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Generalize linear regression algorithms to multiple target variables …
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…in preperation for linear classification
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batterseapower committed Sep 12, 2008
1 parent 5323a94 commit fdd4ac5
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Showing 7 changed files with 125 additions and 55 deletions.
68 changes: 45 additions & 23 deletions Algorithms/MachineLearning/Framework.hs
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@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- | The "framework" provides all the core classes and types used ubiquitously by
-- the machine learning algorithms.
module Algorithms.MachineLearning.Framework where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,50 +68,74 @@ instance Vectorable (Vector Double) where
-- Labelled data set

data DataSet = DataSet {
data DataSet input target = DataSet {
ds_inputs :: Matrix Double, -- One row per sample, one column per input variable
ds_targets :: Vector Target -- One row per sample, each value being a single target variable
ds_targets :: Matrix Target -- One row per sample, one column per target variable

dataSetFromSampleList :: Vectorable input => [(input, Target)] -> DataSet
dataSetFromSampleList :: (Vectorable input, Vectorable target) => [(input, target)] -> DataSet input target
dataSetFromSampleList elts
= DataSet {
ds_inputs = fromRows $ map (toVector . fst) elts,
ds_targets = fromList $ map snd elts
ds_targets = fromRows $ map (toVector . snd) elts

dataSetToSampleList :: Vectorable input => DataSet -> [(input, Target)]
dataSetToSampleList :: (Vectorable input, Vectorable target) => DataSet input target -> [(input, target)]
dataSetToSampleList ds = zip (dataSetInputs ds) (dataSetTargets ds)

dataSetInputs :: Vectorable input => DataSet -> [input]
dataSetInputs :: Vectorable input => DataSet input target -> [input]
dataSetInputs ds = map fromVector $ toRows $ ds_inputs ds

dataSetTargets :: DataSet -> [Target]
dataSetTargets ds = toList $ ds_targets ds
dataSetTargets :: Vectorable target => DataSet input target -> [target]
dataSetTargets ds = map fromVector $ toRows $ ds_targets ds

dataSetInputLength :: DataSet -> Int
dataSetInputLength :: DataSet input target -> Int
dataSetInputLength ds = cols (ds_inputs ds)

dataSetSize :: DataSet -> Int
dataSetSize :: DataSet input target -> Int
dataSetSize ds = rows (ds_inputs ds)

binDataSet :: StdGen -> Int -> DataSet -> [DataSet]
binDataSet gen bins ds = map dataSetFromSampleList $ chunk bin_size shuffled_samples
binDataSet :: StdGen -> Int -> DataSet input target -> [DataSet input target]
binDataSet gen bins = transformDataSetAsVectors binDataSet'
shuffled_samples = shuffle gen (dataSetToSampleList ds :: [(Vector Double, Target)])
bin_size = ceiling $ (fromIntegral $ dataSetSize ds :: Double) / (fromIntegral bins)
binDataSet' ds = map dataSetFromSampleList $ chunk bin_size shuffled_samples
shuffled_samples = shuffle gen (dataSetToSampleList ds)
bin_size = ceiling $ (fromIntegral $ dataSetSize ds :: Double) / (fromIntegral bins)

sampleDataSet :: StdGen -> Int -> DataSet input target -> DataSet input target
sampleDataSet gen n = unK . transformDataSetAsVectors (K . dataSetFromSampleList . sample gen n . dataSetToSampleList)

transformDataSetAsVectors :: Functor f => (DataSet (Vector Double) (Vector Double) -> f (DataSet (Vector Double) (Vector Double))) -> DataSet input target -> f (DataSet input target)
transformDataSetAsVectors transform input = fmap castDataSet (transform (castDataSet input))
castDataSet :: DataSet input1 target1 -> DataSet input2 target2
castDataSet ds = DataSet {
ds_inputs = ds_inputs ds,
ds_targets = ds_targets ds

-- Metric spaces

class MetricSpace a where
distance :: a -> a -> Double

instance MetricSpace Double where
distance x y = abs (x - y)

sampleDataSet :: StdGen -> Int -> DataSet -> DataSet
sampleDataSet gen n ds = dataSetFromSampleList (sample gen n (dataSetToSampleList ds :: [(Vector Double, Target)]))
instance MetricSpace (Vector Double) where
distance = (<.>)

