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batterseapower committed Feb 28, 2012
0 parents commit 5fb09d3
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Showing 14 changed files with 1,427 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Temporary directories

# OS crap

# Build artifacts
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions CPS/Syntax.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
module CPS.Syntax where

59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions GHC/Coercion.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
module GHC.Coercion where

import GHC.Var
import GHC.Type

import Utilities

data Coercion = CoVarCo CoVarId
| ReflCo Type
| AppCo Coercion Coercion
| SymCo Coercion
| TransCo Coercion Coercion
| NthCo Int Coercion
| ForAllCo TyVar Coercion
| InstCo Coercion Type
| UnsafeCo Type Type -- Also used for instantiated axioms
deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Pretty Coercion where
pPrint _ = text "co" -- FIXME

mkCoercionType :: Type -> Type -> Type
mkCoercionType ty1 ty2 = mkTyConAppTy (eqHashTyCon (typeKind ty1)) [ty1, ty2]

splitCoercionType :: Type -> (Type, Type)
splitCoercionType ty = case splitTyConAppTy_maybe ty of
Just (tc, [ty1, ty2]) | tc == eqHashTyCon (typeKind ty1) -> (ty1, ty2)
_ -> error "splitCoercionType"

coVarIdType' :: CoVarId -> (Type, Type)
coVarIdType' = splitCoercionType . idType

coercionType :: Coercion -> Type
coercionType = uncurry mkCoercionType . coercionType'

coercionType' :: Coercion -> (Type, Type)
coercionType' (CoVarCo x) = coVarIdType' x
coercionType' (ReflCo ty) = (ty, ty)
coercionType' (AppCo co1 co2) = (ty1a `AppTy` ty2a, ty1b `AppTy` ty2b)
where (ty1a, ty1b) = coercionType' co1
(ty2a, ty2b) = coercionType' co2
coercionType' (SymCo co) = (ty2, ty1)
where (ty1, ty2) = coercionType' co
coercionType' (TransCo co1 co2) = (ty1a, ty2b)
where (ty1a, _ty1b) = coercionType' co1
(_ty2a, ty2b) = coercionType' co2
coercionType' (NthCo n co) = (f ty1, f ty2)
where (ty1, ty2) = coercionType' co
f ty = case splitTyConAppTy_maybe ty of
Just (_, tys) | n < length tys -> tys !! n
_ -> error "coercionType': NthCo"
coercionType' (ForAllCo a co) = (ForAllTy a ty1, ForAllTy a ty2)
where (ty1, ty2) = coercionType' co
coercionType' (InstCo co ty) = (instTy ty1 ty, instTy ty2 ty)
where (ty1, ty2) = coercionType' co
coercionType' (UnsafeCo ty1 ty2) = (ty1, ty2)
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions GHC/Data.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
module GHC.Data where

import GHC.Type
import GHC.Var

import Utilities

typefulId :: Type -> Id
typefulId = Id (error "typefulId: not meant to be used in a context where the Id name matters") -- FIXME?

type Arity = Int
data DataCon = DataCon {
dataConName :: String,
dataConBinders :: [Var], -- Mixture of TyVar and Id binders (including coercions for GADTs)..
dataConTyCon :: TyCon, -- ..scoping over this..
dataConTyConArgs :: [Type] -- ..applied to these
} deriving (Show)

instance Eq DataCon where
(==) = (==) `on` dataConName

instance Ord DataCon where
compare = compare `on` dataConName

instance Pretty DataCon where
pPrint = text . dataConName

dataConType :: DataCon -> Type
dataConType dc = mkPiTys (dataConBinders dc) (mkTyConAppTy (dataConTyCon dc) (dataConTyConArgs dc))

pairDataCon :: DataCon
pairDataCon = DataCon {
dataConName = "(,)",
dataConBinders = [ATyVar a_tv, ATyVar b_tv, AnId (typefulId a_ty), AnId (typefulId b_ty)],
dataConTyCon = pairTyCon,
dataConTyConArgs = [a_ty, b_ty]
} where ([a_tv, b_tv], [a_ty, b_ty]) = shadowyTyVars [("a", LiftedTypeKind), ("b", LiftedTypeKind)]

unboxedPairDataCon :: DataCon
unboxedPairDataCon = DataCon {
dataConName = "(#,#)",
dataConBinders = [ATyVar a_tv, ATyVar b_tv, AnId (typefulId a_ty), AnId (typefulId b_ty)],
dataConTyCon = unboxedPairTyCon,
dataConTyConArgs = [a_ty, b_ty]
} where ([a_tv, b_tv], [a_ty, b_ty]) = shadowyTyVars [("a", OpenTypeKind), ("b", OpenTypeKind)]

