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Releases: bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle


27 Aug 20:24
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v0.22.0 Pre-release


  • The Go extension can now generate targets with a new naming convention.
    • In new projects, by default, a library will be named foo if its import path ends with foo instead of go_default_library. Similarly, a test will be named foo_test instead of go_default_test.
    • Gazelle will attempt to detect the naming convention used in existing projects, so it shouldn't unexpectedly change the naming convention.
    • To specify the naming convention explicitly, use the # gazelle:go_naming_convention directive or the -go_naming_convention flag. Valid values are import, go_default_library, and import_alias. Gazelle will rename existing targets the next time it runs after a change.
    • go_repository uses the import_alias naming convention by default, so either the old or new names may be used.
    • Thanks to @tomlu for implementing this.
  • Added # gazelle:go_generate_proto directive, which instructs the Go extension whether to generate go_proto_library rules for proto_library generated by the proto extension (thanks @linzhp).
  • Improved Windows compatibility (thanks @tomlu).
  • Language extensions can now provide dependency resolution for other extensions by implementing the resolve.CrossResolver interface. This is now used for resolve proto imports in Go (thanks @blico).
  • In the update-repos command, the -build_directives flag may be used to set the build_directives attribute on generated repositories (thanks @Helcaraxan).
  • In the update-repos command, new rules and macros will be inserted higher in WORKSPACE, above go_rules_dependencies and gazelle_dependencies if possible, to make it easier to override indirect dependencies.


  • gazelle_binary no longer supports mode attributes such as goos, race, and gotags. These depended on internal implementation details in rules_go. If you need to build a gazelle_binary for a platform other than the host, use command-line flags such as --platforms and --@io_bazel_rules_go//go/config:race or use a transition.


    name = "bazel_gazelle",
    sha256 = "d4113967ab451dd4d2d767c3ca5f927fec4b30f3b2c6f8135a2033b9c05a5687",
    urls = [

load("@bazel_gazelle//:deps.bzl", "gazelle_dependencies")


28 May 16:37
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v0.21.1 Pre-release

Bug fixes

  • Fixed visibility for Go libraries in internal directories. Previously,
    internal visibility was applied to packages in subdirectories of internal,
    directories, not internal directories themselves. Thanks to @robfig.
  • go_repository no longer runs cat, and genrules are replaced with native
    rules to reduce dependence on msys2 on Windows. Thanks to @tomlu.
  • Cases in select expressions are no longer emitted for platforms that aren't
    supported by the current version of rules_go.


13 May 22:00
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v0.21.0 Pre-release
  • # gazelle:exclude directives now accept patterns with * and ** wildcards. (thanks @kalbasit)
  • The -lang flag may now be used to select which language extensions should be run. By default, all extensions Gazelle was built with will run. (thanks @robfig)
  • Attribute matching now works on string slice attributes, not just strings. This is now used to match proto_library rules with one or more sources in common with the generated rule, even if the rule has been renamed. (thanks @linzhp)
  • Many bugs have been fixed. Thanks to everyone who helped out!


06 Feb 18:29
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v0.20.0 Pre-release

General changes

  • When update-repos is invoked with -to_macro, Gazelle will add a call to the macro and a # gazelle:repository_macro directive to WORKSPACE if neither is present.

Go changes

  • Gazelle will avoid generating duplicate go_repository rules when two module paths differ only in case. Thanks to @linzhp.
  • When deriving a repository name from an import path, all non-word characters will be replaced with underscores, not just dots and slashes. Consecutive non-word characters will be collapsed to a single underscore. Thanks to @carnott-snap.
  • Imported repository rules are now sorted.

Proto changes

  • Gazelle will add load statements for proto_library to comply with --incompatible_load_proto_rules_from_bzl. Thanks to @Yannic.
  • Fixed a bug recognizing services in .proto files. Thanks to @asv.


07 Nov 23:01
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v0.19.1 Pre-release


  • Rule names are now included in go_repository stderr output.
  • Environment variables SSL_CERT_FILE and SSL_CERT_DIR are passed through to tools used by go_repository.
  • The list of standard packages is correctly updated for Go 1.13.


14 Oct 21:06
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v0.19.0 Pre-release

General changes

  • The # gazelle:repository directive is now supported in WORKSPACE files. Gazelle will behave as if a repository rule were declared with the given kind and attributes. This may override other declared rules. This is useful for declaring rules that appear in other files and can't be managed with #gazelle:repository_macro. Thanks to @blico.
  • The update-repos command now accepts versions for each argument, for example, update-repos For Go, the version suffixes follow the same format that go get accepts in module mode. Thanks to @weixiao-huang.

