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Tango Card Java SDK

Incorporate the innovative Tango Card directly into your reward, loyalty, and engagement applications.

Update: 2012-12-01


Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Understanding Gift Card Purchasing Options
  • Tango Card SDKs and Service API Support
  • SDK Overview
  • SDK Requirements
    • Java Environment
    • SSL Certificates
      <li><a href="#tango_card_service_api_requests">Tango Card Service API Requests</a>
              <li><a href="#tango_card_service_api_endpoints">Tango Card Service API Endpoints</a></li>
              <li><a href="#tango_card_service_api_security">Tango Card Service API Security</a></li>
      <li><a href="#sdk_methods">SDK Methods</a>
              <li><a href="#get_available_balance">Get Available Balance</a></li>
              <li><a href="#purchase_card">Purchase Card</a></li>
      <li><a href="#sdk_error_handling">SDK Error Handling</a>
              <li><a href="#service_failure_responses">Service Failure Responses</a></li>
              <li><a href="#sdk_error_responses">SDK Error Responses</a></li>
              <li><a href="#handling_errors">Handling Errors</a></li>
      <li><a href="#sdk_contents">SDK Contents</a>
              <li><a href="#src">src</a></li>
              <li><a href="#lib">lib</a></li>
              <li><a href="#configuration_files">configuration files</a></li>
              <li><a href="#doc">doc</a></li>
              <li><a href="#examples">examples</a></li>
              <li><a href="#unittests">unittests</a></li>
      <li><a href="#sdk_development_environment">SDK Development Environment</a></li>
      <li><a href="#license">License</a></li>
      <li><a href="#contact_us">Contact Us</a></li>


    Tango Card SDKs

    The Tango Card Service API provides a flexible, secure, and straight forward solution for integrating into reward, loyalty, and engagement applications for purchasing the Tango Card from their funded Tango Card account on

    There are several Tango Card SDKs currently available that use the Tango Card Service API:

    Tango Card Service API

    For those developers who wish to develop directly with our Tango Card Service API endpoints and do not wish to use our available SDKs or need more detail of how our API is defined, the following document is available:

    Incorporate the Tango Card

    The Tango Card SDKs, through our Tango Card Service API, allows you to incorporate the innovative Tango Card directly into your reward, loyalty, and engagement applications.

    Tango Card is the "exactly what you want" gift card and allows the recipient to use their value exactly how they want – they can select a premier gift card, they can divide their value among Brands, they can use some today and save the rest for another day. They can also donate to a non-profit organization.

    Tango Card value can be used via the web or from almost any mobile device. There are no fees or expiration dates of any kind. It's great for the recipient, and even better for you because it is an entire gift card program delivered in one card allowing you to focus on your core business.

    Tango Card solutions are already used by Microsoft Bing, FedEx, Extole, Plink, beintoo, Lead Valu, Getty Images, and many others.

    Open Tango Card Account

    In order to use the Tango Card SDKs, it is required to open and fund a Tango Card account on


    First, register to open a Tango Card account: Register

    The provided 'username (email address)' and 'password' will be the same as what will be used for authenticating usage of the Tango Card SDKs' methods.


    Second, to verify availability of your production account by using login: Login

    Add Funds

    Third, in order to purchase the Tango Card through the Tango Card SDKs, there must be funds within your Tango Card account.

    Fund your account here either by 'wire transfer', 'check', or 'credit card': Add Funds

    Understanding Gift Card Purchasing Options

    After opening and funding your Tango Card account, then you are ready to begin using the Tango Card Service API to access your account for getting available balance and for purchasing gift cards.

    When you are ready to purchase a card, the Tango Card Service API has several options:

