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Manuel Kreutz edited this page Dec 9, 2016 · 2 revisions

This page aims to describe how to develop features into this plugin.

  • create a new branch to work on. example: git checkout -b feature/what-you-are-working-on
  • commit all your work to that branch and rebase if necessary to clean up the commit history
  • update the plugin.json and package.json with a new "version" number and "updated" date
    • we are using Semantic Versioning which uses 1.X.0 for features and 1.X.Y for bugfixes and minor changes
  • update the "Change Log" section in the and src/ file describing what changed
  • run grunt test to update the dist/ directory and run code tests
    • this will run the JavaScript Code Style checker (JSCS) and JSHint
  • once ready for review create a Pull Request
  • a committer will review your changes quickly and provide feedback or merge them into the master branch

Submit any issues or questions with the plugin on Github.

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