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barrucadu committed Oct 15, 2017
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Showing 3 changed files with 169 additions and 155 deletions.
163 changes: 8 additions & 155 deletions Test/MiniFu.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Test.MiniFu where
module Test.MiniFu
( module Test.MiniFu
-- * Re-exports
, MiniFu, ThreadId, MVar, CRef, Scheduler
) where

import qualified Control.Concurrent.Classy as C
import qualified Control.Monad.Cont as K
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), nonEmpty)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified System.Random as R

import Test.MiniFu.Internal

example :: MiniFu m Int
example = do
a <- newEmptyMVar
Expand All @@ -25,43 +25,6 @@ demo = do


-- | Threads are just identified by their creation order.
newtype ThreadId = ThreadId Int
deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- | A scheduler is a stateful function which chooses a thread to run.
type Scheduler s = NonEmpty ThreadId -> s -> (ThreadId, s)

-- | A MiniFu computation is just a continuation over primops.
newtype MiniFu m a = MiniFu { runMiniFu :: K.Cont (PrimOp m) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

-- | One of the basic actions that a @MonadConc@ can do.
data PrimOp m where
Fork :: MiniFu m () -> (ThreadId -> PrimOp m) -> PrimOp m
NewEmptyMVar :: (MVar m a -> PrimOp m) -> PrimOp m
PutMVar :: MVar m a -> a -> PrimOp m -> PrimOp m
TakeMVar :: MVar m a -> (a -> PrimOp m) -> PrimOp m
NewCRef :: a -> (CRef m a -> PrimOp m) -> PrimOp m
ReadCRef :: CRef m a -> (a -> PrimOp m) -> PrimOp m
WriteCRef :: CRef m a -> a -> PrimOp m -> PrimOp m
ModifyCRef :: CRef m a -> (a -> (a, b)) -> (b -> PrimOp m) -> PrimOp m
Stop :: m () -> PrimOp m

-- | @MVar@s have a unique ID too, used in thread blocking.
newtype MVarId = MVarId Int
deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- | An @MVar@ is a @CRef@ in the underlying monad, holding a maybe
-- value, with a unique identifier.
data MVar m a = MVar
{ mvarId :: MVarId
, mvarRef :: C.CRef m (Maybe a)

-- | A @CRef@ just delegates directly to the underlying monad.
newtype CRef m a = CRef { crefRef :: C.CRef m a }

-- | Fork a computation to happen concurrently.
fork :: MiniFu m () -> MiniFu m ThreadId
fork ma = MiniFu (K.cont (Fork ma))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,116 +72,6 @@ minifu sched s (MiniFu ma) = do
a <- C.readCRef out
pure (a, s')

-- | Run a collection of threads to completion.
run :: C.MonadConc m => Scheduler s -> s -> PrimOp m -> m s
run sched s0 = go s0 . initialise where
go s (threads, idsrc)
| initialThreadId `M.member` threads = case runnable threads of
Just tids ->
let (chosen, s') = sched tids s
in go s' =<< stepThread chosen (threads, idsrc)
Nothing -> pure s
| otherwise = pure s

runnable = nonEmpty . M.keys . M.filter (isNothing . threadBlock)

initialThreadId = fst (nextThreadId initialIdSource)

stepThread :: C.MonadConc m => ThreadId -> (Threads m, IdSource) -> m (Threads m, IdSource)
stepThread tid (threads, idsrc) = case M.lookup tid threads of
Just thrd -> go (threadK thrd)
Nothing -> pure (threads, idsrc)
adjust f = M.adjust f tid
goto k = adjust (\thrd -> thrd { threadK = k })
block mv = adjust (\thrd -> thrd { threadBlock = mv })
unblock v = fmap (\thrd ->
if threadBlock thrd == Just v
then thrd { threadBlock = Nothing }
else thrd)
simple f = pure (f threads, idsrc)

