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A ruby gem that help to setup git hooks easily, base on Rake, inspired from Capistrano


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A ruby gem that help to setup git hooks easily, base on Rake, inspired from Capistrano.


  • install task
  • setup hooks task
  • clear hooks task
  • disable/enable hooks task
  • list hooks task
  • version/help task
  • pre-commit hook tasks
  • prepare-commit-msg hook tasks
  • commit-msg hook tasks
  • implement as a gem
  • more document


$ gem install git-hook

Notice! The gem name isn't githook, it is another gem written by some guy.



$ githook help
Usage: githook task_name

  install  -- Init githook, create .githook folder, prepare template files
  setup    -- Setup hooks, copy hooks from .githook/hooks to .git/hooks
  backup   -- Backup old hooks in .git/hooks
  clean    -- Clear backup hooks in .git/hooks
  disable  -- Disable hooks: [HOOKS=pre_commit,commit_msg] githook disable
  enable   -- Enable hooks: [HOOKS=pre_commit,commit_msg] githook enable
  list     -- List all hooks
  version  -- Version
  help     -- Help

Getting started:

$ githook install
$ githook setup

Modify .githook/config.rb according to your requirement:

$ vim .githook/config.rb


  1. install, setup hooks

  2. pre-commit, prepare-commit-msg, commit-msg hooks

  3. disable, enable, list hooks


Git will call some hooks when you commit, merge, rebase code, etc. The hooks place in .git/hooks folder, there are many default sample hooks, you need remove the .sample suffix to make it works if you want to execute the hook. The 3 hooks are most useful for us: pre-commit, prepare-commit-msg, commit-msg.

pre-commit hook will be executed at the most begining when commit code, prepare-commit-msg hook will be executed after pre-commit hook, before you start to input some commit message, commit-msg hook will be executed after you save the commit message.

See more hooks introduction in git official website - Customizing Git - Git Hooks.

The default behavior of these 3 hooks are a few, but we can add more additional behaviors.

In pre-commit, we add the following code:

# custom pre-commit hooks
githook pre_commit
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  exit 1

We will execute githook pre_commit in pre-commit, if it fails, it will abort later operations.

What does githook pre_commit do? don't forget the githook base on Rake, so the pre_commit is a task defined in tasks/pre-commit.rake:

desc "Run all pre-commit hook tasks"
task :pre_commit do |t|

It nearly does nothing but just calls Githook::Util.run_tasks(:pre_commit), let's continue to dive into run_tasks(), it is defined in util.rb:

def self.run_tasks(hook_stage)
  tasks = fetch(hook_stage, [])
  tasks.each do |task|
    if Rake::Task.task_defined?(task)
      puts "#{task} task doesn't exist."

So it will get the value of :pre_commit, if it is an empty array, then nothing will happen, else, it will traverse this array, execute all the tasks in this array one by one.

Where do we define the :pre_commit value? It is defined by user in .githook/config.rb, let's see how it looks like by default:

set :pre_commit, fetch(:pre_commit, []).push(
  # uncomment following lines if it is a ruby project
  # "pre_commit:rubocop",
  # "pre_commit:rspec",

  # uncomment following lines if it is an android or java project built by gradle
  # "pre_commit:checkstyle"
set :prepare_commit_msg, fetch(:prepare_commit_msg, []).push(
  # comment following lines if you want to skip it
set :commit_msg, fetch(:commit_msg, []).push(
  # comment following lines if you want to skip it

We use set method to set the value. It seems the :pre_commit value is an empty array by default, all items are commented, so githook pre_commit in pre-commit hook will do nothing, but if your project is a ruby or rails project, there are 2 default tasks are prepared for :pre_commit, they are pre_commit:rubocop and pre_commit:rspec (also has a default task pre_commit:checkstyle prepared for android or java project), if you uncomment the above 2 lines code, then pre_commit:rubocp and pre_commit:rspec will be executed when you commit code, of course, you can define your customized tasks and add to hooks (later I will introduce how to add a customized task).

How do the default tasks pre_commit:rubocop and pre_commit:rspec look like, they are defined in tasks/pre-commit.rake:

namespace :pre_commit do
  desc "Check ruby code style by rubocop"
  task :rubocop do |t|
    exit 1 unless system("bundle exec rubocop")

  desc "Test ruby code by rspec"
  task :rspec do |t|
    exit 1 unless system("bundle exec rspec")

  desc "Check java code style by checkstyle"
  task :checkstyle do |t|
    exit 1 unless system("./gradlew checkstyle")

The pre_commit:rubocop just simply runs bundle exec rubocop command to check ruby code style, while pre_commit:rspec runs bundle exec rspec to test ruby code. (pre_commit:checkstyle runs the ./gradlew checkstyle command.)

