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Releases: bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle


10 Jan 00:31
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0.16.0 Pre-release


  • gazelle_binary is a new rule that allows developers to support new languages. To support a new language, you may:
    • Create a go_library that defines a function named NewLanguage that returns a value assignable to language.Language.
    • Create a gazelle_binary target that depends on your go_library and other language extensions through the languages attribute.
    • Reference your gazelle_binary target through the gazelle attribute of the gazelle rule.
    • See Extending Gazelle for more information.
  • Most Go packages in this repository are now public. You can now use rule and other libraries to write your own tools that manipulate build files.
  • Gazelle's git_repository and http_archive rules are deprecated. You should migrate to Bazel's git_repository and http_archive instead.
  • Gazelle will visit directories whose names start with _. Previously these were considered hidden, but go build allows directories with these names to be imported (even if they don't match wildcards). In the next release, directories whose names start with . will also be visited.


16 Oct 21:24
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0.15.0 Pre-release


  • Gazelle can now import dependencies from go.mod files into WORKSPACE with gazelle update-repos -from_file=go.mod. This includes transitive dependencies not explicitly mentioned in go.mod.
  • cmd/autogazelle - an experimental new tool for running Gazelle as part of each Bazel command. See the README for details.
  • New directives:
    • # gazelle:follow symlink - follow a specific symlink to a directory. Gazelle normally ignores symbolic links to directories within a repository to avoid visiting a directory on more than one path. When using this, take care to # gazelle:exclude the directory from its actual parent to prevent this from happening.
    • # gazelle:resolve source-lang import-lang import-string label - specifies an explicit mapping from an import string to a label for dependency resolution.
  • New command-line options:
    • -r=true - controls whether Gazelle updates build files recursively in directories mentioned on the command line. True by default.
    • -index=true - controls whether Gazelle indexes library rules in the repository and uses the index to resolve imports to Bazel labels. True by default.
  • The go_repository rule now accepts patches and commands in the same format as git_repository and http_archive from @bazel_tools. Patches are applied after Gazelle is run (if it is run).
  • The fix and update commands can write patch files with -mode=patch.
  • The gazelle rule can now append to the command line argument list (instead of replacing it) if the arguments are prefixed with -args. For example, bazel run //:gazelle -- -args -index=false -r=false internal/label.
  • The gazelle rule now works on Windows.


08 Aug 17:01
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0.14.0 Pre-release


  • No major feature changes -- this is primarily a maintenance release.
  • Experimental: the command line flags -experimental_read_build_files_dir and -experimental_write_build_files_dir may be used to read and write build files from alternate directories, which may be outside the repository root. If a file is read from a different directory, build files in the source tree are ignored. If a file is written to an alternate directory, build files in the source tree are not modified. These flags may change in the future.


10 Jul 17:21
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0.13.0 Pre-release


  • Completed a major refactoring of Gazelle. All language-specific logic has moved into extensions that implement the internal/languages.Language interface. go and proto are now supported through separate extensions. This will enable Gazelle to support more languages in the future.
    • If you're interested in extending Gazelle, please file an issue or get in touch with me directly.
  • Added special cases for proto dependency resolution, both for Go and proto imports. Imports of Google APIs will now resolve to the new @go_googleapis repository.
    • There were already special cases for Well Known Types. That logic is modified and extended.
  • Added two new proto modes. These can be set with the -proto=mode flag on the command line or the # gazelle:proto mode directive in build files or with build_file_proto_mode = "mode" in go_repository.
    • disable_global - Like disable mode, Gazelle won't generate, update, or delete existing proto_library or go_proto_library rules. In addition, special cases for proto dependency resolution (for Well Known Types and Google APIs) are disabled. This is useful if you build libraries using pre-generated .pb.go files and don't want any build-time dependency on protoc.
    • package - Gazelle may generate proto_library and go_proto_library rules for multiple packages in the same directory. .proto files are grouped into packages using either the declared proto package or an option specified by # gazelle:proto_group opt, e.g., go_package.
  • The git_repository and http_archive no longer rely on a cp executable to copy files. This improves Windows compatibility (thanks @pmuetschard).
  • Several more fixes related to paths for Windows compatibility (thanks @pmuetschard).
  • race and msan tags are now ignored. Sources files will be included in rules whether these flags are true or false.


