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Bashar Astifan edited this page Apr 2, 2024 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the WUT wiki!

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Commander Documentation

Commander Demos

Installation Steps

  • Install Dependencies --- If you got error that package in use then you already have it, ignore this step

WindowsRT, WOA & Desktop

  • Inside Extras (Or near to the appx) there is .bat file
  • This file made to simplify the installation, it will auto install the certificate then will open package installer

Other Devices

  • Install WUT_1.4.21.0_[ARM].cer as Local Machine -> Trusted People


  • Install the package WUT_1.4.21.0_[ARM].appx
  • Done

Integrate your app with WUT

You can use the following URIs to invoke WUT on specific commands:

  • wutb::WebURL or wutb:WebURL: Invoke WUT built-in browser
  • wuts::FileToken or wuts:FileToken: Invoke WUT files manager [Checkout SharedStorage]
  • wut::FileURL or wut:FileURL: Invoke WUT file download manager
  • wuti::FileID or wuti:FileID: Invoke WUT file locator [ID can be copied while sharing from WUT]

Register Packages

Starting from WUT 1.4.21 you will be able to register packages as developer mode

to keep the packages functioning you must understand the following:

  • WUT will extract the package to Custom->WUTPackages
  • The package will be registered from this folder
  • You shouldn't remove/move this folder
  • Developer mode must be enabled on your system (Click here)
  • External storage is not supported
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