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🔥 Configure Windows for Web Development

Steps list


Install powershell 7

Download from official realease page

Install Windows Terminal

From Microsoft App Store

Install Nerd Fonts

Nerd Fonts
My Consolas NF

Install Terminal icons

Powershell Terminal Icons

Install-Module -Name Terminal-Icons -Repository PSGallery
Import-Module -Name Terminal-Icons

Install chocolatey

chocolatey is a package manager for windows

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Install scoop

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
iwr -useb | iex

Install Busybox

scoop install busybox

Install git

choco install git

Instal Neovim and dependencies

choco install neovim
choco install mingw
choco install nodejs
choco install ripgrep

Install NvChad Neovim

Head to installation page
Windows Installation

or, you can just use below command to get Nvchad with
my custom folder

git clone $HOME\AppData\Local\nvim --depth 1
git clone "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim\lua\custom" --depth 1

Install Python


Executing python command in Powershell will redirect to Microsoft App store Python download page if it is already not installed

Install rust

Rust download page

Fzf and psfzf

choco install fzf

Install-Module -Name PSFzf -RequiredVersion 2.4.0


Oh My Posh installation instruction

choco install oh-my-posh

oh-my-posh init pwsh --config 'C:\Program Files (x86)\oh-my-posh\themes\json.omp.json' | Invoke-Expression

Get-PoshThemes # list all available themes

Install Posh-git

Executing this command will install posh-git for current user porfile

PowerShellGet\Install-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser -Force

Configure powershell profile

Powershell Profile


My powershell profile

oh-my-posh init pwsh --config 'C:\Program Files (x86)\oh-my-posh\themes\json.omp.json' | Invoke-Expression

Import-Module -Name Terminal-Icons 
Import-Module posh-git 
Import-Module PSFzf 

Set-PsFzfOption -PSReadlineChordProvider 'Ctrl+t' -PSReadlineChordReverseHistory 'Ctrl+r'

Set-Alias ls Get-ChildItem | Format-Table
Set-Alias ll Get-ChildItemColor | Format-Table

Start-Service ssh-agent


ssh-agent by default is set to start automatically which can cause issue
so to change it, execute

# to check start up type of ssh-agent
Get-Service ssh-agent | Select StartType  

# to set it to start manually
Get-Service -Name ssh-agent | Set-Service -StartupType Manual  

Github cli

Microsoft's Github CLI

choco install gh

Create Github account (if you don't have it yet 😑)


gh auth login

Gh auth login screen shot

configure git

create a project

git init # git command
git add . # git command
gh repo create # github cli command
git commit -m "My first commit ☺"

# at this stage you will get error 
# (if your git is not configured yet)
# so follow the instruction for
# minimal configuration
# then git commit again

git commit -m "My first commit ☺"
git push -u origin master
gh browse # github cli command

# git commands start with 'git' 
# whereas github cli commands start with 'gh'

Windows Terminal Themes

Find terminal themes scheme here and copy the scheme you want

then head to

cd $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState

and find setting.json file
open it using nvim
nvim settings.json
copy your scheme on proper place

Power Toys

Micorosoft PowerToys Official Page
Github Realese page

Install power toys and configure it
test launcher test color picker

Screen Shot

Watch it on Youtube 😎

Web Development in Neovim


Make your Windows powerful ��"






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