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2. System architecture

Maximilian Bauer edited this page Aug 22, 2022 · 1 revision

This page should give some more information about the architecture of GrowOne and how to extend or change it from a developer perspective.

2.1 Hardware

The core of the application is implemented in C# using the nanoFramework and was developed using an development board with a ESP32-WROOM-32 chip, 4MB flash, 520KB SRAM (without PSRAM) - which costed about 10€ (at mid-2022). This chip has a built-in Wifi module that can be configured to connect with any (2.4 GHz) Wifi network. With this, the application can be easily accessed over any device in the same network. The application could be relatively easily ported to another board with similar capabilities, as all the board-specific functionality is provided through the GrowOne.Hardware.Board.IBoard interface.

2.2 Backend

The "backend" of the application manages the hardware components, all connected sensors, actuators and signalers, supervises their parameters - and exposes its functionality over a HTTP REST API, which is used by an included (self-hosted) web app. The API is implemented in the GrowOne.Services.WebServer.ApiRequestHandler class and could be extended there.

Currently supported are the temperature and humidity sensors DHT22, analog soil moisture sensors (like the ones with the "Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor v1.2" label), the ultrasonic Distance Sensors HC-SR04 (for checking the fill level of a connected water tank) and most types of piezo buzzers (for acoustic warnings) and relais (for controlling any pumps or valves for irrigation). New hardware components can be added to the GrowOne.Hardware namespace and made accessible to other parts of the application by adding them into the GrowOne.Services.DeviceManager.DeviceManagerService class.

2.3 Frontend

The user interface is implemented as a a completely responsive web app and can be used with any modern web browser to display the current parameters of the device, control its funcionality and change most of its configuration - except the Wifi network setup. After the device was rebooted, the changed settings will come into effect.

The UI is written in JavaScript and uses Preact (a lightweight React alternative with the same API) with HTM (an alternative to JSX that doesn't require a build step). The styling is done using pico.css, a minimal CSS framework for semantic HTML. Its code is completely contained in the Resources/WebResources subdirectory.

2.3.1 Testing the frontend

It can be easily tested locally by starting a webserver (like the VSCode extension LiveServer or the http-server) in the WebResources subdirectory and then by navigating to http://[ADDRESS:PORT]/app.html in your web browser. After making your changes to the components or other code files, just refresh the page in your browser and the changes will be immediately visible - no extra build steps required. For testing the UI without the API, enter any non-empty password and click the "Login" button while holding down the "Alt" key - the UI will then connect to a mock API that provides some sample data.

2.3.2 Changing the frontend

To include the changes on the frontend into the actual application that will be deployed to the device, the whole frontend project needs to be "packed" into a single file - the index.html. For this, node.js has to be installed. While in the Resources/WebResources directory, first install all required modules with the command npm install and then run the command npx webpack to (re-)generate the bundled index.html file that will be deployed to the device. To ensure the file is actually included in the build, make sure to "Rebuild" the whole GrowOne project in Visual Studio before deploying it to the device.

Note: While it would be possible to skip the webpack build step and just include each single file into the Resources/WebResources.resx file and serve these instead, it showed during testing that this would increase the loading time of the web app a lot. Serving the whole web app as a single file, however, allows the web app to load relatively quickly and it also saves a few kilobytes of space on the device.

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