-- Models

class Model model where
predict :: Vectorable input => model input -> input -> Target
class (Vectorable input, Vectorable target) => Model model input target | model -> input target where
predict :: model -> input -> target

modelSumSquaredError :: (Model model, Vectorable input) => model input -> DataSet -> Double
modelSumSquaredError model ds = error_vector <.> error_vector
modelSumSquaredError :: (Model model input target, MetricSpace target) => model -> DataSet input target -> Double
modelSumSquaredError model ds = sum [sample_error * sample_error | sample_error <- sample_errors]
error_vector = ds_targets ds - fromList (map (predict model) (dataSetInputs ds))
sample_errors = zipWith (\x y -> x `distance` y) (dataSetTargets ds) (map (predict model) (dataSetInputs ds))
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion Algorithms/MachineLearning/LinearAlgebra.hs
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Expand Up @@ -66,4 +66,15 @@ sumColumns m = constant 1 (rows m) <> m

-- | Create a constant matrix of the given dimension, analagously to 'constant'.
constantM :: Element a => a -> Int -> Int -> Matrix a
constantM elt row_count col_count = reshape row_count (constant elt (row_count * col_count))
constantM elt row_count col_count = reshape row_count (constant elt (row_count * col_count))

matrixToVector :: Element a => Matrix a -> Vector a
matrixToVector m
| rows m == 1 -- Row vector
|| cols m == 1 -- Column vector
= flatten m
| otherwise
= error "matrixToVector: matrix is neither a row or column vector"

trace :: Element a => Matrix a -> a
trace = vectorSum . takeDiag
71 changes: 46 additions & 25 deletions Algorithms/MachineLearning/LinearRegression.hs
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@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSignatures #-}

-- | Linear regression models, as discussed in chapter 3 of Bishop.
module Algorithms.MachineLearning.LinearRegression (
Expand All @@ -12,22 +10,23 @@ import Algorithms.MachineLearning.LinearAlgebra
import Algorithms.MachineLearning.Utilities

data LinearModel input = LinearModel {
lm_basis_fns :: [input -> Target],
lm_weights :: Vector Weight
data LinearModel input target = LinearModel {
lm_basis_fns :: [input -> Double],
lm_weights :: Matrix Weight -- One column per target variable,
-- one row per basis function output

instance Show (LinearModel input) where
instance Show (LinearModel input target) where
show model = "Weights: " ++ show (lm_weights model)

instance Model LinearModel where
predict model input = (lm_weights model) <.> phi_app_x
instance (Vectorable input, Vectorable target) => Model (LinearModel input target) input target where
predict model input = fromVector $ (trans $ lm_weights model) <> phi_app_x
phi_app_x = applyVector (lm_basis_fns model) input

data BayesianVarianceModel input = BayesianVarianceModel {
bvm_basis_fns :: [input -> Target],
bvm_basis_fns :: [input -> Double],
bvm_inv_hessian :: Matrix Weight, -- Equivalent to the weight distribution covariance matrix
bvm_beta :: Precision
Expand All @@ -36,13 +35,13 @@ instance Show (BayesianVarianceModel input) where
show model = "Inverse Hessian: " ++ show (bvm_inv_hessian model) ++ "\n" ++
"Beta: " ++ show (bvm_beta model)

instance Model BayesianVarianceModel where
predict model input = recip (bvm_beta model) + (phi_app_x <> bvm_inv_hessian model) <.> phi_app_x --phi_app_x <.> (bvm_inv_hessian model <> phi_app_x)
instance (Vectorable input) => Model (BayesianVarianceModel input) input Variance where
predict model input = recip (bvm_beta model) + (phi_app_x <> bvm_inv_hessian model) <.> phi_app_x
phi_app_x = applyVector (bvm_basis_fns model) input

regressDesignMatrix :: (Vectorable input) => [input -> Target] -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double
regressDesignMatrix :: (Vectorable input) => [input -> Double] -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double
regressDesignMatrix basis_fns inputs
= applyMatrix (map (. fromVector) basis_fns) inputs -- One row per sample, one column per basis function

Expand All @@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ regularizedPrePinv alpha beta phi = inv $ (alpha .* (ident (cols phi))) + (beta
-- Equation 3.15 in Bishop.
:: (Vectorable input) => [input -> Target] -> DataSet -> LinearModel input
:: (Vectorable input) => [input -> Double] -> DataSet input target -> LinearModel input target
regressLinearModel basis_fns ds = LinearModel { lm_basis_fns = basis_fns, lm_weights = weights }
design_matrix = regressDesignMatrix basis_fns (ds_inputs ds)
Expand All @@ -84,15 +83,15 @@ regressLinearModel basis_fns ds = LinearModel { lm_basis_fns = basis_fns, lm_wei
-- Equation 3.28 in Bishop.
:: (Vectorable input) => RegularizationCoefficient -> [input -> Target] -> DataSet -> LinearModel input
:: (Vectorable input) => RegularizationCoefficient -> [input -> Double] -> DataSet input target -> LinearModel input target
regressRegularizedLinearModel lambda basis_fns ds = LinearModel { lm_basis_fns = basis_fns, lm_weights = weights }
design_matrix = regressDesignMatrix basis_fns (ds_inputs ds)
weights = regularizedPinv lambda design_matrix <> ds_targets ds

