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Creates users from a databag search.



  • Debian, Ubuntu
  • CentOS, Red Hat, Fedora
  • FreeBSD

A data bag populated with user objects must exist. The default data bag in this recipe is users. See USAGE.


To include just the LWRPs in your cookbook, use:

include_recipe "users"

Otherwise, this cookbook is specific for setting up sysadmin group and users with the sysadmins recipe for now.

include_recipe "users::sysadmins"

Use knife to create a data bag for users.

knife data bag create users

Create a user in the data_bag/users/ directory.

When using an Omnibus ruby, one can specify an optional password hash. This will be used as the user's password.

The hash can be generated with the following command.

openssl passwd -1 "plaintextpassword"

Note: The ssh_keys attribute below can be either a String or an Array. However, we are recommending the use of an Array.

  "id": "bofh",
  "ssh_keys": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nz...yhCw== bofh",

  "id": "bofh",
  "password": "$1$d...HgH0",
  "ssh_keys": [
    "ssh-rsa foo",
    "ssh-rsa AAA456...uvw== bar"
  "groups": [ "sysadmin", "dba", "devops" ],
  "uid": 2001,
  "shell": "\/bin\/bash",
  "comment": "BOFH",
  "nagios": {
    "pager": "",
    "email": ""
  "openid": ""

Remove a user, johndoe1.

knife data bag users johndoe1
  "id": "johndoe1",
  "groups": [ "sysadmin", "dba", "devops" ],
  "uid": 2002,
  "action": "remove",
  "comment": "User quit, retired, or fired."
  • Note only user bags with the "action : remove" and a search-able "group" attribute will be purged by the :remove action.

The sysadmins recipe makes use of the users_manage Lightweight Resource Provider (LWRP), and looks like this:

users_manage "sysadmin" do
  group_id 2300
  action [ :remove, :create ]

Note this LWRP searches the users data bag for the sysadmin group attribute, and adds those users to a Unix security group sysadmin. The only required attribute is group_id, which represents the numeric Unix gid and must be unique. The default action for the LWRP is :create only.

If you have different requirements, for example:

  • You want to search a different data bag specific to a role such as mail. You may change the data_bag searched.
    • data_bag mail
  • You want to search for a different group attribute named postmaster. You may change the search_group attribute. This attribute defaults to the LWRP resource name.
    • search_group postmaster
  • You want to add the users to a security group other than the lightweight resource name. You may change the group_name attribute. This attribute also defaults to the LWRP resource name.
    • group_name wheel

Putting these requirements together our recipe might look like this:

users_manage "postmaster" do
  data_bag "mail"
  group_name "wheel"
  group_id 10

The latest version of knife supports reading data bags from a file and automatically looks in a directory called +data_bags+ in the current directory. The "bag" should be a directory with JSON files of each item. For the above:

mkdir data_bags/users
$EDITOR data_bags/users/bofh.json

Paste the user's public SSH key into the ssh_keys value. Also make sure the uid is unique, and if you're not using bash, that the shell is installed. The default search, and Unix group is sysadmin.

The recipe, by default, will also create the sysadmin group. If you're using the opscode sudo cookbook, they'll have sudo access in the default site-cookbooks template. They won't have passwords though, so the sudo cookbook's template needs to be adjusted so the sysadmin group has NOPASSWD.

The sysadmin group will be created with GID 2300. This may become an attribute at a later date.

The Apache cookbook can set up authentication using OpenIDs, which is set up using the openid key here. See the Opscode 'apache2' cookbook for more information about this.

Chef Solo

As of version 1.4.0, this cookbook might work with Chef Solo when using chef-solo-search by edelight. That cookbook is not a dependency of this one as Chef solo doesn't support dependency resolution using cookbook metadata - all cookbooks must be provided to the node manually when using Chef Solo.

Customizing User Environments

It is sometimes desirable to allow for the customization of the shell environment on a per-user basis. Things like .vimrc or .my.cnf can make life easier for shell users.

The philosophy here is that all files that customize a user environment will appear in the users home directory. The owner and group of a file will always be the set to the user and their group, but file permissions are exposed for control to simplify requirements such as those for the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

If you want to provide customization for users on a per-user basis, wrap this cookbook and call the LWRP. A snippet of a wrapping cookbooks default recipe might look something like this:

Include this recipe so the LWRP is active

include_recipe 'users::default'

Chef creates a standard sudo group akin to the Redhat wheel or the Debian


users_manage 'sysadmin' do action [ :remove, :create ] custom_files true group_id 2300 wrapper_cookbook 'cook_users' end

Note that the custom_files attribute must be set to true and that the wrapper_cookbook attribute must be set to the name of the cookbook wrapping the call to the LWRP. This is necessary so Chef can find the files associated with the user.

In addition to the JSON example above, the files key is present at the top level with a structure as follows:

  "id": "bofh",
  "password": "$1$d...HgH0",
  "ssh_keys": [
    "ssh-rsa foo",
    "ssh-rsa AAA456...uvw== bar"
  "groups": [ "sysadmin", "dba", "devops" ],
  "uid": 2001,
  "shell": "\/bin\/bash",
  "comment": "BOFH",
  "nagios": {
    "pager": "",
    "email": ""
  "openid": "",
  "files": {
    "_inputrc": {
      "mode": "00600",
      "path": ".inputrc",
      "type": "file"
    "ssh_config": {
      "mode": "00600",
      "path": ".ssh/ssh_config",
      "type": "file"
    "_my_cnf.erb": {
      "mode": "00600",
      "path": ".my.cnf",
      "type": "template"

Note that it is the combination (logical and) of the custom_files attribute of the LWRP and the existence of the files key in the JSON that will cause Chef to look for these configuration files. Thus if some users do not have customizations specified in the JSON, the Chef run will not fail.

Files specified in the JSON under files with type set to "file" will be looked for in the wrapper cookbook in the path files/default/USERNAME (where USERNAME is really the id of the bag item). Similarly templates should have type set to "tempalte" and will be looked for in the wrapper cookbook path templates/default/USERNAME. So the cookbook file structure supporting the above JSON would look like this:

└── default
    └── USERNAME
        ├── _inputrc
        └── ssh_config
└── default
    └── USERNAME
        └── _my_cnf.erb

Note that if a file is specified in the JSON but does not exist in the cookbook an error will halt the Chef run. Similary a file existing in the file system but not specified in the JSON will not be laid down by Chef.

License and Author

Author:: Joshua Timberman ( Author:: Seth Chisamore (

Copyright:: 2009-2013, Opscode, Inc

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


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