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**Beartype 0.12.0** released.
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This minor release expands the infinitely vast (yet mostly empty) universe of
@beartype into the hitherto uncharted realms of **configuration,** **exception
identification,** **Nuitka,** **`typing.NamedTuple`,** and **Python 3.11.**
Also, other things were done. We swear it!

This minor release resolves **16 issues** and merges **2 pull requests.**
Noteworthy changes include:

## Compatibility Improved.

* **Python 3.11.** This is the first @beartype support to officially support the
  recently released Python 3.11. Notably, this release:
  * Synchronizes our public `beartype.typing` subpackage against upstream
    changes in the standard `typing` module introduced in Python 3.11.
  * Supports PEP-compliant type hints subscripted by the empty tuple (e.g.,
    `typing.Tuple[()]`), whose low-level implementation fundamentally changed
    under Python 3.11.
  * Updates our GitHub Actions-based continuous integration (CI) workflow to
    exercise @beartype against Python 3.11.
* **Nuitka.** This is the first @beartype release to officially support Nuitka
  (i.e., the increasingly popular Python compiler that stuns us all), resolving
  feature request #197 kindly submitted by @shenwpo (also known as the giant
  flaming metallic letter e). This includes a new `test_nuitka()` integration
  test showing that Nuitka successfully compiles a minimal-length example (MLE)
  runtime type-checked by @beartype.
* **`typing.NamedTuple`.** This release adds support for deeply type-checking
  subclasses of the PEP 484-compliant `typing.NamedTuple` superclass.
  Specifically, this release improves the resiliency of our PEP 563 resolution
  mechanism (i.e., the public `beartype.peps.resolve_pep563()` function) against
  callables whose `__module__` dunder attributes lie. This includes *all*
  `typing.NamedTuple` subclasses, which synthesize callables whose `__module__`
  dunder attributes erroneously claim to reside in the non-existent
  `"namedtuple_Foo"` module. Doing so resolves issue #181 kindly submitted by
  probably ingenious "Probabilistic Machine Learning" author @murphyk (Kevin P.

## Features Added

* **Beartype configuration API.** This release publishes a new public API for
  externally configuring @beartype via the now-official `beartype.BeartypeConf`
  type and `beartype.BeartypeStrategy` enumeration. Specifically, this release
  * **`beartype.BeartypeConf.is_color`,** a new tri-state boolean enabling end
    users to control how and whether beartype colours **type-checking
    violations** (i.e., :class:`beartype.roar.BeartypeCallHintViolation`
    exceptions) with POSIX-compliant ANSI escape sequences for readability,
    resolving issue #178 kindly submitted by the foxy ZeroGuard and River
    Oakfield founder @foxx (Cal Leeming). Rejoice, typing acolytes, for you have
    now been freed from the prismatic shackles of the rainbow!
  * **`beartype.BeartypeConf.is_pep484_tower`**, a new standard boolean enabling
    end users to control whether @beartype supports the [implicit numeric tower
    standardized by PEP
    484]( or not, resolving
    issue #174 kindly submitted by dashing French Canadian @felixchenier (Félix
  * **`beartype.BeartypeStrategy.O0`**, a new **no-time strategy** (i.e.,
    beartype configuration option generalizing the standard
    `@typing.no_type_check` decorator). Enabling this strategy instructs the
    `@beartype` decorator to recall and preserve previously applied no-time
    strategies; internally, `@beartype` detects and reduces configurations
    resembling `conf=BeartypeConf(strategy=BeartypeStrategy.O0, ...)` to the
    `@typing.no_type_check` decorator. Users may now blacklist specific
    callables from being type-checked by configuring this strategy as documented
    in our front-facing `README.rst` documentation... *somewhere.* It's in there
    somewhere, people.
* **Beartype exception API.** This release publishes a new public API for
  externally identifying the cause of **type-checking violations** (i.e.,
  instances of the `beartype.roar.BeartypeCallHintViolation` exception
  class) raised by @beartype. These exceptions now publicly expose the
  user-defined objects responsible for those violations via a new
  `BeartypeCallHintViolation.culprits` property, resolving feature request #180
  kindly submitted by @Jasha10 the Supremely Patient and Understanding
  GitHubber. For safety, this property dynamically returns a non-empty tuple of
  the one or more responsible culprits defined as either:
  * For each culprit that supports weak references and is still alive (i.e., has
    yet to be garbage-collected), that culprit as is.
  * Else, the machine-readable string representation of that culprit truncated
    to a reasonable number of characters.