    Distribution of Digital Gift Cards - parameter tcSend - boolean - required
    Through the Tango Card Service API you can purchase Tango Card gift cards with your choice of delivery:
    • tcSend = true - Have Tango Card service send gift cards directly to recipients via email which will include live gift card codes.
    • tcSend = false - You take the returned live gift card codes for you to customize and redistribute.
    <a name="puchasing_options_skus"></a>
    The Tango Card and other Retailer Brand Gift Cards SKUs - parameter <code>cardSKU</code> - string - <b>required</b></dt>
    <dd>The API is optimized for ordering the Tango Card, which is SKU <code>"tango-card"</code>.
    <br>If you have questions about potentially incorporating other brands or digital goods in your program, then please do contact us at <a href=" Card Java SDK Question"></a>. We will respond to inquiries within one business day.
    <a name="puchasing_options_denominations"></a>
    Gift Card Denominations - parameter <code>cardValue</code> - integer - <b>required</b></dt>
    <dd>Each gift card SKU has it own allowed set of denominations that can to assigned to parameter <code>cardValue</code>.
    <br/>For SKU <code>"tango-card"</code>, the available denomination in cents starting at <code>1 cents</code> ($0.01) to a maximum of user's available account balance (in cents).
    <br/>To find out about other available denominations for potentially incorporating other SKUs that can be assigned to parameter <code>cardValue</code>, then please do contact us at <a href=" Card Java SDK Question"></a>. We will respond to inquiries within one business day.
    <a name="puchasing_options_templates"></a>
    The Tango Card and custom Company Email Templates - parameter <code>companyIdentifier</code> - string - <b>optional</b></dt>
    <dd>If you choose to have the Tango Card Service API send digital gift cards by setting <code>tcSend</code> to <code>true</code>, then by default the gift card information within a Tango Card email template.
    <br>If you prefer to have the Tango Card Service API send the gift card information with a custom email template (with your own branding), then please do contact us at <a href=" Card Java SDK Question"></a>. We will respond to inquiries within one business day.

    Tango Card SDKs and Service API Support

    If you have any questions with the Tango Card Java SDK or our Service API, please contact us at

    If you have any issues using this SDK, such as bugs or change requests, then please do Open Issue in this repository.

    Resolving Issues

    To expidite any issues you might be experiencing with our Tango Card Service API or our Tango Card SDKs, gather as much information by using the following two resolution approaches, and include the results when you contact us through We will respond to inquiries within one business day.

    Service Health Check

    If you are having any issues with either INTEGRATION or PRODUCTION Tango Card Service API, check the endpoints' availability through a browser using the following health check URLs which should return a webpage with the text "alive":

    Fiddler 2

    The best way to resolve any issues that pertain to using our Tango Card SDKs or our Tango Card Service API is by using this freely available tool Fiddler 2 - Web Debugging Proxy, and providing us with the raw request and response bodies using its Inspectors tab feature.

    Using Fiddler 2 will provide us with the most complete detail and the fastest response from Tango Card by understanding if there is an issue on how a request was presented to our service, or if it is an issue with our service on how we replied to your request.

    Fiddler 2 Example - Raw Request from Client - Get Available Balance

    POST HTTP/1.1
    Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
    Accept-Language: en-us
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)
    Content-Length: 69
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Cache-Control: no-cache

    Fiddler 2 Example - Raw Response from Service - Get Available Balance

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 04:30:36 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)
    X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.10-1ubuntu3.3
    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
    Content-Length: 68
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: application/json

    Tango Card Service API Diagnostic Tool

    Within our Tango Card jQuery Plugin examples, there is diagnostic tool which communicates with Tango Card Service API through jQuery.ajax() calls. It is useful for making raw calls to our service: Tango Card Service API Diagnostic Tool.

    SDK Overview

    The Tango Card Java SDK is a wrapper around the Tango Card Service API.

    As such, it has two primary types of objects, Requests and Responses; which are handled by a wrapper class tangocard.sdk.TangoCardServiceApi.

    The wrapper class tangocard.sdk.TangoCardServiceApi currently handles the following static methods:

    bool GetAvailableBalance()
    - Gather the currently available balance for provided user's credentials within their account.
    <dt>bool PurchaseCard()</dt>
    <dd>- Purchase a gift card using funds from user's credentials within their account.</dd>

    Tango Card Service Api

    SDK Requirements

    Java Environment

    To use this SDK, here are requirements:

    SSL Certificate

    The Tango Card API Endpoints provides DigiCert WildCard SSL Certificate which is signed by one called "DigiCert High Assurance CA-3":

    Making a connection to our Tango Card Service API over SSL (or https) programmatically, the Java runtime needs to trust the certificate of this server.

    Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology allows web browsers and web servers to communicate over a secure connection. In this secure connection, the data that is being sent is encrypted before being sent and then is decrypted upon receipt and before processing. Both the browser and the server encrypt all traffic before sending any data. SSL addresses the following important security considerations.

