfModule mod_access_compat.c>
Order deny,allow
Require all granted
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /bareos-webui
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
php_flag register_globals off

Restart your Apache Webserver.

### Configure the directors

Create the required configuration file /etc/bareos-webui/directors.ini and edit it to your needs.

***Note:*** The location and name of the directors.ini is mandatory.

mkdir /etc/bareos-webui
cd /etc/bareos-webui
cp /srv/www/htdocs/bareos-webui/install/directors.ini .
vim directors.ini

A basic directors.ini could look similar to this.

enabled = "yes"
diraddress = ""
dirport = 9101
enabled = "yes"
diraddress = ""
dirport = 9101
enabled = "no"
diraddress = ""
dirport = 9101
catalog= "MyCatalog"
enabled = "no"
diraddress = ""
dirport = 9101
catalog= "AnotherCatalog"

### Configure the webui

cd /etc/bareos-webui
cp /srv/www/htdocs/bareos-webui/install/configuration.ini .
vim configuration.ini

The configuration.ini currently looks like following. You are able to set the session timeout,
pagination, table behaviour and pooltype for labeling to your needs.

# Default: 3600 seconds
# Define a list of pagination values.
# Default: 10,25,50,100
# Default number of rows per page
# for possible values see pagination_values
# Default: 25
# State saving - restore table state on page reload.
# Default: false
# Pooltype for label to use as filter.
# See pooltype in output of bconsole: list pools
# Default: none

### Create restricted named consoles

Configure restricted named consoles as well as profiles and reload your director configuration.
Those consoles are like user accounts and used by the webui.

For more details about console and profile resource configuration in bareos, please have a look at .

Console {
Name = user1
Password = "user1"
Profile = profile1

Profile {
Name = webui-admin
CommandACL = !.bvfs_clear_cache, !.exit, !.sql, !configure, !create, !delete, !purge, !sqlquery, !umount, !unmount, *all*
Job ACL = *all*
Schedule ACL = *all*
Catalog ACL = *all*
Pool ACL = *all*
Storage ACL = *all*
Client ACL = *all*
FileSet ACL = *all*
Where ACL = *all*
Plugin Options ACL = *all*

After reloading the director you are done and able to use the webui.

Login via your favorite browser by calling: http://<host>/bareos-webui/.


#### SELinux

To install bareos-webui on a system with SELinux enabled, the following additional step have to be performed.

* Allow HTTPD scripts and modules to connect to the network

setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on

#### NGINX

If you want to use bareos-webui on e.g. nginx with php5-fpm a basic working configuration could look like this.

server {
listen 9100;
server_name bareos;
root /var/www/bareos-webui/public;
location / {
index index.php;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
location ~ .php$ {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
# With php5-cgi alone pass the PHP
# scripts to FastCGI server
# listening on
# fastcgi_pass;
# With php5-fpm:
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
# Set APPLICATION_ENV to either 'production' or 'development'
fastcgi_param APPLICATION_ENV production;
# fastcgi_param APPLICATION_ENV development;
Please see:
Binary file modified webui/module/Application/language/
Binary file not shown.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions webui/module/Application/language/cn_CN.po
Expand Up @@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ msgid "Sorry, it seems you are not authorized to run this module. If you think t
msgstr "很抱歉,您似乎无权运行此模块。 如果您认为这是一个错误,请与当地管理员联系。"

#: ../module/Application/src/Application/View/Helper/ACLAlert.php:38
msgid "Please read the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos documentation</a> for any additional information on how to configure the Command ACL directive of your Console/Profile resources. Following is a list of required commands which need to be in your Command ACL to run this module properly:"
msgstr "请读 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos文档</a>有关如何配置控制台/配置文件资源的Command ACL指令的任何其他信息。 以下是需要在您的命令ACL中正确运行此模块的必需命令的列表:"
msgid "Please read the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos documentation</a> for any additional information on how to configure the Command ACL directive of your Console/Profile resources. Following is a list of required commands which need to be in your Command ACL to run this module properly:"
msgstr "请读 <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos文档</a>有关如何配置控制台/配置文件资源的Command ACL指令的任何其他信息。 以下是需要在您的命令ACL中正确运行此模块的必需命令的列表:"

#: ../module/Application/view/error/404.phtml:3
msgid "A 404 error occurred"
Expand Down
Binary file modified webui/module/Application/language/
Binary file not shown.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions webui/module/Application/language/cs_CZ.po
Expand Up @@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ msgid "Sorry, it seems you are not authorized to run this module. If you think t
msgstr "Je nám líto, ale zdá se, že nejste oprávněni ke spouštění tohoto modulu. Pokud se domníváte, že se jedná o chybu, obraťte se na svého správce systémů."