go (Fork (MiniFu ma) k) =
let (tid', idsrc') = nextThreadId idsrc
thrd' = thread (K.runCont ma (\_ -> Stop (pure ())))
in pure (goto (k tid') (M.insert tid' thrd' threads), idsrc')
go (NewEmptyMVar k) = do
ref <- C.newCRef Nothing
let (mvid, idsrc') = nextMVarId idsrc
pure (goto (k (MVar mvid ref)) threads, idsrc')
go (PutMVar (MVar mvid ref) a k) = do
old <- C.readCRef ref
case old of
Just _ -> simple (block (Just mvid))
Nothing -> do
C.writeCRef ref (Just a)
simple (goto k . unblock mvid)
go (TakeMVar (MVar mvid ref) k) = do
old <- C.readCRef ref
case old of
Just a -> do
C.writeCRef ref Nothing
simple (goto (k a) . unblock mvid)
Nothing -> simple (block (Just mvid))
go (NewCRef a k) = do
ref <- C.newCRef a
simple (goto (k (CRef ref)))
go (ReadCRef (CRef ref) k) = do
cur <- C.readCRef ref
simple (goto (k cur))
go (WriteCRef (CRef ref) a k) = do
C.writeCRef ref a
simple (goto k)
go (ModifyCRef (CRef ref) f k) = do
new <- C.atomicModifyCRef ref f
simple (goto (k new))
go (Stop mx) = do
simple (M.delete tid)


-- | An identifier source is a simple counter.
type IdSource = Int

-- | Create an identifier source.
initialIdSource :: IdSource
initialIdSource = 0

-- | Get a new unique thread ID.
nextThreadId :: IdSource -> (ThreadId, IdSource)
nextThreadId n = (ThreadId n, n + 1)

-- | Get a new unique @MVar@ ID:
nextMVarId :: IdSource -> (MVarId, IdSource)
nextMVarId n = (MVarId n, n + 1)


-- | A collection of threads is just a map of thread records keyed by
-- ID.
type Threads m = Map ThreadId (Thread m)

-- | A thread is a continuation along with what @MVar@ it is blocked
-- on.
data Thread m = Thread
{ threadK :: PrimOp m
, threadBlock :: Maybe MVarId

-- | Create a new thread
thread :: PrimOp m -> Thread m
thread k = Thread
{ threadK = k
, threadBlock = Nothing

-- | Create the initial thread and ID source
initialise :: PrimOp m -> (Threads m, IdSource)
initialise pop =
let (tid, idsrc) = nextThreadId initialIdSource
in (M.singleton tid (thread pop), idsrc)


-- | A simple random scheduler.
Expand Down
160 changes: 160 additions & 0 deletions Test/MiniFu/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Test.MiniFu.Internal where

import qualified Control.Concurrent.Classy as C
import qualified Control.Monad.Cont as K
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), nonEmpty)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)

-- | Threads are just identified by their creation order.
newtype ThreadId = ThreadId Int
deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- | A scheduler is a stateful function which chooses a thread to run.
type Scheduler s = NonEmpty ThreadId -> s -> (ThreadId, s)

-- | A MiniFu computation is just a continuation over primops.
newtype MiniFu m a = MiniFu { runMiniFu :: K.Cont (PrimOp m) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

-- | One of the basic actions that a @MonadConc@ can do.
data PrimOp m where
Fork :: MiniFu m () -> (ThreadId -> PrimOp m) -> PrimOp m
NewEmptyMVar :: (MVar m a -> PrimOp m) -> PrimOp m
PutMVar :: MVar m a -> a -> PrimOp m -> PrimOp m
TakeMVar :: MVar m a -> (a -> PrimOp m) -> PrimOp m
NewCRef :: a -> (CRef m a -> PrimOp m) -> PrimOp m
ReadCRef :: CRef m a -> (a -> PrimOp m) -> PrimOp m
WriteCRef :: CRef m a -> a -> PrimOp m -> PrimOp m
ModifyCRef :: CRef m a -> (a -> (a, b)) -> (b -> PrimOp m) -> PrimOp m
Stop :: m () -> PrimOp m

-- | @MVar@s have a unique ID too, used in thread blocking.
newtype MVarId = MVarId Int
deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- | An @MVar@ is a @CRef@ in the underlying monad, holding a maybe
-- value, with a unique identifier.
data MVar m a = MVar
{ mvarId :: MVarId
, mvarRef :: C.CRef m (Maybe a)