    Java runtime uses a certificate store, which usually consists of a cacerts file, located in the jre/lib/security directory of your Java installation. If you are using the Directory Synchronization Client with its own Java Runtime, the jre directory is located in the directory where the client is installed.

    The cacerts file used to keep the root certificates of signing authorities.

    Validate Access to Root Certificate

    The root certificate used by Tango Card for SSL access is DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA. To find this root certificate within Java runtime's cacerts will look for alias digicerthighassuranceevrootca using Java's key and certificate management utility keytool:

    keytool -list -v -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts -alias digicerthighassuranceevrootca

    If this DigiCert certificate was installed, then it should find the trusted root certificate with alias digicerthighassuranceevrootca:

    Alias name: digicerthighassuranceevrootca
    Creation date: Jan 7, 2008
    Entry type: trustedCertEntry
    Owner: CN=DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
    Issuer: CN=DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
    Serial number: 2ac5c266a0b409b8f0b79f2ae462577
    Valid from: Thu Nov 09 16:00:00 PST 2006 until: Sun Nov 09 16:00:00 PST 2031
    Certificate fingerprints:
    	 MD5:  D4:74:DE:57:5C:39:B2:D3:9C:85:83:C5:C0:65:49:8A
    	 SHA1: 5F:B7:EE:06:33:E2:59:DB:AD:0C:4C:9A:E6:D3:8F:1A:61:C7:DC:25
    	 Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
    	 Version: 3

    If it is not there, then you will need to import our DigiCert Public Key to trust our Tango Card Service API into your Java runtime environment.

    Import Tango Card DigiCert Public Key

    If you have determined that `` DigiCert root certificate was not included within Java runtimes cacerts, then here is how you will perform a manual import.

    Get Tango Card DigiCert Public Key

    First, you will need to gather our DigiCert Public Key and save it into a file named tangocarddigicertrootca.cer.

    There are two approaches in performing this task, one using Google Chrome and the other using tool OpenSSL.

    Using Google Chrome
    1. Using Google Chrome browser, open with URL It should be showing only the text "alive" within the page.
    2. Click on green padlock left of aforementioned URL address to "View Site Information"
    3. Below a popup will appear, and then click link "Certificate Information"
    4. Another popup will appear labeled "Certificate", and then click tab "Details"
    5. Click on button "Copy To File"
    6. Click button "Next >"
    7. Select radio button "Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)", and click button "Next >"
    8. Give the public key certificate with file name tangocarddigicertrootca.cer, and click button "Next >"
    9. Click button "Finish"

    Using OpenSSL
    openssl s_client -connect > ssl_session
    openssl x509 -pubkey -in ssl_session -out tangocard_api_b64_enc_X509.cer

    Java keytool: Import Public Key

    Using the Public Key

    keytool -import -alias tangocarddigicertrootca -file tangocarddigicertrootca.cer -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts

    Tango Card Service API Requests

    With the Tango Card Service API, every request has a corresponding success-case response object. There are also several failure-case response objects which are shared between calls. The specifics of the request and response objects will be described in SDK Methods.

    Tango Card Service API Endpoints

    Available are two endpoints that provide the Tango Card Service API, as defined by enum tangocard.sdk.service.TangoCardServiceApiEnum:

    • Expected to be used for development and testing purposes.
    • Important: Purchases from this endpoint will:
      • Use funds from our test account.
      • Send real emails (with fake codes), so only use recipient email addresses you control for testing purposes.
    • Secure Endpoint URL:
    • Login to use our testing account through this endpoint is:
    • Service Health Check: [](
    • Performs actual card purchase requests.
    • Important: Purchases from this endpoint will:
      • Use funds from your Tango Card account!
      • Send real emails (with live codes), only use recipient email addresses you wish to deliver to.
    • Endpoint URL:
    • Login to use your production account through this endpoint is:
      Your Tango Card account's username (email address)
      Your Tango Card account's password
    • Service Health Check: [](

    Tango Card Service API Security

    Tango Card Service API Requests are performed using secure HTTP POST via "TLS/SSL".

    The use of SSL allows for securely transmitting data and prevents man-in-the-middle attacks.

    The lack of sessions and the inability to communicate with the API over HTTP prevents session hijacking and cross-site request forgery.

