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Installing PMSExp

Mattéo Rossillol‑‑Laruelle edited this page Jul 17, 2023 · 4 revisions

Installing directly


See the release page, download the latest PMSExp-<version>-win64-<locale>.msi and run the downloaded file like a classic Windows installer.

Building manually

Before continuing, please see this wiki page.


  1. First, you need to clone the repository where you want.
git clone ""
  1. Then, set up the build folder inside the created folder.
cd pmsexp
mkdir build
cd build
  1. The next step is to generate the construction files.

By default, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is equal to /usr/local which is path where the program will be installed.

  1. One now starts the compilation.
ninja -j<n>

where <n> is the number of tasks performed in parallel.

  1. Finally, you can install the software; check that you have sufficient rights for this operation.
ninja install


  1. Open the start menu and find the Visual Studio 2022 folder; open it and run x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022.

  2. Clone the repository where you want.

git clone ""
  1. Then, set up the build folder inside the created folder.
cd pmsexp
mkdir build
cd build
  1. Call cmake.
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING="Release" -DOpenCV_DIR:PATH="<OpenCV path>/opencv/build/x64/vc16/lib" -DQt5_DIR:PATH="<Qt path>/5.15.2/msvc2019_64/lib/cmake/Qt5" -DWITH_QCUSTOMPLOT=ON -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 ..
  1. Now, start the compilation.
msbuild --property:Configuration="Release" PMSExp.sln
  1. If you want to package PMSExp, type:
cpack -G WIX PMSExp
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