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Stack of BEM technologies contains a block i-bem.

It's JavaScript implementation uses BEM data domain. The use of this library allows one to manipulate the client-side JavaScript/DOM in BEM-Style according to BEM-Principles, not only in the design of visible components, but also their behavior.2


##BEM (i-bem) api reference

###Static properties

####.blocks {Object}

Storage for block declarations (hash by block name)


###Static methods

####.create(block, [params])

  • block {String|Object} Block name or description
  • params {Object} Block parameters

Factory method for creating an instance of the block named


  • obj {Object}

Helper for cleaning out properties[id], [drop])

  • id {String} Channel ID
  • drop {Boolean} Destroy the channel

Returns/destroys a named communication channel

####.decl(decl, decl.block|, [decl.baseBlock], [decl.modName], [decl.modVal], [props], [staticProps])

Declares blocks and creates a block class

  • decl {String|Object} Block name (simple syntax) or description
  • decl.block| {String} Block name
  • decl.baseBlock {String} Name of the parent block
  • decl.modName {String} Modifier name
  • decl.modVal {String} Modifier value
  • props {Object} Methods
  • staticProps {Object} Static methods


Returns the name of the current block

####.#afterCurrentEvent(fn, ctx)

  • fn {Function}
  • ctx {Object}

Adds a function to the queue for executing after the "current event"

####.changeThis(fn, ctx)

  • fn {Function}
  • ctx {Object} Context

Changes the context of the function being passe

###Instance methods[id], [drop])

  • id {String} Channel ID
  • drop {Boolean} Destroy the channel

Returns a named communication channel


Returns a block's default parameters


  • obj {Object}

Helper for cleaning up block properties


Deletes a block

####.changeThis(fn, [ctx])

  • fn {Function}
  • ctx {Object} Context

Changes the context of the function being passed

####.afterCurrentEvent(fn, [ctx])

  • fn {Function}
  • ctx {Object} Context

Executes the function in the context of the block, after the "current event"

####.trigger(e, [data])

  • e {String} Event name
  • data {Object} Additional information

Executes the block's event handlers and live event handlers

####.hasMod([elem], modName, [modVal])

  • elem {Object} Nested element
  • modName {String} Modifier name
  • modVal {String} Modifier value

Checks whether a block or nested element has a modifier

####.getMod([elem], modName)

  • elem {Object} Nested element
  • modName {String} Modifier name

Returns the value of the modifier of the block/nested element

####.getMods([elem], [modName1, ..., modNameN])

  • elem {Object} Nested element
  • modName1, ..., modNameN {String} Modifier names

Returns values of modifiers of the block/nested element

####.setMod([elem], modName, modVal)

  • elem {Object} Nested element
  • modName {String} Modifier name
  • modVal {String} Modifier value

Sets the modifier for a block/nested element

####.toggleMod([elem], modName, modVal1, [modVal2], [condition])

  • elem {Object} Nested element
  • modName {String} Modifier name
  • modVal1 {String} First modifier value
  • modVal2 {String} Second modifier value
  • condition {Boolean} Condition

Sets a modifier for a block/nested element, depending on conditions. If the condition parameter is passed: when true, modVal1 is set; when false, modVal2 is set. If the condition parameter is not passed: modVal1 is set if modVal2 was set, or vice versa.

####.delMod([elem], modName)

  • elem {Object} Nested element
  • modName {String} Modifier name

Removes a modifier from a block/nested element

##BEM.DOM (i-bem__dom) api reference

###Static properties

####.extractParams {Object}

Retrieves block parameters from a DOM element

####.scope {jQuery}

Scope Will be set on onDomReady to tag body

####.doc {jQuery}

Document shortcut {jQuery}

Window shortcut

###Static methods

####.replace(ctx, content)

  • ctx {jQuery} Root DOM node
  • content {jQuery|String} Content to be added

Changes a fragment of the DOM tree including the context and initializes blocks.