    SDK Methods

    Get Available Balance

    Tango Card Service API - GetAvailableBalance()

    This request is defined by static method call tangocard.sdk.TangoCardServiceApi.GetAvailableBalance():

        TangoCardServiceApiEnum enumTangoCardServiceApi = TangoCardServiceApiEnum.INTEGRATION;
        String username = "";
        String password = "password";
        GetAvailableBalanceResponse response = new GetAvailableBalanceResponse();
        if ( TangoCardServiceApi.GetAvailableBalance(
                && (null != response) 
        ) {
            System.out.println("\nSuccess - GetAvailableBalance - Initial");
            int tango_cents_available_balance = response.getAvailableBalance();
            double currencyAmount = tango_cents_available_balance/100;
            Locale enUSLocale =
                new Locale.Builder().setLanguage("en").setRegion("US").build();
            NumberFormat currencyFormatter = 
            System.out.println("\tI have an available balance of " + currencyFormatter.format(currencyAmount) + " dollars.");        

    Assuming success, the out parameter response will be an instance of tangocard.sdk.response.success.GetAvailableBalanceResponse.

    Method tangocard.sdk.TangoCardServiceApi.GetAvailableBalance()


    [IN] * enumTangoCardServiceApi
    TangoCardServiceApiEnum - required - INTEGRATION or PRODUCTION
    <dt>[IN] * username</dt>
    <dd>string - <b>required</b> - user account's username registered within Tango Card production website (</dd>
    <dt>[IN] * password</dt>
    <dd>string - <b>required</b> - user account's password registered within Tango Card production website (</dd>
    <dt>[OUT] response</dt>
    <dd><code>tangocard.sdk.response.success.GetAvailableBalanceResponse</code> - This <i>out</i> paramter will provide a valid success response object if this method returns <code>true</code> upon success.</dd>

    tangocard.sdk.response.success.GetAvailableBalanceResponse Properties

    int getAvailableBalance
    - Returns available balance of username's account in cents: 100 is $1.00 dollar.

    Purchase Card

    Tango Card Service API - PurchaseCard()

    This request is defined by static method call tangocard.sdk.TangoCardServiceApi.PurchaseCard():

        TangoCardServiceApiEnum enumTangoCardServiceApi = TangoCardServiceApiEnum.INTEGRATION;
        String username = "";
        String password = "password";
        String card_sku = "tango-card";
        int cardValueTangoCardCents = 100; // $1.00 dollars
        PurchaseCardResponse responsePurchaseCard = new PurchaseCardResponse();
        if ( TangoCardServiceApi.PurchaseCard(
                enumTangoCardServiceApi,            // API environment
                username,                           // username
                password,                           // password
                card_sku,                           // cardSku
                cardValueTangoCardCents,            // cardValue
                true,                               // tcSend 
                "Sally Example",                    // recipientName
                "",                // recipientEmail
                "Happy Birthday",                   // giftMessage
                "Bill Company",                     // giftFrom
                null,                               // companyIdentifier (default Tango Card email template)
                responsePurchaseCard                // response 
                && (null != responsePurchaseCard)
        ) {
            System.out.println( "\nSuccess - PurchaseCard - Delivery\n" );
            System.out.println( "\tReference Order ID:  '"  + responsePurchaseCard.getReferenceOrderId() + "'");
            System.out.println( "\tCard Token:          '"  + responsePurchaseCard.getCardToken() + "'");
            System.out.println( "\tCard Number:         '"  + responsePurchaseCard.getCardNumber() + "'");
            System.out.println( "\tCard Pin:            '"  + responsePurchaseCard.getCardPin() + "'");
            System.out.println( "\tClaim URL:           '"  + responsePurchaseCard.getClaimUrl() + "'");
            System.out.println( "\tChallenge Key:       '"  + responsePurchaseCard.getChallengeKey() + "'");

    Assuming success, the out parameter response will be an instance of tangocard.sdk.response.success.PurchaseCardResponse.