#: ../module/Application/src/Application/View/Helper/ACLAlert.php:38
msgid "Please read the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos documentation</a> for any additional information on how to configure the Command ACL directive of your Console/Profile resources. Following is a list of required commands which need to be in your Command ACL to run this module properly:"
msgstr "Přečtěte si <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dokumentaci k Bareos</a>, ze které získáte informace o tom jak nastavit direktivu ACL příkazu zdrojů své konzole/profilu. Následující je seznam potřebných příkazů, které je třeba mít ve svém ACL příkazu aby tento modul fungoval správně:"
msgid "Please read the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos documentation</a> for any additional information on how to configure the Command ACL directive of your Console/Profile resources. Following is a list of required commands which need to be in your Command ACL to run this module properly:"
msgstr "Přečtěte si <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">dokumentaci k Bareos</a>, ze které získáte informace o tom jak nastavit direktivu ACL příkazu zdrojů své konzole/profilu. Následující je seznam potřebných příkazů, které je třeba mít ve svém ACL příkazu aby tento modul fungoval správně:"

#: ../module/Application/view/error/404.phtml:3
msgid "A 404 error occurred"
Expand Down
Binary file modified webui/module/Application/language/
Binary file not shown.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions webui/module/Application/language/en_EN.po
Expand Up @@ -958,8 +958,7 @@ msgstr ""

#: ../module/Application/src/Application/View/Helper/ACLAlert.php:38
msgid ""
"Please read the <a href=\""
"main-reference.html#sec:webui-console\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos "
"Please read the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos "
"documentation</a> for any additional information on how to configure the "
"Command ACL directive of your Console/Profile resources. Following is a list "
"of required commands which need to be in your Command ACL to run this module "
Expand Down
Binary file modified webui/module/Application/language/
Binary file not shown.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions webui/module/Application/language/es_ES.po
Expand Up @@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ msgid "Sorry, it seems you are not authorized to run this module. If you think t
msgstr "Lo sentimos, parece que no está autorizado para ejecutar este módulo. Si usted cree que esto es un error, por favor contacte a su administrador local."

#: ../module/Application/src/Application/View/Helper/ACLAlert.php:38
msgid "Please read the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos documentation</a> for any additional information on how to configure the Command ACL directive of your Console/Profile resources. Following is a list of required commands which need to be in your Command ACL to run this module properly:"
msgstr "Por favor lea la <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Documentación de Bareos</a> para cualquier información adicional de como configurar la directiva del Comando ACL de sus recursos de Consola/Perfil. La siguiente es una lista de comandos requeridos que deben estar en su Comando ACL para ejecutar este módulo adecuadamente:"
msgid "Please read the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos documentation</a> for any additional information on how to configure the Command ACL directive of your Console/Profile resources. Following is a list of required commands which need to be in your Command ACL to run this module properly:"
msgstr "Por favor lea la <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Documentación de Bareos</a> para cualquier información adicional de como configurar la directiva del Comando ACL de sus recursos de Consola/Perfil. La siguiente es una lista de comandos requeridos que deben estar en su Comando ACL para ejecutar este módulo adecuadamente:"

#: ../module/Application/view/error/404.phtml:3
msgid "A 404 error occurred"
Expand Down
Binary file modified webui/module/Application/language/
Binary file not shown.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions webui/module/Application/language/fr_FR.po
Expand Up @@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ msgid "Sorry, it seems you are not authorized to run this module. If you think t
msgstr "Désolé, il semblerait que vous ne soyez pas autorisé à lancer ce module. En cas d'erreur veuillez contacter votre administrateur."

#: ../module/Application/src/Application/View/Helper/ACLAlert.php:38
msgid "Please read the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos documentation</a> for any additional information on how to configure the Command ACL directive of your Console/Profile resources. Following is a list of required commands which need to be in your Command ACL to run this module properly:"
msgstr "Veuillez lire la <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">documentation Bareos</a> pour plus de détails concernant la configuration des ACL. Voici la liste des commandes nécessaires dans les ACL pour lancer ce module correctement :"
msgid "Please read the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos documentation</a> for any additional information on how to configure the Command ACL directive of your Console/Profile resources. Following is a list of required commands which need to be in your Command ACL to run this module properly:"
msgstr "Veuillez lire la <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation Bareos</a> pour plus de détails concernant la configuration des ACL. Voici la liste des commandes nécessaires dans les ACL pour lancer ce module correctement :"

#: ../module/Application/view/error/404.phtml:3
msgid "A 404 error occurred"
Expand Down
Binary file modified webui/module/Application/language/
Binary file not shown.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions webui/module/Application/language/hu_HU.po
Expand Up @@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ msgid "Sorry, it seems you are not authorized to run this module. If you think t
msgstr "Elnézést, de úgy tűnik, hogy nincs jogosultsága ehhez a modulhoz. Ha Ön szerint ez hiba, lépjen kapcsolatba a helyi adminisztrátorral."