## Features Deprecated

* **`beartype.roar.BeartypeAbby*Exception`.** This release deprecates all
  lingering remnants of the prior `beartype.abby` subpackage – including:
  * `beartype.roar.BeartypeAbbyException`, supplanted by
  * `beartype.roar.BeartypeAbbyHintViolation`, supplanted by
  * `beartype.roar.BeartypeAbbyTesterException`, supplanted by

## Static Type-checking Improved

* **@beartype exports.** This release terminally pacifies:
  * Mypy by publicizing all exported attributes from the top-level
    `beartype` package via a new `beartype.__all__` dunder attribute. Thanks to
    the stylishly pink-haired @pinkwah (Zohar Malamant) for the rapid pull
    request (PR).
  * `pyright` by explicitly re-exporting all public attributes of the top-level
    `beartype` package, resolving issue #169 kindly submitted by MIT AI
    mastermind @rsokl (Ryan Soklaski).
* **Continuous integration (CI).** This release integrates our GitHub
  Actions-based continuous integration (CI) workflow (i.e.,
  `.github/workflows/python_test.yml`) with third-party GitHub Actions
  statically type-checking beartype against both `mypy` and `pyright` at CI time
  – including on every commit as well as pull request (PR). For both robustness
  and efficiency, this release prevents functional tests in our test suite that
  perform these same static type-checks from running under CI. Doing so resolves
  a furious spate of spurious CI complaints. So what we did there? We rhymed.
  Notably, this release:
  * Leverages @jakebailey's superb `jakebailey/pyright-action` action to
    exercise @beartype against `pyright` at CI time.
  * Manually installs and runs `mypy` in a low-level manner under CI *without*
    leveraging @jpetrucciani's otherwise stellar `jpetrucciani/mypy-check`
    action -- which @beartype hopes to revisit at a later date when the issue
    tracker settles there a bit. Thanks so much, @jpetrucciani! You dah real QA

## Issue Resolved

* **`beartype.door.TypeHint` comparisons.** This release significantly improves
  the robustness of comparison operators overloaded by the object-oriented
  `beartype.door.TypeHint` API, resolving issue #198 kindly submitted by
  @wesselb the phenomenal Amsterdammer of
  [Plum]( fame. This includes edge cases when:
  * Comparing unions against both other unions *and* non-unions (e.g.,
    `typing.Any`, isinstanceable classes).
  * Comparing tuple type hints against `typing.Any`.
* **`beartype.BeartypeConf` caching.** This release resolves a critical (yet
  ultimately trivial) caching issue with respect to `beartype.BeartypeConf`
  singletons, in which singletons initialized with different parameters could
  conceivably have been erroneously cached to the same object. Hash collisions!
  I see hash collisions everywhere!
* **Call stack iteration robustness.** This release resolves an edge case in our
  private `beartype._util.func.utilfuncframe.iter_frames()` generator iterating
  over stack frames on the current call stack. Specifically, this generator now
  safely reduces to the empty generator (i.e., noop) when the caller requested
  that generator ignore more stack frames than exist on the call stack. Although
  raising an exception would also be feasible, doing so would only needlessly
  increase the fragility of this already fragile mission-critical generator.

