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Gradle init-scripts

Gradle init scripts provides an easy and effective way to manage or add dependencies to a customized PHPJavaBridge server.

The init-scripts folder contains ready-made init-scripts for some popular libraries like JasperReports, CoreNLP, POI, PDFBox... that can also be used as example for creating your own deps scripts.

If dependencies can also be managed in the main build.grade file, the init-scripts way allows to control the build (or multiple builds) from the command line without altering you main configuration (important if you fork the project).


Add the -I (--init-script) parameter followed by the init script filename to the ./gradlew command.

As an example, you can call the war task to generate a build with both jasperreports and mysql-connector like:

$ ./gradlew war -I init-scripts/init.jasperreports.gradle -I init-scripts/init.mysql.gradle

The newly builded war file present in the build/libs folder will now contains your dependencies in its WEB-INF/lib internal directory.

Provided example init scripts

Here's a list of some example libraries ready to use when you ./gradlew

Type File Description
Common ./init.guava.gradle Guava Google core libraries for Java
PDF ./init.itext.gradle IText low level library to generate PDF
PDF ./init.pdfbox.gradle PDFBox Java tool for working with PDF documents.
DOC/XLS ./init.poi.gradle Apache POI Java API for Microsoft Documents.
REPORT ./init.jasperreports.gradle JasperReports to generate PDF/XLS/HTML... reports
HTMLParser ./init.jsoup.gradle Jsoup Java HTML Parser, with best of DOM, CSS, and jquery
HTML2PDF ./init.flyingsaucer.gradle FlyingSaucer XML/XHTML and CSS 2.1 renderer in pure Java
JDBC ./init.mysql.gradle MySQL JDBC connector
JDBC ./init.mariadb.gradle MariaDB JDBC connector
JDBC ./init.postgresql.gradle PostgreSQL JDBC connector
NLP ./init.opennlp.gradle Apache OpenNLP natural language processing
NLP ./init.corenlp.gradle Standford CoreNLP - POSTagger, NER, ...

CoreNLP Training

Languages specific models to train languages with Standford CoreNLP

Type File Description
NLP ./init.corenlp-models.gradle Standford CoreNLP Trained core models - 400Mb
NLPModel ./init.corenlp-models-english.gradle Standford CoreNLP Trained models for English - 900Mb + 500M (KBP)
NLPModel ./init.corenlp-models-german.gradle Standford CoreNLP Trained models for German - 130Mb
NLPModel ./init.corenlp-models-french.gradle Standford CoreNLP Trained models for French - 130Mb
NLPModel ./init.corenlp-models-spanish.gradle Standford CoreNLP Trained models for Spanish - 200Mb
NLPModel ./init.corenlp-models-chinese.gradle Standford CoreNLP Trained models for Chinese - 800Mb