#: ../module/Application/src/Application/View/Helper/ACLAlert.php:38
msgid "Please read the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos documentation</a> for any additional information on how to configure the Command ACL directive of your Console/Profile resources. Following is a list of required commands which need to be in your Command ACL to run this module properly:"
msgstr "Legyen szíves olvassa el a <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos dokumentációt</a> a konzol/profil parancs ACL direktívák beállításával kapcsolatos további információkért. Az alábbi parancsoknak szerepelniük kell a parancs ACL-ben ezen modul megfelelő futtatásához:"
msgid "Please read the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos documentation</a> for any additional information on how to configure the Command ACL directive of your Console/Profile resources. Following is a list of required commands which need to be in your Command ACL to run this module properly:"
msgstr "Legyen szíves olvassa el a <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos dokumentációt</a> a konzol/profil parancs ACL direktívák beállításával kapcsolatos további információkért. Az alábbi parancsoknak szerepelniük kell a parancs ACL-ben ezen modul megfelelő futtatásához:"

#: ../module/Application/view/error/404.phtml:3
msgid "A 404 error occurred"
Expand Down
Binary file modified webui/module/Application/language/
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified webui/module/Application/language/
Binary file not shown.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions webui/module/Application/language/nl_BE.po
Expand Up @@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ msgid "Sorry, it seems you are not authorized to run this module. If you think t
msgstr "Helaas, het lijkt er op dat je niet geautoriseerd bent om deze module uit te voeren. Als je denkt dat dit een fout is, contacteer dan jouw beheerder."

#: ../module/Application/src/Application/View/Helper/ACLAlert.php:38
msgid "Please read the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos documentation</a> for any additional information on how to configure the Command ACL directive of your Console/Profile resources. Following is a list of required commands which need to be in your Command ACL to run this module properly:"
msgstr "Gelieve de <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos documentatie</a> te lezen om bijkomende informatie over hoe de Command ACL instructie van jouw Console/Profiel bronnen te configureren. Hierna volgt een lijst met verplichte commando's die in jouw Command ACL nodig zijn om correct te lopen:"
msgid "Please read the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos documentation</a> for any additional information on how to configure the Command ACL directive of your Console/Profile resources. Following is a list of required commands which need to be in your Command ACL to run this module properly:"
msgstr "Gelieve de <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos documentatie</a> te lezen om bijkomende informatie over hoe de Command ACL instructie van jouw Console/Profiel bronnen te configureren. Hierna volgt een lijst met verplichte commando's die in jouw Command ACL nodig zijn om correct te lopen:"

#: ../module/Application/view/error/404.phtml:3
msgid "A 404 error occurred"
Expand Down
Binary file modified webui/module/Application/language/
Binary file not shown.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions webui/module/Application/language/pl_PL.po
Expand Up @@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ msgid "Sorry, it seems you are not authorized to run this module. If you think t
msgstr "Niestety, nie masz uprawnień do uruchamiania tego modułu. Jeśli uważasz to za błąd skontaktuj sie z Administratorem."

#: ../module/Application/src/Application/View/Helper/ACLAlert.php:38
msgid "Please read the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos documentation</a> for any additional information on how to configure the Command ACL directive of your Console/Profile resources. Following is a list of required commands which need to be in your Command ACL to run this module properly:"
msgstr "Przeczytaj <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dokumentacje Bareos </a> w celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji na temat konfigurowania dyrektywy ACL dla zasobów konsoli / profilu. Poniżej znajduje się lista wymaganych poleceń, które muszą znajdować się w liście poleceń, aby poprawnie uruchomić ten moduł: ACL. "
msgid "Please read the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Bareos documentation</a> for any additional information on how to configure the Command ACL directive of your Console/Profile resources. Following is a list of required commands which need to be in your Command ACL to run this module properly:"
msgstr "Przeczytaj <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">dokumentacje Bareos </a> w celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji na temat konfigurowania dyrektywy ACL dla zasobów konsoli / profilu. Poniżej znajduje się lista wymaganych poleceń, które muszą znajdować się w liście poleceń, aby poprawnie uruchomić ten moduł: ACL. "

#: ../module/Application/view/error/404.phtml:3
msgid "A 404 error occurred"
Expand Down
Binary file modified webui/module/Application/language/
Binary file not shown.

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