####.append(ctx, content)

  • ctx {jQuery} Root DOM node
  • content {jQuery|String} Content to be added

Adds a fragment of the DOM tree at the end of the context and initializes blocks

####.prepend(ctx, content)

  • ctx {jQuery} Root DOM node
  • content {jQuery|String} Content to be added

Adds a fragment of the DOM tree at the beginning of the context and initializes blocks

####.before(ctx, content)

  • ctx {jQuery} Contextual DOM node
  • content {jQuery|String} Content to be added

Adds a fragment of the DOM tree before the context and initializes blocks

####.after(ctx, content)

  • ctx {jQuery} Contextual DOM node
  • content {jQuery|String} Content to be added

Adds a fragment of the DOM tree after the context and initializes blocks

####.buildSelector([elem], [modName], [modVal])

  • elem {String} Element name
  • modName {String} Modifier name
  • modVal {String} Modifier value

Builds a CSS selector corresponding to the block/element and modifier


  • uniqId {String}
  • getWindowSize()

Returns the size of the current window

deprecated Returns a block instance by unique ID

####.init([ctx], callback, callbackCtx)

  • ctx {jQuery} Root DOM node
  • callback
  • callbackCtx

Initializes blocks on a fragment of the DOM tree

####.destruct([keepDOM], ctx, [excludeSelf])

  • keepDOM {Boolean} Whether to keep DOM nodes in the document
  • ctx {jQuery} Root DOM node
  • excludeSelf {Boolean} Exclude the context

Destroys blocks on a fragment of the DOM tree

####.update(ctx, content, [callback], [callbackCtx])

  • ctx {jQuery} Root DOM node
  • content {jQuery|String} New content
  • callback {Function} Handler to be called after initialization
  • callbackCtx {Object} Handler's context

Replaces a fragment of the DOM tree inside the context, destroying old blocks and intializing new ones

####.liveInitOnEvent([elemName], event, [callback])

  • elemName {String} Element name or names (separated by spaces)
  • event {String} Event name
  • callback {Function} Handler to call after successful initialization

Helper for live initialization for an event on DOM elements of a block or its elements

####.liveBindTo([to], event, [callback], invokeOnInit)

  • to {String|Object} Description (object with modName, modVal, elem) or name of the element or elements (space-separated)
  • event {String} Event name
  • callback {Function} Handler
  • invokeOnInit

Helper for subscribing to live events on DOM elements of a block or its elements

####.liveUnbindFrom([elem], event, [callback])

  • elem {String} Name of the element or elements (space-separated)
  • event {String} Event name
  • callback {Function} Handler

Helper for unsubscribing from live events on DOM elements of a block or its elements

####.liveInitOnBlockEvent(event, blockName, callback)

Helper for live initialization for a different block's event on the current block's DOM element

####.event {String}

Event name

####.blockName {String}

Name of the block that should trigger a reaction when initialized

####.callback {Function}

Handler to be called after successful initialization in the new block's context

####.liveInitOnBlockInsideEvent(event, blockName, [callback])

  • event {String} Event name
  • blockName {String} Name of the block that should trigger a reaction when initialized
  • callback {Function} Handler to be called after successful initialization in the new block's context

Helper for live initialization for a different block's event inside the current block

####.liveInitOnBlockInit(blockName, callback)

deprecated - use liveInitOnBlockEvent

  • blockName {String} Name of the block that should trigger a reaction when initialized
  • callback {Function} Handler to be called after successful initialization in the new block's context

Helper for live initialization when a different block is initialized on a DOM element of the current block

####.liveInitOnBlockInsideInit(blockName, [callback])

deprecated - use liveInitOnBlockInsideEvent

  • blockName {String} Name of the block that should trigger a reaction when initialized
  • callback {Function} Handler to be called after successful initialization in the new block's context

Helper for live initialization when a different block is initialized inside the current block

####.on([ctx], e, [data], fn, [fnCtx])

  • ctx {jQuery} The element in which the event will be listened for
  • e {String} Event name
  • data {Object} Additional information that the handler gets as
  • fn {Function} Handler
  • fnCtx {Object} Handler's context

Adds a live event handler to a block, based on a specified element where the event will be listened for

####.un([ctx], e, [fn], [fnCtx])

  • ctx {jQuery} The element in which the event was being listened for
  • e {String} Event name
  • fn {Function} Handler
  • fnCtx {Object} Handler context

Removes the live event handler from a block, based on a specified element where the event was being listened for

####.liveCtxBind(ctx, e, [data], fn, [fnCtx])

deprecated Use on

  • ctx {jQuery} The element in which the event will be listened for
  • e {String} Event name
  • data {Object} Additional information that the handler gets as
  • fn {Function} Handler
  • fnCtx {Object} Handler context

Adds a live event handler to a block, based on a specified element where the event will be listened for