At last, let's see what do prepare_commit_msg:prepare and commit_msg:check_msg tasks do?

The prepare_commit_msg:prepare is defined in tasks/prepare-commit-msg.rake, it is executed in prepare-commit-msg hook. It will check whether the commit message is empty, if it is, it will help generate the commit message according the branch name, for example, if the branch name is feature/24_add_help_task, then the auto generated commit message is "FEATURE #24 - Add help task".

namespace :prepare_commit_msg do
  desc "Prepare commit msg"
  task :prepare do |t|

    commit_msg_file = Githook::Util.commit_msg_file
    commit_msg = Githook::Util.get_commit_msg(commit_msg_file)
    if Githook::Util.commit_msg_empty?(commit_msg)
      branch_name = Githook::Util.branch_name
      pre_msg = Githook::Util.gen_pre_msg(branch_name)
      puts "pre-msg:"
      puts pre_msg
      Githook::Util.prefill_msg(commit_msg_file, pre_msg)

The commit_msg:check_msg is defined in tasks/commit-msg.rake, it is executed in commit-msg hook after you save the commit message. It will check your commit message style, if it doesn't match the expected format, then this commit will be aborted. In default, our expected commit message summary format is "FEAUTER|BUG|MISC|REFACTOR #issue_num - Summary", if you prefer to use other format, you need to define yourself task to replace the default behavior.

namespace :commit_msg do
  desc "Check commit msg style"
  task :check_msg do |t|

    commit_msg_file = Githook::Util.commit_msg_file
    commit_msg = Githook::Util.get_commit_msg(commit_msg_file)
    puts "commit-msg:"
    puts commit_msg.join("\n")
    exit 1 unless Githook::Util.check_msg_format?(commit_msg)

Customize yourself task

The default pre_commit:rubocp, pre_commit:rspec tasks will help you check ruby code style and test ruby code before commit, the prepare_commit_msg:prepare task will help auto generate commit message according branch name when commit code, the commit_msg:check_msg task will help check commit message style after save the commit message.

If you don't like these default behaviors, for example you have your own commit message style, or you want to add more checks, for example you want to be more strict in the branch name, you can't name a branch arbitrarily, it must follow some rules, it should be one of develop/staging/master, /^(feature|bug|hotfix|misc|refactor)\/(\d*)?(\w*)/, let's try to implement this custom task.

We can define it in any rake file in .githook/tasks folder, there is already an empty tasks.rake file, so let's just define in it. It should work in pre-commit hook, so let's define it in :pre_commit namespace.

# .githook/tasks/tasks.rake
namespace :pre_commit do
  desc "Check branch name style"
  task :check_branch_name do
    expected_branch_reg = /^(feature|bug|hotfix|misc|refactor)\/(\d*)?(\w*)/
    branch_name = Githook::Util.branch_name
    if branch_name.include?("/")
      valid = expected_branch_reg.match(branch_name)
      valid = %w(develop staging master).include?(branch_name)
    unless valid
      puts "Branch name #{branch_name} doesn't match the expected foramt."
      exit 1

Finally, don't forget to enable this task in .githook/config.rb:

# .githook/config.rb
set :pre_commit, fetch(:pre_commit, []).push(



  1. Git Hooks Sample
  2. Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your First Ruby Gem


  1. How to Build a Gem



  1. Add --force-exclusion option to rubocop command to exclude the files defined in the configuration


  1. Fix bug that rubocop will check all files if has no changed ruby file


  1. Add a changed_files util method to get the added or modified files, to make rubocop only check changed files instead of all files.


  1. Rename githook clearup command to githook clean

  2. Unify githook pre_commit, githook prepare_commit_msg, githook commit_msg commands to githook run but with different ENV value

     githook pre_commit          -->  HOOK=pre_commit githook run
     githook prepare_commit_msg  -->  HOOK=prepare_commit_msg githook run
     githook commit_msg          -->  HOOK=commit_msg githook run
  3. Support gitlab type branch name, for example "100-support-gitlab-branch", it will generate "FEATURE #100 - Support gitlab branch" commit message by prepare_commit_msg hook, uncomment "prepare_commit_msg:prepare_for_gitlab_branch" line and comment "prepare_commit_msg:prepare_for_ekohe_branch" line in .githook/config.rb to make it work

     // .githook/config
     set :prepare_commit_msg, fetch(:prepare_commit_msg, []).push(
       # comment following lines if you want to skip it
       # "prepare_commit_msg:prepare_for_ekohe_branch"


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


A ruby gem that help to setup git hooks easily, base on Rake, inspired from Capistrano







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