iHashDataCon :: DataCon
iHashDataCon = DataCon {
dataConName = "I#",
dataConBinders = [AnId (typefulId intHashTy)],
dataConTyCon = intTyCon,
dataConTyConArgs = []

trueDataCon, falseDataCon :: DataCon
trueDataCon = DataCon {
dataConName = "True",
dataConBinders = [],
dataConTyCon = boolTyCon,
dataConTyConArgs = []
falseDataCon = DataCon {
dataConName = "False",
dataConBinders = [],
dataConTyCon = boolTyCon,
dataConTyConArgs = []
175 changes: 175 additions & 0 deletions GHC/Syntax.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, ViewPatterns, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, Rank2Types #-}
module GHC.Syntax where

import GHC.Coercion
import GHC.Data
import GHC.Type
import GHC.Var

import Name
import Utilities

data PrimOp = Add | Subtract | Multiply | Divide | Modulo | Equal | LessThan | LessThanEqual
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data AltCon = DataAlt DataCon [Var] | LiteralAlt Literal | DefaultAlt
deriving (Eq, Show)

-- Note [Case wildcards]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- Simon thought that I should use the variable in the DefaultAlt to agressively rewrite occurences of a scrutinised variable.
-- The motivation is that this lets us do more inlining above the case. For example, take this code fragment from foldl':
-- let n' = c n y
-- in case n' of wild -> foldl' c n' ys
-- If we rewrite, n' becomes linear:
-- let n' = c n y
-- in case n' of wild -> foldl c wild ys
-- This lets us potentially inline n' directly into the scrutinee position (operationally, this prevent creation of a thunk for n').
-- However, I don't think that this particular form of improving linearity helps the supercompiler. We only want to inline n' in
-- somewhere if it meets some interesting context, with which it can cancel. But if we are creating an update frame for n' at all,
-- it is *probably* because we had no information about what it evaluated to.
-- An interesting exception is when n' binds a case expression:
-- let n' = case unk of T -> F; F -> T
-- in case (case n' of T -> F; F -> T) of
-- wild -> e[n']
-- You might think that we want n' to be linear so we can inline it into the case on it. However, the splitter will save us and produce:
-- case unk of
-- T -> let n' = F
-- in case (case n' of T -> F; F -> T) of wild -> e[n']
-- F -> let n' = T
-- in case (case n' of T -> F; F -> T) of wild -> e[n']
-- Since we now know the form of n', everything works out nicely.
-- Conclusion: I don't think rewriting to use the case wildcard buys us anything at all.

data Literal = Int Integer
deriving (Eq, Show)

data Term = Var Id
| Value Value
| App Term Id
| TyApp Term Type
| PrimOp PrimOp [Term]
| Case Term Type Id [Alt]
| LetRec [(Id, Term)] Term
| Cast Term Coercion
deriving (Eq, Show)

type Alt = (AltCon, Term)

data Value = Coercion Coercion | Lambda Var Term | Data DataCon [Var] | Literal Literal
deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Pretty PrimOp where
pPrint Add = text "(+)"
pPrint Subtract = text "(-)"
pPrint Multiply = text "(*)"
pPrint Divide = text "div"
pPrint Modulo = text "mod"
pPrint Equal = text "(==)"
pPrint LessThan = text "(<)"
pPrint LessThanEqual = text "(<=)"

instance Pretty Literal where
pPrintPrec level prec (Int i) | level == haskellLevel = prettyParen (prec >= appPrec) $ pPrintPrec level appPrec i <+> text ":: Int"
| otherwise = pPrintPrec level prec i

instance Pretty Term where
pPrintPrec level prec e = case e of
LetRec xes e -> pPrintPrecLetRec level prec xes e
Var x -> pPrintPrec level prec x
Value v -> pPrintPrec level prec v
App e1 x2 -> pPrintPrecApp level prec e1 x2
TyApp e1 ty2 -> pPrintPrecApp level prec e1 ty2
PrimOp pop xs -> pPrintPrecPrimOp level prec pop xs
Case e _ x alts -> pPrintPrecCase level prec e x alts
Cast e co -> pPrintPrecCast level prec e co

pPrintPrecPrimOp :: (Pretty a, Pretty b) => PrettyLevel -> Rational -> a -> [b] -> Doc
pPrintPrecPrimOp level prec pop xs = pPrintPrecApps level prec pop xs