####.liveCtxUnbind(ctx, e, [fn], [fnCtx])

deprecated Use on

  • ctx {jQuery} The element in which the event was being listened for
  • e {String} Event name
  • fn {Function} Handler
  • fnCtx {Object} Handler context

Removes a live event handler from a block, based on a specified element where the event was being listened for

###Instance methods


  • elem {String|jQuery} Element

Retrieves parameters of a block element

####.elemify(elem, elemName)

  • elem {jQuery} Element
  • elemName {String} Name

Elemify given element

####.buildSelector([elem], [modName], [modVal])

  • elem {String} Element name
  • modName {String} Modifier name
  • modVal {String} Modifier value

Builds a CSS selector corresponding to a block/element and modifier


  • keepDOM {Boolean} Whether to keep the block's DOM nodes in the document

Deletes a block

####.findBlocksInside([elem], block)

  • elem {String|jQuery} Block element
  • block {String|Object} Name or description (block,modName,modVal) of the block to find

Finds blocks inside the current block or its elements (including context)

####.findBlockInside([elem], block)

  • elem {String|jQuery} Block element
  • block {String|Object} Name or description (block,modName,modVal) of the block to find

Finds the first block inside the current block or its elements (including context)

####.findBlocksOutside([elem], block)

  • elem {String|jQuery} Block element
  • block {String|Object} Name or description (block,modName,modVal) of the block to find

Finds blocks outside the current block or its elements (including context)

####.findBlockOutside([elem], block)

  • elem {String|jQuery} Block element
  • block {String|Object} Name or description (block,modName,modVal) of the block to find

Finds the first block outside the current block or its elements (including context)

####.findBlocksOn([elem], block)

  • elem {String|jQuery} Block element
  • block {String|Object} Name or description (block,modName,modVal) of the block to find

Finds blocks on DOM elements of the current block or its elements

####.findBlockOn([elem], block)

Finds the first block on DOM elements of the current block or its elements

  • elem {String|jQuery} Block element
  • block {String|Object} Name or description (block,modName,modVal) of the block to find

####.bindToDomElem(domElem, event, fn)

  • domElem {jQuery} DOM element where the event will be listened for
  • event {String|Object} Event name or event object
  • fn {Function} Handler function, which will be executed in the block's context

Adds an event handler for any DOM element

####.bindToDoc(event, fn)

  • event {String} Event name
  • fn {Function} Handler function, which will be executed in the block's context

Adds an event handler to the document

####.bindToWin(event, fn)

  • event {String} Event name
  • fn {Function} Handler function, which will be executed in the block's context

Adds an event handler to the window

####.bindTo([elem], event, fn)

  • elem {jQuery|String} Element
  • event {String} Event name
  • fn {Function} Handler function, which will be executed in the block's context

Adds an event handler to the block's main DOM elements or its nested elements

####.unbindFromDomElem(domElem, event)

  • domElem {jQuery} DOM element where the event was being listened for
  • event {String} Event name

Removes event handlers from any DOM element


  • event {String} Event name

Removes event handler from document


  • event {String} Event name

Removes event handler from window

####.unbindFrom([elem], event)

  • elem {jQuery|String} Nested element
  • event {String} Event name

Removes event handlers from the block's main DOM elements or its nested elements

####.trigger(e, [data])

  • e {String} Event name
  • data {Object} Additional information

Triggers block event handlers and live event handlers

####.setMod([elem], modName, modVal)

  • elem {jQuery} Nested element
  • modName {String} Modifier name
  • modVal {String} Modifier value

Sets a modifier for a block/nested element

####.findElem([ctx], names, [modName], [modVal])

  • ctx {String|jQuery} Element where search is being performed
  • names {String} Nested element name (or names separated by spaces)
  • modName {String} Modifier name
  • modVal {String} Modifier value

Finds elements nested in a block

####.elem(names, [modName], [modVal])

  • names {String} Nested element name (or names separated by spaces)
  • modName {String} Modifier name
  • modVal {String} Modifier value

Lazy search for elements nested in a block (caches results)

####.dropElemCache(names, [modName], [modVal])

  • names {String} Nested element name (or names separated by spaces)
  • modName {String} Modifier name
  • modVal {String} Modifier value

Clearing the cache for elements


  • domElem {jQuery} DOM element

Checks whether a DOM element is in a block


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