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This project requires Python 3.6 and Flask 0.12


To install it without Sentry support, simply run

pip install flask-logger

To install it with Sentry support, run

pip install flask-logger[Sentry]


Import it and wrap app

from flask import Flask
from flask_logger import Logger

app = Flask(__name__)
logger = Logger(app)

Configuration values

You can set the default logging level on your app with the config value LOG_LEVEL.

If you use Sentry with your project, you can setup Sentry logging by adding the SENTRY_DSN configuration value. Your DSN can be retrieved from your project in Sentry.

If you do use Sentry, you may also want to specify an ENV (dev, staging, qa, prod, etc) in your app's config so that the correct environment information can be sent to Sentry.

You can modify the console output format with the configuration values LOG_FORMAT_CONSOLE and LOG_FORMAT_TIME. See the Python 3 logging Formatter docs for more info.


This project was written and tested with Python 3. Our builds currently only test Python 3.6.

On a mac you can use the following commands to get up and running.

brew install python3

otherwise run

brew upgrade python3

to make sure you have an up to date version.

This project uses pip-tools for dependency management. Install pip-tools

pip3 install pip-tools

setup the project env

python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt

Make sure the following environment variables are set

export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`

Then load your virtualenv

source venv/bin/activate

Running tests

./ && coverage run --source=flask_logger/ test

Before committing any code

We have a pre-commit hook each dev needs to setup. You can symlink it to run before each commit by changing directory to the repo and running

cd .git/hooks
ln -s ../../pre-commit pre-commit