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108-2 NMLAB Final

DPP - Decentralized Publishing Platform

  • 電機四 b05901033 莊永松
  • 電機四 b05901189 吳祥叡
  • 電機三 b06901104 趙崇皓


Make sure the follwing npm packages are installed globally:

├── ganache-cli@6.9.1
└── truffle@5.1.24

For browsers, you can use Chrome and Firefox. Make sure that Metamask is installed as a plugin in the browser.

How to

Starting a local blockchain

In the top level folder, start the ganache-cli:

> ganache-cli

A local blockchain network will be created.

Open another terminal (or you could use tmux), type the following commands:

> truffle compile
> truffle migrate

Starting local client

Navigate to client folder, and type:

> yarn start

You can now go to localhost:3000 to visit the webpage.

Connecting Metamask to local network

After starting a local blockchain network and client webpage, we need to connect the browser's Metamask account (assuming you already have one) to the local blockchain network.

Step Snapshot
Open your browser, and click on the Metamask icon. img
Click the dropdown list on the top. You should see a list of networks. img
Choose Custom RPC and, and set RPC url to, or the url ganache-cli specifies. img

Importing accounts

After starting ganache-cli, you will have some spare accounts to use:


Suppose we want the use account no. 9:

Step Snapshot
Click on Metamask and select the icon on the top-right. Click on Import Account. img
Copy the private key of account you wish to use and paste it in Metamask. img
Click Import and see account successfully loaded. img

Setting up ipfs node

Currently, we have an ipfs node running on our own server. However, you can also run a ipfs node locally:

> docker run -it -p 4002:4002 -p 4003:4003 -p 5002:5002    -p9090:9090 ipfs/js-ipfs:latest

After starting your own ipfs node, you need to modify IPFS_ADDRESS in client/src/constants.js. Currently, it is set to our current server address. If you run locally, you need to set it to


  • Modify account information (Account)
  • Upload files (Upload)
    • Currently supports .txt, .pdf, and image filetypes.
    • Aside from the original file, the webpage will also upload a preview file (blurred image, truncated pdf file) to the ipfs node.
  • Check user's uploaded files and files users donated to (MyFeeds).
    • You can download the full file by clicking Download.
  • Browse all files on the chain (Market).
    • Currently supports filter by filename and filetype.
    • You can preview the file by clicking on the file card.
    • You can donate money to the author of the file.


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