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Darwin Bautista edited this page Mar 25, 2015 · 1 revision


The MPlayer commands and properties found in are mapped to methods and properties, respectively.

In actuality, only the quit command is hard-coded in Player (as the quit() method). All other methods such as loadfile(), pause(), etc. and properties such as time_pos, fullscreen, etc. are automatically generated upon importing the mplayer module. In the case that the MPlayer binary is located in a non-standard location, introspection can be manually initiated as follows:

from mplayer import Player

# First, specify the correct path to the MPlayer executable
Player.exec_path = '/actual/path/to/the/mplayer-bin'

# Then, manually call the introspect() class method

Note that introspection also applies to all subclasses of Player.

Introspection Rules

Because of the dynamic nature of the wrapper, the exposed1 or hidden2 methods and properties (attributes, collectively) depend on the version of MPlayer introspected. However, the list of attributes is predictable because introspection follows the rules listed below:

  1. Expose ALL properties
  2. Hide ALL get_* commands (e.g. get_file_name) [because properties already cover the functionality of these commands]
  3. Hide ALL *_property commands (e.g. set_property) [because these commands are used internally]

1exposed in the Player API as a method or property; can be accessed normally

2not available in the Player API but can be accessed using some of the private methods of Player (but is not recommended)



MPlayer types are automatically converted to a corresponding Python type. The type map is shown in the following table:

MPlayer Type Python Type
Flag bool
Integer int
Position int
Float float
Time float
String str
String list* dict

NOTE: *String list is actually a list of strings separated by a comma. It is currently mapped to dict because the only String list type is the metadata property.


MPlayer properties can be listed using: mplayer -list-properties

All MPlayer properties are implemented as Python properties (new-style classes). This means that the functionality of the get_property and set_property commands are implemented using property getters and setters, respectively. Since Python properties do not inherently support stepping [up or down] a property, the Step class is used, together with standard property access, to implement the step_property command.

The following table lists the properties that were renamed:

Property Status Remarks
pause renamed Renamed to paused to avoid conflict with the pause() method


MPlayer commands can be listed using: mplayer -input cmdlist

Most MPlayer commands are implemented as Python methods except the get_* commands (e.g. get_file_name) and all other commands which duplicate the functionality of a corresponding MPlayer property. In other words, MPlayer properties take precedence over commands. That is, for instance, the audio_delay command will not be implemented in favor of the audio_delay property.

The following table lists some of the commands that are not generated (note that this will vary depending on the version of MPlayer):

Command Status Remarks
get_audio_bitrate excluded Use audio_bitrate property instead
get_audio_codec excluded Use audio_codec property instead
get_audio_samples excluded Use samplerate and channels properties instead
get_file_name excluded Use filename property instead
get_meta_album excluded Use metadata['Album'] instead
get_meta_artist excluded Use metadata['Artist'] instead
get_meta_comment excluded Use metadata['Comment'] instead
get_meta_genre excluded Use metadata['Genre'] instead
get_meta_title excluded Use metadata['Title'] instead
get_meta_track excluded Use metadata['Track Number'] instead
get_meta_year excluded Use metadata['Year'] instead
get_percent_pos excluded Use percent_pos property instead
get_sub_visibility excluded Use sub_visibility property instead
get_time_length excluded Use length property instead
get_time_pos excluded Use time_pos property instead
get_vo_fullscreen excluded Use fullscreen property instead
get_video_bitrate excluded Use video_bitrate property instead
get_video_codec excluded Use video_codec property instead
get_video_resolution excluded Use width and height properties instead
get_property excluded Internally used
set_property excluded Internally used
step_property excluded Internally used, see usage of the Step class below



MPlayer commands are implemented as Python methods. As such, they can be used like so:

p = Player()

# Use the loadfile command

# Use the pause command

Property Access

To implement the step_property command, the Step class, together with standard property access, is used.

Step(value=0, direction=0)

MPlayer properties are implemented as Python properties. As such, they can be used like so (notice the automatic type conversion):

from mplayer import Player, Step

p = Player()


# Get the value of the 'fullscreen' property
# Equivalent to 'get_property fullscreen'
p.fullscreen # returns a bool, True or False

# Get the value of the 'time_pos' property
# Equivalent to 'get_property time_pos'
p.time_pos # returns a float

# Set to fullscreen
# Equivalent to 'set_property fullscreen 1'
p.fullscreen = True

# Step fullscreen property. Stepping a bool-type property is the same as toggling it.
# Equivalent to 'step_property fullscreen'
p.fullscreen = Step()

# Seek to start of file
# Equivalent to 'set_property time_pos 0'
p.time_pos = 0

# Seek +30 seconds
# Equivalent to 'get_property time_pos', then 'set_property time_pos <current + 30>'
p.time_pos += 30

# Seek +30 seconds (faster than the one above)
# Equivalent to 'step_property time_pos 30'
p.time_pos = Step(30)

# Seek -10 seconds
# Equivalent to 'step_property time_pos -10'
p.time_pos = Step(-10)

# Step up using the default value
# Equivalent to 'step_property time_pos'
p.time_pos = Step()

# Step down using the default value
# Equivalent to 'step_property time_pos 0 -1'
p.time_pos = Step(direction=-1)

# Seek -10 seconds in the negative direction (same as seek +10 seconds)
# Equivalent to 'step_property time_pos -10 -1'
p.time_pos = Step(-10, -1)
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