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Benoit Bourdin

To access my resume, click on the link in the About section of this repository (top-right of this screen).

My resume is available as a public version and DXC version (visible only to DXC employees).

This resume as code / the DevOps way

Detailing here how this resume is built from one single source code on GitHub, leveraging a CI/CD pipeline, automated testing and our DevOps principles to generate multiple artifacts (HTML, PDF, Word, PPT...).

Source code

CI/CD configuration as code

Source code available here:

pipeline steps

Replacing placeholders

  • We use the vikingco/jinja2cli docker image to run the Jinja2 CLI and easily replace placeholders defined in the j2 files by values defined in a yml file.

Automated testing

  • We do the following tests:

Run R for the full resume

  • R is nice for data science.
  • To make Data on the DevOps way, we use the rocker/r-rmd docker image (based on Ubuntu) to run R inside a container started by the pipeline.
  • To get all the packages we need (including VisualResume), we needed a customized Dockerfile.
  • In this case, we use R markdown for rendering, which is using Pandoc for conversion.

Run Marp for a profile slide


  • The content is pushed to the gh-pages branch, then served by GitHub pages.


No releases published
