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Updated preliminary refactoring for specify to master
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fixed most of the bitrot except for the case induced by the .call method hack about to be replaced

Merge branch 'specify' into merge-specify

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bendlas committed May 6, 2013
2 parents 009db3c + e20b3eb commit 5d827ee
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Showing 3 changed files with 195 additions and 80 deletions.
240 changes: 162 additions & 78 deletions src/clj/cljs/core.clj
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Expand Up @@ -533,88 +533,172 @@
(defn to-property [sym]
(symbol (core/str "-" sym)))

(defmacro extend-type [tsym & impls]
(let [resolve #(let [ret (:name (cljs.analyzer/resolve-var (dissoc &env :locals) %))]
(assert ret (core/str "Can't resolve: " %))
impl-map (loop [ret {} s impls]
(defn resolve-protocol-symbol
([env psym] (resolve-protocol-symbol env psym false))
([env psym warn]
(if (= 'Object psym)
(let [existing (cljs.analyzer/resolve-existing-var (dissoc env :locals) psym)]
(when warn
(cond (not existing)
(cljs.analyzer/warning env (core/str "WARNING: Can't resolve protocol symbol " psym))

(not (:protocol-symbol existing))
(cljs.analyzer/warning env (core/str "WARNING: Symbol " psym " is not a protocol"))

(and (:deprecated existing)
(-> psym meta :deprecation-nowarn not))
(cljs.analyzer/warning env (core/str "WARNING: Protocol " psym " is deprecated"))))

(if existing
(vary-meta (:name existing) merge (meta psym))

(defn emit-ifn-call-meth [arity-exprs]
(let [ps (map (fn [_] (gensym "arg-")) (range (core/dec (apply core/max
(keys arity-exprs)))))
atup #(take (core/dec %) ps)]
(list* `fn
(for [[a e] arity-exprs]
`(~(vec (cons '_ (atup a)))
(this-as this# (~e this# ~@(atup a))))))))

(defn emit-specify*-ifn [oprefix methods]
(assert (= 1 (count methods)) "IFn only has -invoke")
(let [[m arities] (first methods)
_ (assert (= '-invoke m) "IFn only has -invoke")
syms (into {} (map #(vector % (symbol (core/str "arity__" %))) (keys arities)))]
`(let ~(vec (mapcat (fn [[a expr]] [(syms a) expr]) arities))
(set! ~(oprefix 'call) ~(emit-ifn-call-meth syms))
(set! ~(oprefix 'apply) ifn-apply-method))))

(defmacro specify*
"Let an instance implement protocols, with a syntax loosely based on extend. Implementing closures are passed along with explicit arities:
(specify* o
ISeq {-first {1 first-impl}
-rest {1 rest-impl}}
ILookup {-lookup {2 lookup-impl
3 lookup-default-impl}})
This allows to attach existing closures as protocol methods to an object, which can be helpful if performance is critical. Implementations can also be passed inline, as specify does.
Caveats: specify* doesn't do protocol less methods (Object pseudo protocol).
Use specify for that or assign directly."
[oexpr & proto+mmaps]
(if-not (core/symbol? oexpr)
(let [osym (with-meta (gensym "specify-target-") (meta oexpr))]
`(let [~osym ~oexpr]
(specify* ~osym ~@proto+mmaps)))
(let [osym oexpr
oprefix (fn [field] `(. ~osym ~(to-property field)))
skip-meta (-> osym meta :skip-protocol-flag)
skip-flag? (if (core/instance? Boolean skip-meta)
(constantly skip-meta)
(set skip-meta))]
`(do ~@(apply concat
(for [[proto methods] (partition 2 proto+mmaps)
:let [psym (resolve-protocol-symbol &env proto true)
pprefix (protocol-prefix psym)]]
(if (= psym 'cljs.core/IFn)
[(emit-specify*-ifn oprefix methods)]
(when-not (skip-flag? psym)
`(set! ~(oprefix pprefix) true))
(for [[method arities] methods
[arity impl] arities]
`(set! ~(oprefix (core/str pprefix method "$arity$" arity)) ~impl))))))

;; Methods without a protocol, e.g. toString
(defn emit-object-methods [tag osym sigs]
(let [adapt-params (fn [[[this-sym & args] & body]]
(list (vec args) (list* 'this-as (vary-meta this-sym assoc :tag tag)
(map (fn [[f & meths :as form]]
`(set! (. ~osym ~(to-property f))
~(with-meta `(fn ~@(map adapt-params meths)) (meta form))))