-- | Determine the mean weight and inverse hessian matrix given alpha, beta, the design matrix and the targets.
bayesianPosteriorParameters :: Precision -> Precision -> Matrix Double -> Vector Double -> (Vector Double, Matrix Double)
bayesianPosteriorParameters :: Precision -> Precision -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> (Matrix Double, Matrix Double)
bayesianPosteriorParameters alpha beta design_matrix targets = (weights, inv_hessian)
inv_hessian = regularizedPrePinv alpha beta design_matrix
Expand All @@ -106,12 +105,16 @@ bayesianPosteriorParameters alpha beta design_matrix targets = (weights, inv_hes
-- lambda = alpha / beta. However, the twist is that we can use our knowledge of the prior to also make an estimate
-- for the variance of the true value about any input point.
-- For the case of multiple target variables, this function makes the naive Bayesian assumption that the probability
-- distributions on output variables are independent, and takes as an error metric the unweighted sum-squared error
-- in all the targets. The variance model is common to all the target variables.
-- Equations 3.53, 3.54 and 3.59 in Bishop.
:: (Vectorable input)
=> Precision -- ^ Precision of Gaussian weight prior
-> Precision -- ^ Precision of noise on samples
-> [input -> Target] -> DataSet -> (LinearModel input, BayesianVarianceModel input)
-> [input -> Double] -> DataSet input target -> (LinearModel input target, BayesianVarianceModel input)
regressBayesianLinearModel alpha beta basis_fns ds
= (LinearModel { lm_basis_fns = basis_fns, lm_weights = weights },
BayesianVarianceModel { bvm_basis_fns = basis_fns, bvm_inv_hessian = inv_hessian, bvm_beta = beta })
Expand All @@ -130,12 +133,16 @@ regressBayesianLinearModel alpha beta basis_fns ds
-- As a bonus, this function returns gamma, the effective number of parameters used by the regressed model.
-- For the case of multiple target variables, this function makes the naive Bayesian assumption that the probability
-- distributions on output variables are independent, and takes as an error metric the unweighted sum-squared error
-- in all the targets. The variance model is common to all the target variables.
-- Equations 3.87, 3.92 and 3.95 in Bishop.
:: (Vectorable input)
:: (Vectorable input, Vectorable target, MetricSpace target)
=> Precision -- ^ Initial estimate of Gaussian weight prior
-> Precision -- ^ Initial estimate for precision of noise on samples
-> [input -> Target] -> DataSet -> (LinearModel input, BayesianVarianceModel input, EffectiveNumberOfParameters)
-> [input -> Double] -> DataSet input target -> (LinearModel input target, BayesianVarianceModel input, EffectiveNumberOfParameters)
regressEMBayesianLinearModel initial_alpha initial_beta basis_fns ds
= convergeOnEMBayesianLinearModel loopWorker design_matrix initial_alpha initial_beta basis_fns ds
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,12 +171,16 @@ regressEMBayesianLinearModel initial_alpha initial_beta basis_fns ds
-- that all the parameters are determined, the returned gamma is always just the number of basis functions (and
-- hence weights).
-- For the case of multiple target variables, this function makes the naive Bayesian assumption that the probability
-- distributions on output variables are independent, and takes as an error metric the unweighted sum-squared error
-- in all the targets. The variance model is common to all the target variables.
-- Equations 3.98 and 3.99 in Bishop.
:: (Vectorable input)
:: (Vectorable input, Vectorable target, MetricSpace target)
=> Precision -- ^ Initial estimate of Gaussian weight prior
-> Precision -- ^ Initial estimate for precision of noise on samples
-> [input -> Target] -> DataSet -> (LinearModel input, BayesianVarianceModel input, EffectiveNumberOfParameters)
-> [input -> Double] -> DataSet input target -> (LinearModel input target, BayesianVarianceModel input, EffectiveNumberOfParameters)
regressFullyDeterminedEMBayesianLinearModel initial_alpha initial_beta basis_fns ds
= convergeOnEMBayesianLinearModel loopWorker design_matrix initial_alpha initial_beta basis_fns ds
Expand All @@ -183,14 +194,14 @@ regressFullyDeterminedEMBayesianLinearModel initial_alpha initial_beta basis_fns
loopWorker _ _ = (n, m)