pPrintPrecCase :: (Pretty a, Pretty b, Pretty c, Pretty d) => PrettyLevel -> Rational -> a -> d -> [(b, c)] -> Doc
pPrintPrecCase level prec e x alts = prettyParen (prec > noPrec) $ hang (text "case" <+> pPrintPrec level noPrec e <> text "@" <> pPrintPrec level noPrec x <+> text "of") 2 $ vcat (map (pPrintPrecAlt level noPrec) alts)

pPrintPrecAlt :: (Pretty a, Pretty b) => PrettyLevel -> Rational -> (a, b) -> Doc
pPrintPrecAlt level _ (alt_con, alt_e) = hang (pPrintPrec level noPrec alt_con <+> text "->") 2 (pPrintPrec level noPrec alt_e)

pPrintPrecCast :: (Pretty a, Pretty b) => PrettyLevel -> Rational -> a -> b -> Doc
pPrintPrecCast level prec e co = prettyParen (prec >= appPrec) $ pPrintPrec level opPrec e <+> text "|>" <+> pPrintPrec level appPrec co

pPrintPrecLetRec :: (Pretty a, Pretty b, Pretty c) => PrettyLevel -> Rational -> [(a, b)] -> c -> Doc
pPrintPrecLetRec level prec xes e_body
| [] <- xes = pPrintPrec level prec e_body
| otherwise = prettyParen (prec > noPrec) $ hang (if level == haskellLevel then text "let" else text "letrec") 2 (vcat [pPrintPrec level noPrec x <+> text "=" <+> pPrintPrec level noPrec e | (x, e) <- xes]) $$ text "in" <+> pPrintPrec level noPrec e_body

instance Pretty AltCon where
pPrintPrec level prec altcon = case altcon of
DataAlt dc xs -> prettyParen (prec >= appPrec) $ pPrintPrec level noPrec dc <+> hsep (map (pPrintPrec level appPrec) xs)
LiteralAlt l -> pPrint l
DefaultAlt -> text "_"

instance Pretty Value where
pPrintPrec level prec v = case v of
-- Unfortunately, this nicer pretty-printing doesn't work for general (TermF ann):
--Lambda x e -> pPrintPrecLam level prec (x:xs) e'
-- where (xs, e') = collectLambdas e
Lambda x e -> pPrintPrecLam level prec [x] e
Data dc xs -> pPrintPrecApps level prec dc xs
Literal l -> pPrintPrec level prec l
Coercion co -> pPrintPrec level prec co

pPrintPrecLam :: Pretty a => PrettyLevel -> Rational -> [Var] -> a -> Doc
pPrintPrecLam level prec xs e = prettyParen (prec > noPrec) $ text "\\" <> hsep [pPrintPrec level appPrec y | y <- xs] <+> text "->" <+> pPrintPrec level noPrec e

termType :: Term -> Type
termType (Var x) = idType x
termType (Value v) = valueType v
termType (App e _) = funResTy (termType e)
termType (TyApp e ty) = instTy (termType e) ty
termType (PrimOp pop es) = case (pop, map termType es) of
(pop, [ty1, ty2])
| pop `elem` [Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Modulo]
, ty1 == intTy
, ty2 == intTy
-> intTy
| pop `elem` [Equal, LessThan, LessThanEqual]
, ty1 == intTy
, ty2 == intTy
-> boolTy
_ -> error "termType: PrimOp"
termType (Case _ ty _ _) = ty
termType (LetRec _ e) = termType e
termType (Cast _ co) = snd $ coercionType' co

valueType :: Value -> Type
valueType (Coercion co) = coercionType co
valueType (Lambda x e) = mkPiTy x (termType e)
valueType (Data dc xs) = instPiTys (dataConType dc) xs
valueType (Literal l) = literalType l

literalType :: Literal -> Type
literalType (Int _) = intTy

freshFloatId :: UniqueSupply -> String -> Term -> (UniqueSupply, Maybe (Id, Term), Id)
freshFloatId ids _ (Var x) = (ids, Nothing, x)
freshFloatId ids s e = (ids', Just (y, e), y)
where (ids', n) = freshName ids s
y = Id n (termType e)

freshFloatIds :: UniqueSupply -> String -> [Term] -> (UniqueSupply, [(Id, Term)], [Id])
freshFloatIds ids s es = reassociate $ mapAccumL (\ids -> associate . freshFloatId ids s) ids es
where reassociate (ids, unzip -> (mb_floats, xs)) = (ids, catMaybes mb_floats, xs)
associate (ids, mb_float, x) = (ids, (mb_float, x))

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