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This role will setup Riak CS on a single node. It will not build a Riak CS cluster. In order to build and configure cluster, use one of the example playbooks defined below.


Tested with Riak CS 1.4.4 and CentOS 6 and Ubuntu Precise.

Role Variables

If you have trouble seeing the tables below, please read the documentation on Github.

Variables listed with "OS Specific" and "Install specific" have values defined in vars/<ansible_os_family>.yml.

Name Default Value Description
riak_pb_port 8087 The port you will use to connect to the Riak instance
riak_backend bitcask default backend for Riak
riakcs_anon_user_creation 'false' allow Riak CS user to be created anonymously
riakcs_auth_module riak_cs_s3_auth Riak CS default authentication module
riakcs_bind_ip The IP address used to listen for Riak CS requests.
riakcs_creds_path /tmp/riakcs_creds.yml The path where Riak CS credentials will be stored
riakcs_fold_objects_for_list_keys 'true' defines list keys behavior
riakcs_iface eth0 interface used to listen for Riak CS requests
riakcs_ip_addr {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + riakcs_iface]['ipv4']['address'] }}" shortcut for the ip address associated with riakcs_iface
riakcs_node_name "riak-cs@{{ riakcs_ip_addr }}" node name for riak-cs node
riakcs_package_release 1 the package release version
riakcs_port 8080 the name you give the riak node
riakcs_request_pool 256 number of connections pooled
riakcs_rewrite_module riak_cs_s3_rewrite Riak CS re-write module
riakcs_root_host the hostname of the root host to use.
riakcs_version 1.4.4 Riak CS version.
stanchion_ip "{{ hostvars[groups['stanchion'][0]]['ansible_eth0']['ipv4']['address'] }}" IP address of the Stanchion server.
riakcs_usr_lib OS specific the path to Riak libraries.


The following roles should be applied in order:

basho.riakcs-packages (depends on basho.riak-common) basho.riakcs

You'll also need to apply the stanchion role to a node to have a functioning cluster.

See examples for more details


There are some sample playbooks in the examples/ directory as well as a typical hosts file.

Take a look at setup_riakcs.yml.

This playbook will

  • Install Riak CS packages on a node
  • Install Riak on the node and configure it for Riak CS (riakcs role depends on Riak role)
  • Configure Riak CS on the node
  • Configure Stanchion on a node
  • Form a cluster

Riak CS Credentials

You'll of course need some Riak CS credentials to use Riak CS. After the above playbook is run, run the the reset_creds.yml playbook. You'll only need to do this on a fresh install or if you need to reset the admin credentials.

This will generate the admin user keys for the installation, and store them in /tmp/riakcs-creds.yml. This can be overriden with the riakcs_creds_path variable.

I highly recommend you use the --tags creds option when resetting creds, this will force ansible to run only parts of the role relating to resetting credentials. Example:

ansible-playbook -v -i path_to_inventory reset_creds.yml --tags creds

Running on a single node?

If you're doing simple, single node testing (not production!)

- hosts: riak_cluster
  sudo: True
  - { role: basho.riakcs-packages, tags: ["riakcs", "packages"] }
  - { role: basho.riakcs, tags: ["riakcs"] }
  - { role: basho.stanchion, tags: ["stanchion"] }

And you'll still have to reset your credentials with the reset_creds.yml as per above.



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