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Basile Simon edited this page Aug 17, 2014 · 6 revisions

All right, you've cloned and installed Datastringer. You've run the configuration wizard. You haven't noticed your computer crashing. But that's it, nothing seems to happen.

Is that normal?


Datastringer was built to be unobstrusive. The whole point of it is that you can go through your news day as you're used to. Not reading datasets, as you're used to. And you shouldn't read them, because you've delegated this tedious task to data stringers.

Every day, the program will run in the background, check the news. You will only hear from it if something happens.

Changing the automation

To accomplish this regular, in-background execution, Datastringer relies on cron jobs.

When you run, Datastringer will run once a day at noon, which we think is nice.

We won't go into details on how to poke around your crontab here, but should you want to change this default setting, a quick Google search should do wonders.

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