08 May 19:42
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0.12.0 Pre-release


  • importmap is now a mergeable attribute. This means Gazelle may now replace
    existing importmap attributes if they are not marked with a # keep
  • gazelle fix no longer removes importpath attributes on go_binary
    and go_test rules. These attributes are no longer deprecated. The rules
    are still not importable, but the paths are useful for go_path and
    other rules.
  • Go imports of proto Well Known Types are now resolved to rules in
    @io_bazel_rules_go//proto/wkt. This partially worked before, but several
    packages weren't handled correctly.


  • rules_go will soon stop declaring the @bazel_gazelle repository, probably
    in the next rules_go major release. If you aren't explicitly declaring
    @bazel_gazelle in your WORKSPACE, following the template at
    Running Gazelle with Bazel, you may want to migrate soon.


17 Apr 14:45
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0.11.0 Pre-release

New features

  • Gazelle now generates a single go_test target when both internal and
    external test sources are present. This allows external tests to depend on
    definitions within internal tests. gazelle fix will squash or rename
    existing rules named "go_default_xtest".
  • srcs attributes are now flat: they will no longer contain platform-specific
    select expressions. rules_go will filter sources with build constraints
    automatically. This allows broader usage of the goos and goarch attributes
    in go_binary, but there are still problems with select in deps. See the
    cross-compile FAQ
    for more information.
  • importmap attributes are added for go_library and go_proto_library rules
    in vendor directories. This prevents conflicts when multiple packages with
    the same importpath are linked into the same binary.
  • Proto imports of Well Known Types are now resolved to standard locations in
  • go_repository now supports a build_extra_args attribute, allowing
    additional arguments to be passed to Gazelle during build file generation.
  • gazelle update-repos will now load go_repository from @bazel_gazelle.
    The old copy in @io_bazel_rules_go is deprecated. gazelle fix will also
    fix this.


  • The minimum compatible version of rules_go is now 0.11.0. This is primarily
    due to the need for importmap on go_proto_library. Older versions may
    work if you're not using protos.


23 Mar 23:04
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0.10.1 Pre-release
  • is now vendored within Gazelle, due to breaking API changes upstream.
  • Gazelle now dereferences symlinks in the repository root directory (-repo_root). This fixes a bug where Gazelle incorrectly decided other symlinks pointed outside the repository.


24 Feb 00:20
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0.10.0 Pre-release
  • The command gazelle update-repos adds a new go_repository rule or updates an existing go_repository rule in WORKSPACE.
  • Gazelle now removes importpath attributes from go_binary and go_test rules, since these are deprecated.
  • go_binary rules can be renamed and still be updated by Gazelle. Only one go_binary per package though. go_library, go_proto_library, and go_repository rules can be renamed as long as the importpath still matches.
  • Rules are now deleted in directories that have no buildable Go or proto source files.
  • New tool: cmd/move_labels updates labels in build files after a directory is moved. This is useful for vendoring repositories that already have build files.
  • Added experimental git_repository and http_archive overlay repository rules. These rules fetch a repository and copy a set of pre-generated build files. All dependencies in @io_bazel_rules_go and @bazel_gazelle now use these rules.
  • Gazelle now follows symlinks that point outside of the workspace (thanks @yasushi-saito!)


25 Jan 17:43
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0.9 Pre-release
  • Added the update-repos command.
    • This can be used to import dependencies from dep's Gopkg.lock file as go_repository rules in WORKSPACE.
    • This should support more vendoring formats in the future.
    • We also plan to be able to add repositories automatically using unresolved import paths.
  • Added the help command.
  • go_grpc_library rules are now migrated to go_proto_library rules with a compilers attribute.
  • The prefix attribute is now optional in the gazelle rule.
  • Strings are never duplicated between generic, OS-specific, architecture-specific, and OS-and-architecture-specific sections in srcs, deps, and other attributes. This fixes an error that Bazel reports when the same dependency appeared to be OS-specific and architecture-specific.
  • Merged rules may now be deleted if they have no attributes that make them buildable (e.g., srcs, deps, embed). Previously, rules couldn't be deleted if they had attributes other than name and visibility. This caused rules to be preserved that only had attributes like proto and importpath.


14 Dec 17:52
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0.8 Pre-release

This is the first release of Gazelle in its new repository. This matches the Gazelle from rules_go at version 0.8.1, hence the similar version number.