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Rådgiverværktøjet stilles vederlagsfrit til rådighed under henvisning til, at dette vil bidrage til at fremme en lovlig kommunal interesse i miljøet/energibesparelser, hvilket sker på baggrund af

Hortens juridiske vurdering (10.5.2019) af de kommunalretlige forhold vedrørende Rådgiverværktøjet og efterfølgende interne vurdering af underleverandørers immaterielle rettigheder jf. kontrakter og øvrige sagsdokumenter.


The installation instructions have been tested succesfully on an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS server.

Project has been adjusted for using for SEAS-NVE. Some values in code have been changed because of hardcoded values declaration. Example:

// @SEAS-NVE adaptation begin.
# Hardcoded values declaration.
// @SEAS-NVE adaptation end.

All these hardcoded cases should be refactored to use configuration/translation layer instead. See example:src/AppBundle/Resources/translations/messages.da_SEASNVE.yml


Make sure that your environment has proper software versions.

  1. PHP version 5.6.
  2. Composer has version 1.6.3.
  3. Create a MariaDB (recommened) or a MySql database; you'll need the database host, name, user and password shortly.

Clone the code:

git clone --branch=develop
cd seas-nve

Install composer packages (you'll be asked for database and mailer settings during the installation):

SYMFONY_ENV=prod composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader

Install assets and update the database schema:

SYMFONY_ENV=prod app/console assets:install --symlink
SYMFONY_ENV=prod app/console cache:clear --no-warmup
SYMFONY_ENV=prod app/console cache:warmup
SYMFONY_ENV=prod app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction
SYMFONY_ENV=prod app/console aaplus:post-migrate
SYMFONY_ENV=prod app/console aaplus:post-migrate:20160711133430

Set file system permissions:

Create a super administrator user:

SYMFONY_ENV=prod app/console fos:user:create --super-admin

Finally, set up a web server as described on


Audit tables cleanup

The solution is keeping the record or audit of entries in special tables (suffixed by _audit).

By default the deletion of an entity does not remove the related records from audit tables. In order to do a cleanup, a console command has been created:

SYMFONY_ENV=prod app/console seas-nve:audit-entities-cleanup

It is recommended to run this command periodically to keep the database tables clean.

Known issues

After all installation steps it's possible you will get errors for some pages.

  1. Configuration pages /belysningtiltagdetail_nytarmatur and /belysningtiltagdetail_erstatningslyskilde requires intl php extension on server.

  2. General configuration page /configuration. Configuration entity has inconsistency in default values for keys mtmFaellesomkostningerNulHvisArealMindreEnd and mtmFaellesomkostningerNulHvisTotalEntreprisesumMindreEnd. You can update Configuration table manually and set these keys as nullable.

  3. Create building page /bygning/new requires groups: Aa+, Rådgiver, Interessent in system. These groups are not created by default. You can add/(copy and rename) them in db ( fos_group table) manually.

  4. Project includes pdf converting process that based on KnpSnappyBundle component. It requires wkhtmltopdf >= 0.12.2 tool to be install on server.

4.1 You may need to add you project host to /etc/hosts, to allow wkhtmltopdf tool resolves paths to images and sources from html content that going to be converted.

4.2 Allow system save temporary data to tmp folder. Check key sys_temp_dir and set it to accessible for webserver directory.

4.3 You might need a patched QT version of "wkhtmltopdf"

4.3 You might need to install one or more of these libraries:

  • libxrender1
  • libfontconfig1
  • libx11-dev
  • libjpeg62
  • libxtst6

See: barryvdh/laravel-snappy#68 (comment)