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Releases: belav/csharpier


26 Apr 16:39
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What's Changed

Pipe to dotnet csharpier fails when subdirectory is inaccessible #1240

When running the following CSharpier would look for config files in subdirectories of the pwd. This could lead to exceptions if some of those directories were inaccessible.

echo "namespace Foo { public class Bar { public string Baz {get;set;}}}" | dotnet csharpier

Thanks go to @jamesfoster for reporting the issue.

Full Changelog: 0.28.1...0.28.2

Rider 1.7.1

19 Apr 14:59
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  • Fix unicode issue with csharpier 0.28.0+


16 Apr 23:12
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What's Changed

Third party .editorconfig leading to: Error Failure parsing editorconfig files #1227

When CSharpier encountered an invalid .editorconfig file, it would throw an exception and not format files. These files could appear in 3rd party code (for example within node_modules). CSharpier now ignores invalid lines in .editorconfigs

Thanks go to @K0Te for reporting the issue

Full Changelog: 0.28.0...0.28.1


07 Apr 22:22
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What's Changed

Fix dedented method call if there is a long chain #1154

In some cases of method chains, the first invocation would end up dedented.

// 0.27.3

// 0.28.0

Extra newline in switch case statement with curly braces [#1192](#1192

If a case statement started with a block it would get an extra new line

// 0.27.3
switch (someValue)
    case 0:
        // dedented because the only statement is a block

    case 1:

            // indented because there are two statements, a block then a break

// 0.28.0
// 0.27.3
switch (someValue)
    case 0:
        // dedented because the only statement is a block

    case 1:
            // indented because there are two statements, a block then a break

Thanks go to @emberTrev for reporting the bug.

Handle more editorconfig glob patterns. #1214

The editorconfig parsing was not handling glob patterns that contained braces.

# worked in 0.27.3
indent_size = 4
tab_width = 4

# did not work in 0.27.3
indent_size = 4
tab_width = 4

# did not work in 0.27.3
indent_size = 4
tab_width = 4

Thanks go to @kada-v for reporting the bug

Ignore-start combined with regions throws exception #1197

The following code would throw an exception, it is now working as expected.

class ClassName
    #region Region
    // csharpier-ignore-start
    public string   Field;
    // csharpier-ignore-end

Thanks go to @davidescapolan01 for reporting the bug

Cannot format project containing editorconfig #1194

On some OSs the following would cause an exception.

dotnet new console -n foo
cd foo
dotnet new editorconfig
dotnet csharpier ./

Thanks go to @hashitaku for contributing the fix.

Expose IncludeGenerated in CodeFormatterOptions #1215

CodeFormatterOptions.IncludeGenerated is now available for the SDK.

Returning errors + status from csharpier http server #1191

Improved the http server that CSharpier will soon use to facilitate formatting by plugins. The formatting request now returns errors and a status for each file formatted.
This allows the plugin to provide more information to the user when they attempt to format a file. The plugins will be updated to use the http server option for CSharpier 0.28.0+

Full Changelog: 0.27.3...0.28.0

Rider 1.6.2-beta

08 Mar 20:37
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Rider 1.6.2-beta Pre-release
  • Fix issues with lookup of '.NET CLI executable path', csharpier will now wait until rider is ready with the information.
  • No more falling back to PATH

Rider 1.6.1-beta

01 Mar 18:12
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Rider 1.6.1-beta Pre-release
  • Delay lookup of '.NET CLI executable path' until it is needed
  • Fall back to looking for dotnet on PATH if '.NET CLI executable path' is not available

Rider 1.6.0-beta

24 Feb 17:01
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Rider 1.6.0-beta Pre-release

Better support for dotnet commands.

  • Uses the Rider setting for '.NET CLI executable path' for running dotnet commands
  • If unable to run dotnet commands, show an error message


18 Feb 16:34
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What's Changed

Add more options to CodeFormatterOptions #1172

The API for CSharpier was only exposing CodeFormatterOptions.PrintWidth. It is now in sync with the CLI and exposes all of the available options

public class CodeFormatterOptions
    public int Width { get; init; } = 100;
    public IndentStyle IndentStyle { get; init; } = IndentStyle.Spaces;
    public int IndentSize { get; init; } = 4;
    public EndOfLine EndOfLine { get; init; } = EndOfLine.Auto;

Thanks go to @Phault for the contribution

Extra indent when call method on RawStringLiteral #1169

When a raw string literal was the first argument to a method call, it was getting an extra indent.

// input & expected output

// 0.27.2

Thanks go to @Rudomitori for reporting the bug.

Using aliases sorting is not always the same depending on the input order #1168

Using aliases were not sorting properly, resulting differing outputs and unstable formatting.

Inputs of

using A = string;
using B = string;
using C = string;
using D = string;


using D = string;
using C = string;
using B = string;
using A = string;

Now always result in properly sorted output of

using A = string;
using B = string;
using C = string;
using D = string;

Thanks go to @Araxor for reporting the bug.

Spread (in collection expression) are not formatted #1167

The spread element was unformatted, and left as is. It is now formatted as follows.

int[] someArray = [.. someOtherArray];
int[] someOtherArray = [.. value1, .. value2, .. value3];

int[] someOtherArray =
    .. value1________________________________,
    .. value2________________________________,
    .. value3________________________________

Thanks go to @jods4 for reporting the bug.

Fix empty line before collection expression in attribute #1164

A collection expression in an attribute resulted in an extra line before the collection expression.

// input & expected output

class ClassName { }

// 0.27.2

class ClassName { }

Thanks go to @Rudomitori for reporting the bug.

using static System.* usings not ordered before other static usings like using System.* ones #1162

Static usings were not following the rule that System.* should be sorted to the top.

// input & expected output
using static System;
using static System.Web;
using static AWord;
using static ZWord;

// 0.27.2
using static AWord;
using static System;
using static System.Web;
using static ZWord;

Remove hash from version #1144

When .net8 support was added, CSharpier started including a commit hash in the version number output. This was due to a breaking change in the sdk.

> dotnet csharpier --version

CSharpier no longer includes the commit hash

> dotnet csharpier --version


12 Feb 03:38
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vscode-1.5.3-beta1 Pre-release

This adds better support for dotnet commands by

  1. Using the option for dotnet.dotnetPath if it exists
  2. Using the option for omnisharp.dotNetCliPaths if it exists
  3. Trying to find dotnet on the PATH by running dotnet --info
  4. Trying to find dotnet on the PATH by running sh -c "dotnet --info"


28 Jan 19:05
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What's Changed

Orphan variable since 0.27.1 #1153

0.27.1 introduced the following formatting regression, resulting in short variables being orphaned on a line

// 0.27.1

// 0.27.2

Thanks go to @aurnoi1 for reporting the bug

Better support for CSharp Script #1141

Version 0.27.1 parsed .csx files as if they were C#, so it could only format simple ones. It now parses them as CSharpScript files so it can format them properly.

Thanks go to @Eptagone for reporting the bug.

Full Changelog: 0.27.1...0.27.2