    Method tangocard.sdk.TangoCardServiceApi.PurchaseCard()


    [IN] * enumTangoCardServiceApi
    TangoCardServiceApiEnum - required - INTEGRATION or PRODUCTION
    <dt>[IN] * username</dt>
    <dd>string - <b>required</b> - user account's username registered within Tango Card production website (</dd>
    <dt>[IN] * password</dt>
    <dd>string - <b>required</b> - user account's password registered within Tango Card production website (</dd>
    <dt>[IN] * cardSku</dt>
    <dd>string - <b>required</b> - The SKU of the card to purchase. The SKU for the Tango Card is "tango-card". See: <a href="#puchasing_options_skus">Purchase Option of Gift Card Brands</a></dd>
    <dt>[IN] * cardValue</dt>
    <dd>integer - <b>required</b> - The value of the card to purchase in cents (100 = $1.00). See: <a href="#puchasing_options_denominations">Purchase Option for Denominations</a></dd>
    <dt>[IN] * tcSend</dt>
    <dd>boolean - <b>required</b> - Determines if Tango Card Service will send an email with gift card information to recipient. See: <a href="#puchasing_options_distribution">Purchase Option for Distribution</a>.</dd>
    <dt>[IN] * recipientName</dt>
    <dd>string (length 1 - 255) or null - <b>required</b> if parameter <code>tcSend</code> is <code>true</code>, else ignored - The name of the person receiving the card.</dd>
    <dt>[IN] * recipientEmail</dt>
    <dd>string (length 3 - 255) or null - <b>required</b> if parameter <code>tcSend</code> is <code>true</code>, else ignored - The email address of the person receiving the card.</dd>
    <dt>[IN] * giftMessage</dt>
    <dd>string (length 1 - 255) or null - <b>required</b> if parameter <code>tcSend</code> is <code>true</code>, else ignored - A message from the sender of the card to the recipient. May be null, but must exist if tcSend = true.</dd>
    <dt>[IN] giftFrom</dt>
    <dd>string (length 1 - 255) or null - <b>optional</b> if parameter <code>tcSend</code> is <code>true</code>, else ignored - The name of the person sending the card.</dd>
    <dt>[IN] companyIdentifer</dt>
    <dd>string (length 1 - 255) or null - <b>optional</b> if parameter <code>tcSend</code> is <code>true</code>, else ignored - The email-template identifier. Ignored or value <code>null</code> will use the Tango Card Email Template. See: <a href="#puchasing_options_templates">Purchase Option for Email Templates</a>.</dd>
    [OUT] response
    tangocard.sdk.response.success.PurchaseCardResponse - This out parameter will provide a valid success response object if this method returns true upon success.

    tangocard.sdk.response.success.PurchaseCardResponse Properties

    The purpose of providing PurchaseCard() response properties is if you so choose, then you may record digital gift purchase confirmation and card redemption information within your own database.

    Depending on how you set tangocard.sdk.TangoCardServiceApi.PurchaseCard() parameter tcSend:

    If tcSend = true
    Then both you (the gift card requester) and the gift card recipient are provided with all necessary redemption information to redeem the emailed digital gift card sent by our Tango Card Service.
    If tcSend = false
    Then you (the gift card requester) are provided with all necessary card redemption information, and it is your choice on how you wish to deliver the digital gift card redemption information to gift card recipients.

    The tangocard.sdk.response.success.PurchaseCardResponse properties are:

    String getReferenceOrderId
    - Confirmation number of purchase.
    String getCardToken
    - Card reference to the aforementioned purchase.
    String|null getCardNumber
    - If available, the card number provided to the recipient to be used at redemption of eGift Card upon the site.
    String|null getCardPin
    - If available, the card pin provided to the recipient used to validate provided eGift Card number a redemption upon the site.
    String|null getClaimURL
    - If available, the claim URL is an address to a web page on the World Wide Web. This URL can only be accessed through the email you received. It is a unique URL, meaning that it cannot be duplicated or altered.
    String|null getChallangeKey
    - If available, the challenge key provides access, which can be found next to the aforementioned claim URL. You will be prompted to input your Challenge Key when you try to open your eGift Card.

    SDK Error Handling

    The Tango Card Java SDK handles its errors by throwing the following exceptions:

    • Custom tangocard.sdk.service.TangoCardServiceException is thrown when the Tango Card Service API return a Failure Response for a given Request.
    • Custom tangocard.sdk.common.TangoCardSdkException is thrown when the Tango Card SDK has detected an error within its code, regardless of any given Request.
    • Standard java.lang.IllegalArgumentException is thrown due to parameter entry errors.