## Documentation Resolved

* **Broken anchor links.** This release repairs broken anchor links dotted
  throughout our monolithic `README.rst` to actually point to valid
* **Sphinx configuration.** This release reconfigures the lackluster coffin that
  is our Sphinx configuration, en-route to resolving issue #8 (!) kindly
  submitted a literal lifetime ago by visionary computer vision export and
  long-standing phenomenal Finn @felix-hilden (Felix Hildén). Specifically,
  this release:
  * **Enables Furo,** switching from the default Read The Docs (RTD) Sphinx
    theme to the third-party Furo theme. We selected this theme according to
    mostly objective (albeit ultimately subjective) heuristic criteria. In
    descending order of importance, we selected the theme with:
    1. The most frequent git commit history.
    2. The open issues and pull requests (PRs).
    3. The most GitHub stars as a crude proxy for aggregate rating.
    Furo handily bested all other themes across all three criteria. Furo is very
    well-maintained, frequently closes out open issues and merges open PRs, and
    sports the highest quantity of GitHub stars by an overwhelming margin. `\o/`
  * **Enables the builtin `intersphinx` extension,** enabling attributes
    defined by the standard library (e.g., the `typing` module, the
    `types.GenericAlias` type) to be cross-referenced as a fallback when *not*
    already defined by this project.
  * **Reconfigures RTD** through our top-level `.readthedocs.yml`
    configuration to:
    * Build under the most recent Long Term Service (LTS) release of Ubuntu.
    * Build under the most recently released minor version of CPython.
    * Configure Sphinx via our `doc/source/` script.
  * **Restores the standard `sys.path` hack** – which, for unknown reasons,
    @leycec disabled but thankfully left commented out. Doing so re-resolves
    issue #120, kindly submitted by @kloczek (Tomasz Kłoczko) five friggin'
    months ago. Thanks so much for the fast patch and rapid turn-around,
  * **Improves pathname robustness** by intelligently detecting
    documentation paths via the standard `pathlib.Path` API.
  * **Enables `autoapi`.** This release successfully transitions from Sphinx's
    builtin (but insane) `autodoc` and `autosummary` extensions to Read The Doc
    (RTD)'s non-builtin (but sane) `autoapi` extension.
  * **Adds a local URI store** (i.e., hidden reStructuredText (reST) document
    centralizing common URI links in reST format, automatically exposed to all
    other reST documents in this project via the `rst_epilog` setting in
    ``) at `doc/src/_links.rst`.
  * **Removes obsolete cruft,** which accrues with time like entropic motes in
    God's eye. That was a reference to a Golden Age of Scifi book, people! Don't
    ask why God only has one eye. It's better not to contemplate these matters.
  * **Ruthlessly circumvents upstream issue sphinx-doc/sphinx#4961,** causing
    Sphinx to emit literally hundreds of ignorable warnings resembling
    ``"WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'TypeHint':``
    ``beartype.door._doorcls.TypeHint, beartype.door.TypeHint"`` with a [trivial
    circumvention shamelessly pilfered from

## Documentation Added

* **[Beartype Object-oriented
  This release prefaces our "Beartype Object-oriented API" subsection with a
  human-readable discussion of the Decidedly Object-Oriented Runtime-checking
  (DOOR) – also known as "That API Which Breaks Hearts and Minds Alike."
* **[Procedural
  Showcase]**( This
  release adds a new *Procedural Showcase* subsection containing a new *Detect
  API Breakage* subsubsection exhibiting a real-world usage for our recently
  published `beartype.door.is_subhint()` tester: detecting API breakage across
  the type hints annotating arbitrary callables in exactly ten lines of code.
* **[Near-real-time FAQ
  entry](** This
  release adds a new FAQ entry entitled *What does "near-real-time" even mean?*,
  justifying our recent categorization of @beartype as a "near-real-time runtime
  type-checker." Let's pretend @leycec knows what he's talking about.
* **[JAX, Numpy, and PyTorch FAQ
  entries](** This release
  expands our existing FAQ with entries on typing JAX and NumPy arrays and
  PyTorch tensors to highlight the stupefying potential unlocked by the
  third-party `jaxtyping`, `nptyping`, and TorchTyping packages, resolving
  issue #98 submitted a literal lifetime ago by Edinburgh NLP researcher
  @amitkparekh (Amit Parekh).
* **[VSCode FAQ
  This release rewrites our entire FAQ entry on `pyright` + Pylance + VSCode to
  be significantly more charitable towards `pyright`, resolving issue #170
  kindly submitted by MIT AI mastermind @rsokl (Ryan Soklaski).
* **[Type narrowing FAQ
  This release adds a new FAQ entry on type narrowing, strongly inspired by
  (*...wait for it*) MIT AI mastermind @rsokl (Ryan Soklaski)'s equally
  masterful writing at issue #166.

(*Powerful bowers full of flowers!*)
  • Loading branch information
leycec committed Jan 17, 2023
1 parent d04875a commit 3f28c85
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion README.rst
Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ type checker <Usage_>`__ emphasizing efficiency, usability, and thrilling puns.
# Import the @beartype decorator.
>>> from beartype import beartype
# Annotate @beartype-decorated callables with type hints.
# Annotate @beartype-decorated classes and callables with type hints.
>>> @beartype
... def quote_wiggum(lines: list[str]) -> None:
... print('{}\n\t— Police Chief Wiggum'.format("\n ".join(lines)))
Expand Down

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