:: (Vectorable input)
:: (Vectorable input, Vectorable target, MetricSpace target)
=> (Precision -> Precision -> (Double, EffectiveNumberOfParameters)) -- ^ Loop worker: given alpha and beta, return new beta numerator and gamma
-> Matrix Double -- ^ Design matrix
-> Precision -- ^ Initial alpha
-> Precision -- ^ Initial beta
-> [input -> Target] -- ^ Basis functions
-> DataSet
-> (LinearModel input, BayesianVarianceModel input, EffectiveNumberOfParameters)
-> [input -> Double] -- ^ Basis functions
-> DataSet input target
-> (LinearModel input target, BayesianVarianceModel input, EffectiveNumberOfParameters)
convergeOnEMBayesianLinearModel loop_worker design_matrix initial_alpha initial_beta basis_fns ds
= loop eps initial_alpha initial_beta False
Expand All @@ -203,5 +214,15 @@ convergeOnEMBayesianLinearModel loop_worker design_matrix initial_alpha initial_

(beta_numerator, gamma) = loop_worker alpha beta

alpha' = gamma / (weights <.> weights)
-- This alpha computation is not the most efficient way to get the result, but it is idiomatic.
-- This is the modification to the algorithm in Bishop that generalises the result to the case
-- of multiple target variables, but to prove that this is the right thing to do I had to make the
-- naive Bayesian assumption.
-- The reason that this is correct because under naive Bayes:
-- dE(W) K T T
-- ------- = \Sigma W * W = Tr (W * W)
-- d\alpha k = 1 k k
alpha' = gamma / (trace $ (trans weights) <> weights)
beta' = beta_numerator / modelSumSquaredError linear_model ds
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Algorithms/MachineLearning/Tests/Data.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import Algorithms.MachineLearning.Framework
-- @
-- Source:
sinDataSet :: DataSet
sinDataSet = dataSetFromSampleList ([
sinDataSet :: DataSet Double Double
sinDataSet = dataSetFromSampleList [
(0.000000, 0.349486),
(0.111111, 0.830839),
(0.222222, 1.007332),
Expand All @@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ sinDataSet = dataSetFromSampleList ([
(0.777778, -0.445686),
(0.888889, -0.563567),
(1.000000, 0.261502)
] :: [(Double, Double)])
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Algorithms/MachineLearning/Tests/Driver.hs
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Expand Up @@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ sumOfSquaresError targetsAndPredictions = sum $ map (abs . uncurry (-)) targetsA
sampleFunction :: (Double -> Double) -> [(Double, Double)]
sampleFunction f = map (\(x :: Rational) -> let x' = rationalToDouble x in (x', f x')) [0,0.01..1.0]

evaluate :: (Model model, Show (model Double)) => model Double -> DataSet -> IO ()
evaluate :: (Model model Double Double, Show model) => model -> DataSet Double Double -> IO ()
evaluate model true_data = do
putStrLn $ "Target Mean = " ++ show (vectorMean (ds_targets true_data))
putStrLn $ "Target Mean = " ++ show (vectorMean (head $ toRows $ ds_targets true_data))
putStrLn $ "Error = " ++ show (modelSumSquaredError model true_data)

plot :: [[(Double, Target)]] -> IO ()
Expand All @@ -54,4 +54,4 @@ main = do
--putStrLn $ "Gamma = " ++ show gamma

-- Show some graphical information about the model
plot [dataSetToSampleList used_data, sampleFunction $ predict model, sampleFunction $ (sqrt . predict variance_model)
plot [dataSetToSampleList used_data, sampleFunction $ predict model, sampleFunction $ (sqrt . predict variance_model)]
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Algorithms/MachineLearning/Utilities.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ import Data.Ord
import System.Random

newtype K a = K { unK :: a }

instance Functor K where
fmap f (K x) = K (f x)

square :: Num a => a -> a
square x = x * x

Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions machine-learning.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ Library
Build-Depends: base < 3

Extensions: PatternSignatures
Ghc-Options: -O2 -fvia-C -Wall

Executable machine-learning-tests
Expand All @@ -50,6 +55,11 @@ Executable machine-learning-tests
Build-Depends: base < 3

Extensions: PatternSignatures
Ghc-Options: -O2 -fvia-C -Wall

if !flag(tests)
Expand Down

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