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A smart contract for the popular dice game Yahtzee.

How to deploy to a local Ganache blockchain

  1. Start a local blockchain Ganache network (if you wish to use Hardhat checkout branch hardhat, but ganache has worked better for me). You will need the generated addresses for your oracle server, and to play the game.
  2. npm i -g truffle && npm i
  3. truffle deploy --reset --network development. If your RPC server URL is not then you will need to update truffle-config.js.
  4. PROVIDER="{RPC server URL}" ORACLE_ACCOUNT="{address here}" ORACLE_KEY="{private key here}" node oracle_server.js. Make sure to use a websocket URL to avoid latency from http polling (e.g. ws:// If the server connects to the blockchain correcly there should be output indicating that it has connected.
  5. Now your contracts should be deployed on your network and the "trusted" oracle server should be running.

If you wish to deploy on a non-local network then update your truffle-config.js and skip step 1. I have not tested deploying to a testnet such as Goerli or Sepolia however I played around with different block times in Ganache, and having non-instantaneous blocks significantly affects the user experience as you must wait for transactions to be confirmed before performing another action. Thus, it is recommended that you use a local network with instant transaction confirmations.


This is the smart contract that governs the game. It maintains the game state as public storage variables, however it was designed to emit events on state changes for a front end to listen for. It must be initialized with the address of the oracle as an argument. This is so that there is no need to provide the oracle address after initialization, and to ensure that an oracle exists on creation of the Yahtzee contract.

interface Yahtzee:
    def join_game(): nonpayable
    def toggle_select_die(ind: uint8): nonpayable
    def roll_dice(): nonpayable
    def bank_roll(category: uint32): nonpayable
    def turn_dump(): view
    def dice_dump(): view
    def score_dump(): view
    def receive_dice_roll(one: int8, two: int8, three: int8, four: int8, five: int8): nonpayable
    def game_start_time() -> uint256: view


This is the smart contract that conveys information to some off-chain (trusted) server so that a random dice roll can be generated. Currently I run a lightweight server (oracle_server.js) locally that listens for GenerateDie events and when it receieves one it generates a random roll (of the selected dice) and calls rec_dice_roll to return the roll to this smart contract (which then calls Yahtzee:recieve_dice_roll() to pass the info along to the game).

The event emitted by the oracle include the msg.sender i.e. the Yahtzee contract address. This is then passed back to the oracle via rec_dice_roll from the server, so the oracle knows where to send the dice roll to. This way the oracle could potentially be used by multiple smart contracts that need random dice.

Currently there is no authentication mechanism in place to ensure that calls to rec_dice_roll() are from the trusted server, so anybody (untrusted) could make a call to the oracle contract and manipulate the game contract (assuming that they pass the Yahtzee contract address as sender_arr). To mitigate this a simple check in rec_dice_roll() can be made (e.g. assert(msg.sender == "trusted address")) to ensure that the call is coming from our trusted server, however since the trusted server address is continually changing in development this check was left out for simplicity. This check should be in place before deploying to a public chain.

interface DieOracle:
    def gen_dice_roll(one: int8, two: int8, three: int8, four: int8, five: int8): nonpayable
    def rec_dice_roll(sender_addr: address, one: int8, two: int8, three: int8, four: int8, five: int8): nonpayable


The tests (in ./test directory) were originally written for a much older version of the Yahtzee contract. They are out of date. I will leave them in this repo for reference if I choose to update them later.


Vyper smart contract for Yahtzee gameplay.






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