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Frequently Asked Questions

ben5459 edited this page Sep 12, 2022 · 1 revision

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: SmCo magnets have a TwMax of 250-350C. Why are you using NdFeB magnets?
A: Our custom NdFeB magnets have an energy density 30% higher than SmCo magnets while still offering a TwMax of 150C.

Q: How does this compare to an Idex printer?
A: This is more complex but it is also more flexible. Additionally, a tool changer can be faster because it isn't weighed down by the second printhead on an idex printer.

Q: Which is better, the Enraged Rabit Carrot Feededer or this?
A: They are complementary. Any one of the tools used on the tool changer can also have virtual tools that correspond with materials in the ERCF.


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