;; Normalize (fn foo [a b c] x y z) and (fn foo ([a b c] x y z)) to ([a b c] x y z)
(defn fn-arities [[_ & fntail]]
(if (vector? (first fntail))
(list fntail)

;; This emits .call for specify this also allows field references for fn bodies
(defn emit-ifn-methods [tag osym sigs]
(assert (= 1 (count sigs)) "IFn only has invoke")
(assert (= '-invoke (ffirst sigs)) (core/str "IFn only has -invoke: " (first sigs)))
(let [fmeta (meta (first sigs))
this-sym (with-meta (gensym "this-sym") {:tag tag})
adapt-params (fn [[[targ & args :as sig] & body]]
`(~(vec (cons '_ args))
(this-as ~this-sym
(let [~targ ~this-sym] ~@body))))
meths (map adapt-params (fn-arities (first sigs)))
argsym (gensym "args")]
[`(set! (.-call ~osym) ~(with-meta `(fn ~@meths) fmeta))
`(set! (.-apply ~osym) ifn-apply-method)]))

(defmacro specify
"Let an instance implement a protocol by passing method bodies. Similar interface to extend-type."
[oexpr & impls]
(core/let [tag (-> oexpr meta :tag)
arity-map (fn [form]
(let [arities (fn-arities form)]
(reduce (fn [am [[this-sym & rp :as params] & body]]
(assert (-> params count am not) (core/str "Arity of implementation specified more than once: " form))
(let [this-sym (vary-meta this-sym assoc :tag tag)
wrapped `(fn ~(vec (cons this-sym rp)) ~@body)]
(assoc am
(count params) (with-meta wrapped (meta form)))))
{} arities)))
osym (with-meta (gensym "specify-target") (meta oexpr))
{:keys [prelude proto-map]} (loop [prelude []
proto-map {}
s impls]
(if-let [[proto & rst] (seq s)]
(let [sigs (take-while seq? rst)
next-impls (drop-while seq? rst)]
(core/condp = (resolve-protocol-symbol &env proto)
'Object (recur (conj prelude (emit-object-methods tag osym sigs))
'cljs.core/IFn (recur (conj prelude (emit-ifn-methods tag osym sigs))
; default
(recur prelude
(assoc proto-map proto (into {} (map (juxt first arity-map)
{:prelude prelude :proto-map proto-map}))]
`(let [~osym ~oexpr]
~@(apply concat prelude)
(specify* ~osym ~@(apply concat proto-map)))))

