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Installed Mods

Mario edited this page Aug 13, 2022 · 16 revisions


Installed Mods section is where all of your installed mods are visible. This selection does not have any impact whether a mod will be enabled or disabled in the game.

Filtering Mods

By entering a query term in the Filter Mods text box you can filter mods by name or by their remote id. Querying will be performed by partial matching. This means that anything that matches the entered query term will be shown. Additional filters can be applied using the following syntax:

  1. search term (supports OR operator syntax)
  2. Use && to split various filters
  3. Use || as an or operator
  4. Use -- as a negation operator. All fieldssupport negation operator.
  5. achievements:[yes|true] to include [no|false] to exclude
  6. selected:[yes|true] to include [no|false] to exclude
  7. source:[steam|paradox|local] (supports OR operator syntax)
  8. version:[version syntax] (supports OR operator syntax)


my mod && achievements:yes && source:steam && selected:no && version:2.0

Or operator example:

my mod || another mod && source:steam||paradox

Negate operator example:

--my mod && source:--local

In order to reset the textbox either hit the X button next to the textbox or simply delete all text.

Sorting Mods

Mods can be sorted by toggling the installed mods column headers. The grid supports sorting by all the column headers.

Moving the mod to the Collection Mods section

In order to move a mod to the Collection Mods section just toggle the selected checkbox. By performing this action the mod will be active in game. If you deselect the checkbox the mod will be removed from the Collection Mods section as well.

If you toggle the column header checkbox all visible mods will be selected. You can use this in combination with filters textbox to enable\disable certain mods from the Collection.

Saving Options

The application will remember all of your options as soon as you perform an operation. What is remembered is the following:

  1. Sort column
  2. Sort column sort order
  3. Filter Mods text

Determining achievement compatibility

Irony will indicate next to the mod name an icon whether a mod is achievement compatible. Broken trophy icon indicates that a mod is not achievement compatible, while an intact trophy indicates that it is achievement compatible.

Context Actions

By right clicking on a Mod you can perform the following actions:

  • Open Mod File/Directory

It opens the mod location in file explorer.

  • Open Mod Url

It opens the mod homepage in the browser.

  • Open in Steam

It opens the mod homepage in the steam app.

  • Copy Mod Url

It will copy the mod homepage url to the clipboard.

  • Check new mods

Irony will rescan the whole workshop directory and mods directory to see if there are any new mods added and generate a mod file for them.

  • Delete And Reload

It will delete the hovered mod descriptor and regenerate the descriptor.

  • Delete All And Reload

It will delete all visible mod descriptors and regenerate the descriptors.

  • Lock

It will set the readonly descriptor file flag attribute for the hovered mod.

  • Lock All

It will set the readonly descriptor file flag attribute for all visible mods.

  • Unlock

It will remove the readonly descriptor file flag attribute for the hovered mod.

  • Unlock All

It will remove the readonly descriptor file flag attribute for all visible mods.