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Keyboard Shortcuts

Mario edited this page Feb 24, 2024 · 8 revisions

Main Screen

Collection Mods Area

Hotkeys react to hovered mod.

Hotkey What the Hotkey Does
CTRL+UP Move up mod
CTRL+DOWN Move down mod
CTRL+SHIFT+Down Arrow Move mod to top
CTRL+SHIFT+Bottom Arrow () Move mod to bottom

Conflict Solver

Hotkey What the Hotkey Does
CTRL+UP Find prev conflict
CTRL+DOWN Find next conflict
CTRL+LEFT Find prev conflict (skips imaginary lines)
CTRL+Right Find next conflict (skips imaginary lines)
CTRL+SHIFT+UP Scroll down the merge viewer
CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN Scroll up the merge viewer
SHIFT+UP Select next conflict
SHIFT+DOWN Select prev conflict
CTRL+(1-0) Select left side definition for comparison in merge viewer (1 being the first definition)
CTRL+SHIFT+(1-0) Select right side definition for comparison in merge viewer (1 being the first definition)
CTRL+I Ignore conflict
CTRL+R Resolve conflict
CTRL+E Enter edit mode (selects edit mode for the virtual definition)
CTRL+T Copy text on the left side
CTRL+SHIFT+T Copy text on the right side
CTRL+C Perform copy this action
CTRL+V Perform copy before line action
CTRL+B Perform copy after line action
CTRL+X Launch external editor