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LaTeX Equation from Image

LaTeX equation OCR


  • tex2im for data generation (dep: latex, imagemagick, ghostscript)
  • plastex for data generation and AST representation
  • skimage: pip install scikit-image


  1. Segment image and find all components
  2. Merge some multi-part symbols based on rules
    • Classify all symbols with "component-classifier" trained on parts from this list: = i j " : ; ! ? NB: this list is not yet comprehensive
    • Merge symbols that are close, part of a symbol and are classified correctly after merging
  3. Classify all symbols
  4. Describe all relations between symbols with some features (size ratio, both symbols themselves, type of symbols [number, operator, punctuation mark], relative position)
  5. Make merging decisions based on this, first merge all numbers (1 2 3 to 123), then relations between them (the sequential "number * number" to node "(* number number)"). Use prior knowledge about math precedence in merging decisions.
  6. Think about how to deal with sums, limits, integrals etc

###Merging decisions:

Merge numbers based on relative position, relative size, continue until none left

  1. find opening bracket move right until matching bracket, repeat until no opening bracket

  2. find square root: find all elements within its y and x range, repeat until no square root

  3. Group numbers by size, perform below operations on smallest group. Then merge that group with it's base, and continue with second smallest group until 1 group left -> go to clean up

  4. Group numbers by relative y position, perform 5. on all groups

  5. Find multiplication operators,

    • if no mulitiplication operator: merge whatever is there by repeating 5, but looking for + or -.
    • if 1 multiplication operator: merge left side and right side
    • if 2 or more multiplication operator: merge left side and right side of first, then merge with first multiplication operator itself and go to 5.
  6. Merge fractions

Clean up: Take merged group, merge it with square root if exists, merge it with brackets if exist, repeat process from top.


LaTeX equation OCR






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