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Wattpad API Test Applications

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What I want to do

I want to be able to:

  • Search books by ID
  • Get all the books inside a Reading List that I will search by list's ID

What I expect in response

I expect some book data and metrics, like:

  • Title
  • Author
    • ID
    • Name
  • Description
  • Metrics
    • Reading Count
    • Vote Count
    • Comment Count

Would be awesome get data and metrics for chapters too! :)

Why I want this

  • I study statistics and will be a statician in the future
  • My girlfriend started writing in Wattpad a year ago and I started to study the metrics, as you can see here: Book Watcher

So, I am interested in this data and it's behaviour, so I can study and also make my girlfriend happy seeing the results and reports :)

Problems encountered

  • Search by Book Title
    • Well, I don't expect a Google Engine here but, sometimes, the most relevant result is not on the "front page" (first 10 results in JSON)
    • There is some books that aren't returned as a result at all! (At first contact with Wattpad Developers they told me that it was because the book was marked as Mature Content and the API don't know my age)
      • Well, the API knows the App's owner by it's API-KEY, so the API knows my age
      • The same book is the first and only result when search it's ID
      • I am a "mature" in whatever country you can think of
  • Search by Book ID
    • Some titles simply doesn't return at all
      • This is MOST IMPORTANT thing that I need
  • Search by custom TAGs inside Book's Description
    • So I tryed putting some sort of TAG inside books' description and tryed to search by this TAG
      • At first glance, it worked like a charm
      • After some time, the resultset became EMPTY
      • The last one became empty TODAY (O Único Homem da Minha Mulher Sou Eu)
  • Search by List ID
    • Never worked
      • Always get error 404, list not found

What I've tryed

  • Use Developers' Playground API-KEY
  • Use my own API-KEY
  • Create a new account and App to receive a new API-KEY
  • Tryed with cURL in command line
  • Tryed with Postmaster
  • Tryed with PHP and cURL
  • Tryed with Python Requests/HTTPLib/URLLib
  • Tryed with Python and cURL

So, after everything failed, I did an App Log In to get an Access Token and tryed the whole list again:

  • Using my Username, my Access Token and my API-KEY
  • Using my Username, my Access Token and Developers' Playground API-KEY
  • Using Bearer username, my Access Token and my API-KEY
  • Using Bearer username, my Access Token and Developers' Playground API-KEY
  • Using my Username, Developers' Playground Access Token and my API-KEY
  • Using my Username, Developers' Playground Access Token and Developers' Playground API-KEY
  • Using Bearer username, Developers' Playground Access Token and my API-KEY
  • Using Bearer username, Developers' Playground Access Token and Developers' Playground API-KEY

What I need

  • HELP!
  • HELP!
  • HELP!


Wattpad API Test Applications






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