-- | A @CRef@ just delegates directly to the underlying monad.
newtype CRef m a = CRef { crefRef :: C.CRef m a }


-- | Run a collection of threads to completion.
run :: C.MonadConc m => Scheduler s -> s -> PrimOp m -> m s
run sched s0 = go s0 . initialise where
go s (threads, idsrc)
| initialThreadId `M.member` threads = case runnable threads of
Just tids ->
let (chosen, s') = sched tids s
in go s' =<< stepThread chosen (threads, idsrc)
Nothing -> pure s
| otherwise = pure s

runnable = nonEmpty . M.keys . M.filter (isNothing . threadBlock)

initialThreadId = fst (nextThreadId initialIdSource)

stepThread :: C.MonadConc m => ThreadId -> (Threads m, IdSource) -> m (Threads m, IdSource)
stepThread tid (threads, idsrc) = case M.lookup tid threads of
Just thrd -> go (threadK thrd)
Nothing -> pure (threads, idsrc)
adjust f = M.adjust f tid
goto k = adjust (\thrd -> thrd { threadK = k })
block mv = adjust (\thrd -> thrd { threadBlock = mv })
unblock v = fmap (\thrd ->
if threadBlock thrd == Just v
then thrd { threadBlock = Nothing }
else thrd)
simple f = pure (f threads, idsrc)

go (Fork (MiniFu ma) k) =
let (tid', idsrc') = nextThreadId idsrc
thrd' = thread (K.runCont ma (\_ -> Stop (pure ())))
in pure (goto (k tid') (M.insert tid' thrd' threads), idsrc')
go (NewEmptyMVar k) = do
ref <- C.newCRef Nothing
let (mvid, idsrc') = nextMVarId idsrc
pure (goto (k (MVar mvid ref)) threads, idsrc')
go (PutMVar (MVar mvid ref) a k) = do
old <- C.readCRef ref
case old of
Just _ -> simple (block (Just mvid))
Nothing -> do
C.writeCRef ref (Just a)
simple (goto k . unblock mvid)
go (TakeMVar (MVar mvid ref) k) = do
old <- C.readCRef ref
case old of
Just a -> do
C.writeCRef ref Nothing
simple (goto (k a) . unblock mvid)
Nothing -> simple (block (Just mvid))
go (NewCRef a k) = do
ref <- C.newCRef a
simple (goto (k (CRef ref)))
go (ReadCRef (CRef ref) k) = do
cur <- C.readCRef ref
simple (goto (k cur))
go (WriteCRef (CRef ref) a k) = do
C.writeCRef ref a
simple (goto k)
go (ModifyCRef (CRef ref) f k) = do
new <- C.atomicModifyCRef ref f
simple (goto (k new))
go (Stop mx) = do
simple (M.delete tid)


-- | An identifier source is a simple counter.
type IdSource = Int

-- | Create an identifier source.
initialIdSource :: IdSource
initialIdSource = 0

-- | Get a new unique thread ID.
nextThreadId :: IdSource -> (ThreadId, IdSource)
nextThreadId n = (ThreadId n, n + 1)

-- | Get a new unique @MVar@ ID:
nextMVarId :: IdSource -> (MVarId, IdSource)
nextMVarId n = (MVarId n, n + 1)


-- | A collection of threads is just a map of thread records keyed by
-- ID.
type Threads m = Map ThreadId (Thread m)

-- | A thread is a continuation along with what @MVar@ it is blocked
-- on.
data Thread m = Thread
{ threadK :: PrimOp m
, threadBlock :: Maybe MVarId

-- | Create a new thread
thread :: PrimOp m -> Thread m
thread k = Thread
{ threadK = k
, threadBlock = Nothing

-- | Create the initial thread and ID source
initialise :: PrimOp m -> (Threads m, IdSource)
initialise pop =
let (tid, idsrc) = nextThreadId initialIdSource
in (M.singleton tid (thread pop), idsrc)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions minifu.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ cabal-version: >=1.10

exposed-modules: Test.MiniFu
, Test.MiniFu.Internal
build-depends: base >=4.9 && <4.10
, concurrency
, containers
Expand Down

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