    Tango Card SDK Exceptions

    Service Failure Responses

    The Tango Card SERVICE API handles its errors by returning the following failure responses as enumerated by tangocard.sdk.response.ServiceResponseEnum:

    FailureFailure Reponse TypeFailure Response Object
    Insufficient FundsINS_FUNDStangocard.sdk.response.failure.InsufficientFundsResponse
    Insufficient InventoryINS_INVtangocard.sdk.response.failure.InsufficientInventoryResponse
    Invalid CredentialsINV_CREDENTIALtangocard.sdk.response.failure.InvalidCredentialsResponse
    Invalid InputINV_INPUTtangocard.sdk.response.failure.InvalidInputResponse
    System FailureSYS_ERRORtangocard.sdk.response.failure.SystemErrorResponse

    Each of the aforementioned Failure Responses contains details as to the reason that the Tango Card Service API did not perform provided Request.

    Tango Card SDK Service Response Failures

    The details of these service failure responses are embedded and thrown within tangocard.sdk.service.TangoCardServiceException

    Expected Failure Responses for Specific Requests

    Each Request will have the following possible Failure Responses as a property value within tangocard.sdk.service.TangoCardServiceException.getResponse(): Using this SDK, when a request fails because of failure response from the Tango Card Service API, then tangocard.sdk.service.TangoCardServiceException is thrown.

    The exception has two properties that define what was failure response from the Tango Card Service API:

    • Failure Response Type held within this property tangocard.sdk.service.TangoCardServiceException.getResponseType().
    • failure Response Object held within this property tangocard.sdk.service.TangoCardServiceException.getResponse() whose parent class is tangocard.sdk.response.failure.FailureResponse.
    RequestPossible Failure Responses
    Failure Reponse TypeFailure Response
    Failure Reponse TypeFailure Response

    SDK Error Responses

    This SDK throws it own custom exception tangocard.sdk.common.TangoCardSdkException when detecting errors that pertain to itself.

    Tango Card SDK Error Detection

    Handling Errors

    Wrap every Tango Card request call within a try/catch block, followed by first catching tangocard.sdk.service.TangoCardServiceException, then by tangocard.sdk.common.TangoCardSdkException, and finally by standard Exception.

            TangoCardServiceApiEnum enumTangoCardServiceApi = TangoCardServiceApiEnum.INTEGRATION;
            String username = "";
            String password = "password";
            GetAvailableBalanceResponse response = new GetAvailableBalanceResponse();
            if ( TangoCardServiceApi.GetAvailableBalance(
                    && (null != response) 
            ) {
                // Do Stuff ... //
        catch (TangoCardServiceException ex)
            System.out.println("=== Tango Card Service Failure ===");
            System.out.println( String.format("Failure response type: %s", ex.getResponseType()) );
            System.out.println( String.format("Failure response:      %s", ex.getMessage()));
        catch (TangoCardSdkException ex)
            System.out.println("=== Tango Card SDK Failure ===");
            System.out.println( String.format("%s :: %s", ex.getClass().toString(), ex.getMessage()));
        catch (Exception ex)
            System.out.println("=== Unexpected Error ===");
            System.out.println( String.format("%s :: %s", ex.getClass().toString(), ex.getMessage()));            

    SDK Contents

    This section details the provided sources of this SDK.


    This is the heart of the SDK which contains the src</code., and here is a listing of its contents:

    • src\tangocard\config\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\common\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\common\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\common\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\request\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\request\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\request\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\response\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\response\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\response\failure\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\response\failure\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\response\failure\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\response\failure\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\response\failure\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\response\failure\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\response\success\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\response\success\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\response\success\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\service\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\service\
    • src\tangocard\sdk\service\


    The Tango Card Java SDK has one dependency for JSON Library org.json-20120521.jar, which is included.

    This folder also contains JUnit Library junit-4.10.jar in order to run unittests provides.

    build file

    Provided is an Apache ANT build.xml file and reading build attributes from which was used to create dest\TangoCard_Java_SDK-{major}.{minor}.{revision}.jar file by using ant:

        > ant build

    configuration files

    There a several configuration files that are referenced by either the provide application examples, unittests, and SDK itself.

    - An example application configuration file for \examples<\code> and \unittests<\code>
    <dd>- SDK configuration file referenced by <code><\code>. <b>**DO NOT MODIFY**</b></dd>


    The \doc\javadoc\index.html accesses the up-to-date javadoc generated documentation for the classes (and functions) that are included in the SDK.