;; Extend js builtins
(defn emit-extend-base-type [env t impls]
(let [impl-map (loop [ret {} s impls]
(if (seq s)
(recur (assoc ret (first s) (take-while seq? (next s)))
(drop-while seq? (next s)))
warn-if-not-protocol #(when-not (= 'Object %)
(if cljs.analyzer/*cljs-warn-on-undeclared*
(if-let [var (cljs.analyzer/resolve-existing-var (dissoc &env :locals) %)]
(when-not (:protocol-symbol var)
(cljs.analyzer/warning &env
(core/str "WARNING: Symbol " % " is not a protocol")))
(when (and cljs.analyzer/*cljs-warn-protocol-deprecated*
(-> var :deprecated)
(not (-> % meta :deprecation-nowarn)))
(cljs.analyzer/warning &env
(core/str "WARNING: Protocol " % " is deprecated"))))
(cljs.analyzer/warning &env
(core/str "WARNING: Can't resolve protocol symbol " %)))))
skip-flag (set (-> tsym meta :skip-protocol-flag))]
(if (base-type tsym)
(let [t (base-type tsym)
assign-impls (fn [[p sigs]]
(warn-if-not-protocol p)
(let [psym (resolve p)
pfn-prefix (subs (core/str psym) 0 (clojure.core/inc (.indexOf (core/str psym) "/")))]
(cons `(aset ~psym ~t true)
(map (fn [[f & meths :as form]]
`(aset ~(symbol (core/str pfn-prefix f)) ~t ~(with-meta `(fn ~@meths) (meta form))))
`(do ~@(mapcat assign-impls impl-map)))
(let [t (resolve tsym)
prototype-prefix (fn [sym]
`(.. ~tsym -prototype ~(to-property sym)))
assign-impls (fn [[p sigs]]
(warn-if-not-protocol p)
(let [psym (resolve p)
pprefix (protocol-prefix psym)]
(if (= p 'Object)
(let [adapt-params (fn [[sig & body]]
(let [[tname & args] sig]
(list (vec args) (list* 'this-as (vary-meta tname assoc :tag t) body))))]
(map (fn [[f & meths :as form]]
`(set! ~(prototype-prefix f)
~(with-meta `(fn ~@(map adapt-params meths)) (meta form))))
(concat (when-not (skip-flag psym)
[`(set! ~(prototype-prefix pprefix) true)])
(mapcat (fn [[f & meths :as form]]
(if (= psym 'cljs.core/IFn)
(let [adapt-params (fn [[[targ & args :as sig] & body]]
(let [this-sym (with-meta 'self__ {:tag t})]
`(~(vec (cons this-sym args))
(this-as ~this-sym
(let [~targ ~this-sym]
meths (map adapt-params meths)
this-sym (with-meta 'self__ {:tag t})
argsym (gensym "args")]
[`(set! ~(prototype-prefix 'call) ~(with-meta `(fn ~@meths) (meta form)))
`(set! ~(prototype-prefix 'apply)
`(fn ~[this-sym argsym]
(.apply (.-call ~this-sym) ~this-sym
(.concat (array ~this-sym) (aclone ~argsym))))
(meta form)))])
(let [pf (core/str pprefix f)
adapt-params (fn [[[targ & args :as sig] & body]]
(cons (vec (cons (vary-meta targ assoc :tag t) args))
(if (vector? (first meths))
[`(set! ~(prototype-prefix (core/str pf "$arity$" (count (first meths)))) ~(with-meta `(fn ~@(adapt-params meths)) (meta form)))]
(map (fn [[sig & body :as meth]]
`(set! ~(prototype-prefix (core/str pf "$arity$" (count sig)))
~(with-meta `(fn ~(adapt-params meth)) (meta form))))
`(do ~@(mapcat assign-impls impl-map))))))
assign-impls (fn [[p sigs]]
(let [psym (resolve-protocol-symbol env p)
pfn-prefix (subs (core/str psym) 0 (clojure.core/inc (.indexOf (core/str psym) "/")))]
(cons `(aset ~psym ~t true)
(map (fn [[f & meths :as form]]
`(aset ~(symbol (core/str pfn-prefix f)) ~t ~(with-meta `(fn ~@meths) (meta form))))
`(do ~@(mapcat assign-impls impl-map) ~t)))

(defmacro extend-type [tsym & impls]
(if-let [t (base-type tsym)]
(emit-extend-base-type &env t impls)
`(specify ~(with-meta `(.-prototype ~tsym) (meta tsym)) ~@impls)))

(defn- prepare-protocol-masks [env t impls]
(let [resolve #(let [ret (:name (cljs.analyzer/resolve-var (dissoc env :locals) %))]
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10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs
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(.join (array "No protocol method " proto
" defined for type " ty ": " obj) ""))))

(defn ifn-apply-method
"Internal - do not use!"
[this args]
(.apply (.-call this)
this (.concat (array this) args)))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; arrays ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

(defn aclone
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1948,13 +1954,13 @@ reduces them without incurring seq initialization"

(deftype Keyword [k]
(invoke [_ coll]
(-invoke [_ coll]
(when-not (nil? coll)
(let [strobj (.-strobj coll)]
(if (nil? strobj)
(-lookup coll k nil)
(aget strobj k)))))
(invoke [_ coll not-found]
(-invoke [_ coll not-found]
(if (nil? coll)
(-lookup coll k not-found))))
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25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions test/cljs/cljs/core_test.cljs
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Expand Up @@ -1378,6 +1378,31 @@
(assert (= (count s1) 2))
(assert (= (count s2) 2)))))

;; specify
(defprotocol ^:deprecated Should_Warn_Deprecated)
(defprotocol ^:deprecated Should_Not_Warn!!)
(let [flag (specify (js-obj)
^:deprecation-nowarn Should_Not_Warn!!)
noflag (specify ^:skip-protocol-flag (js-obj)
ISeq (-first [_] "works anyway"))
someflag (specify ^{:skip-protocol-flag '[cljs.core/ISeq]} (js-obj)
INamed (-name [_] "someflag")
ISeq (-first [_] "works anyway"))]

(assert (satisfies? ShouldWarnDeprecated flag))

(assert (not (satisfies? ISeq noflag)))
(assert (= "works anyway" (-first noflag)))

(assert (not (satisfies? ISeq someflagflag)))
(assert (satisifies? INamed))
(assert (= "someflag" (name someflag))))

(let [o (specify* (js-obj) IFn {-invoke {2 (fn [o a] [o a])}})]
(assert (= [o :a] (o :a))))

;; defrecord
(defrecord Person [firstname lastname])
(def fred (Person. "Fred" "Mertz"))
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