Go changes

  • go_repository has better support for visibility across submodules. For example, may now depend on internal packages in, when both modules are unmodified go_repository rules. Previously, this required visibility attributes to be patched into the parent module.
  • go_repository now handles WORKSPACE-based configuration more efficiently. A configuration file is derived from the relevant parts of WORKSPACE and any functions declared with # gazelle:repository_macro. go_repository rules are re-evaluated when the configuration file changes, not when WORKSPACE changes. Previously, non-Go-related changes to WORKSPACE would cause go_repository to be re-evaluated. Thanks to @blico.
  • go_repository now accepts a build_directives attribute, a list of directives to write into the root build file before running Gazelle. Thanks to @linzhp.
  • The # gazelle:go_visibility directive may be used to add labels to visibility attributes of Go rules. Thanks to @linzhp.
  • Generated .go files are no longer included in go_library srcs if they are consumed by another rule through the src or srcs attributes. Thanks to @linzhp.

Proto changes

  • Updated dependency resolution tables for know protos.


23 Aug 17:05
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0.18.2 Pre-release


  • Fixed an error that occurred when linking gazelle_binary rules in Go 1.13.
  • Several other small bug fixes.


16 Jul 22:51
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0.18.1 Pre-release

This release is a quick fix to address an issue with go_repository on Windows.


16 Jul 21:04
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0.18.0 Pre-release


  • rules_go 0.19.0 or later is now required. Older versions are not supported but may still work, depending on what features are needed.

General changes

  • gazelle update-repos now supports the flag -to_macro=file.bzl%macro. Instead of writing new repository rules to WORKSPACE, rules will be written to a function in a separate .bzl file. This helps keep related rules together. Thanks to @blico!
  • The directive # gazelle:repository_macro file.bzl%macro may be used in WORKSPACE to declare a macro generated with the above flag. gazelle update-repos will automatically update rules declared in the named macros instead of adding them to WORKSPACE. The directive may be repeated for multiple macros. gazelle fix and gazelle update will also read workspaces declared in these macros to find known repository roots and names. Thanks again to @blico!
  • The directive # gazelle:exclude . may now be written to skip updating the current directory and subdirectories. Previously, exclude only applied to files and subdirectories.

Go changes

  • go_repository can now download modules. To download a module, set the version and sum attributes instead of urls (for HTTP) or commit or tag (for VCS downloads). go_repository will download and verify the specified module with go mod download. The environment variables GOPROXY, GOPRIVATE, GONOPROXY, GOSUMDB, and GONOSUMDB are observed, so be sure to set these for private modules when using go1.13 or later.
  • gazelle update-repos <path> will add or update go_repository rules in module mode.
  • gazelle update-repos -from_file=go.mod will also add or update rules in module mode.
  • Refactored infrastructure behind go_repository. There are now separate tools and cache workspaces. Modules are downloaded into the cache. When Gazelle is updated, it should not be necessary to re-download modules unless the implementation of the cache changes. The environment variable GO_REPOSITORY_USE_HOST_CACHE may be set to 1 to use $GOPATH/pkg/mod as a module cache instead of the cache workspace.
  • go_repository now provides a replace attribute in module mode, analogous to replace in a go.mod file. The version and sum attributes are used on the replacement, but build files will be generated with the importpath of the original module. gazelle update-repos -from-file=go.mod will add replace attributes automatically (thanks to @bigkraig!).
  • gazelle update-repos now supports the flag -prune, which may be used with -from_file. When enabled, Gazelle will remove go_repository rules that no longer have equivalent repos in go.mod or Gopkg.lock. Thanks to @blico!
  • When run by go_repository, Gazelle now supports minimal module compatibility. For v2+ modules, Gazelle will generate importpath_aliases attributes so go_libraries may be imported without the semantic import version suffix by non-modularized packages.

Proto changes

  • Updated table of known proto import paths for consistency with rules_go 0.19.0.


27 Feb 18:39
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0.17.0 Pre-release

Language agnostic changes

  • The # gazelle:map_kind directive can now be used to generate rules of
    alternative kinds. For example, instead of generating go_binary rules,
    you could generate a call to a macro that takes the same arguments
    (for example, go_image, go_deployable). Thanks to @robfig!
  • Gazelle exits with status 1 when run with -mode=diff when there are
    differences. Thanks to @mjduijn and @achew22!
  • Hidden directories are included when walking the directory tree. Thanks to

Go changes

  • go_repository now works with Go 1.12.
  • The update-repos command now lets you set attributes such as build file
    names and proto modes on the command line. Thanks to @blico!
  • Alternative compilers can now be set on go_proto_library rules with the
    -go_proto_compiler and -go_grpc_compiler flags. Thanks to @bartle-stripe!
  • Go repositories may now be imported from Godep. Thanks to @GauntletWizard!
  • Imports that can't be resolved using the index when the index is enabled
    are now resolved as external, even if they're under the current prefix.
    This is necessary to handle cases where one repository path is a prefix
    of another. Thanks to @linzhp!

Proto changes

  • The new proto_library attributes import_prefix and strip_import_prefix
    may be set with the # gazelle:proto_import_prefix and
    # gazelle:proto_strip_import_prefix directives or the -proto_import_prefix
    command line argument. Thanks to @blico!