    The \examples sub-directory contains full "start to finish" examples of all of the supported methods provided by this SDK. This includes catching all of the possible failure modes, etc.

    This is a complete example of requesting available balance and purchasing Tango Cards.

    1. Request latest available balance
    2. Purchase $1.00 Tango Card for Email Delivery
    3. Purchase $1.00 Tango Card without Email Delivery
    4. Request updated available balance

    Command Line

    This example is intended to be run from the command line by using ant:

        > ant TangoCard_Store_Example

    Example Command Line Run

         [java] ===============================
         [java] = Tango Card Java SDK Example =
         [java] =   for simple store front    =
         [java] ===============================
         [java] SDK Version: 1.1.7
         [java] Success - GetAvailableBalance - Initial
         [java]     '': Available balance: 842218467.
         [java] Success - PurchaseCard - Delivery
         [java]     Recipient:           ''
         [java]     Card SKU:            'tango-card'
         [java]     Denomination:         100
         [java]     Reference Order ID:  '112-10215780-10'
         [java]     Card Token:          '507608f4addb23.60144944'
         [java]     Card Number:         '7001-0040-0161-3464-219'
         [java]     Card Pin:            '703135'
         [java]     Claim URL:           'null'
         [java]     Challenge Key:       '7001004001613464219'
         [java] Success - PurchaseCard - No Delivery
         [java]     Card SKU:            'tango-card'
         [java]     Denomination:         100
         [java]     Reference Order ID:  '112-10215781-10'
         [java]     Card Token:          '507608f51a62f2.11205198'
         [java]     Card Number:         '7001-6040-0162-8822-612'
         [java]     Card Pin:            '889515'
         [java]     Claim URL:           'null'
         [java]     Challenge Key:       '7001604001628822612'
         [java] Success - GetAvailableBalance - Concluding
         [java]     '': Available balance: 842218267.
         [java] ===============================
         [java] =   The End                   =
         [java] ===============================

    Example of how the SDK handles various failure responses, such as:

    • Insufficient Funds
    • Invalid Credentials
    • Invalid Input

    Command Line

    This example is intended to be run from the command line by using ant:

        > ant TangoCard_Failures_Example

    Example Command Line Run

         [java] ===============================
         [java] = Tango Card Java SDK Example =
         [java] =   with Failures             =
         [java] ===============================
         [java] SDK Version: 1.1.7
         [java] ======== Get Available Balance with Invalid Credentials ========
         [java] === Tango Card Service Failure ===
         [java] Failure response type: INV_CREDENTIAL
         [java] Failure response:      Provided user credentials are not valid.
         [java] ===== End Get Available Balance with Invalid Credentials ====
         [java] ======== Purchase Card with Insufficient Funds ========
         [java] === Tango Card Service Failure ===
         [java] Failure response type: INS_FUNDS
         [java] Failure response:      Available Balance: 0, Order Cost: 100
         [java] AvailableBalance:      0
         [java] OrderCost:             100
         [java] ===== End Purchase Card with Insufficient Funds ====
         [java] ===============================
         [java] =   The End                   =
         [java] ===============================


    The SDK's \unittests<\code> have been written to use JUnit.


    Running JUnit Tests

    This SDK sources contains a JUnit jar downloaded from downloads: \lib\junit-4.10.jar<\code>.


    This junit<\code> test is intended to be run from the command line by using ant<\code>:

        > ant UnitTest_GetAvailableBalance
        Buildfile: \TangoCard_Java_SDK\build.xml
            [junit] Running UnitTest_GetAvailableBalance
            [junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 3.43 sec    


    This junit test is intended to be run from the command line by using ant:

        > ant UnitTest_PurchaseCard
        Buildfile: \TangoCard_Java_SDK\build.xml
            [mkdir] \TangoCard_Java_SDK\junit
            [junit] Running UnitTest_PurchaseCard
            [junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 2.932 sec    

    SDK Development Environment

    This Java SDK was built using:


    The Tango Card Java SDK is free to use, given some restrictions. Please see the LICENSE file for details.

    Contact Us

    If you have any questions about using this SDK, please do contact us at We will respond to inquiries within one business day.

    To learn more about Tango Card integration solutions, call 1.877.55.TANGO (1.877.558.2646).


Java SDK for the TangoCard API.







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