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RubyMoney - Money-Rails

Build Status


This library provides integration of money gem with Rails.

Use 'monetize' to specify which fields you want to be backed by Money objects and helpers provided by the money gem.

Currently, this library is in active development mode, so if you would like to have a new feature feel free to open a new issue here. You are also welcome to contribute to the project.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'money-rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install money-rails

You may also install money configuration initializer:

$ rails g money_rails:initializer

There, you can define the default currency value and set other configuration parameters for the rails app.


For example, we create a Product model which has an integer price_cents column and we want to handle it by using a Money object instead:

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  monetize :price_cents

Now each Product object will also have an attribute called price which is a Money object and can be used for money comparisons, conversions etc.

In this case the name of the money attribute is created automagically by removing the _cents suffix of the column name.

If you are using another db column name or you prefer another name for the money attribute, then you can provide as argument with a string value to the monetize macro:

monetize :discount_subunit, :as => "discount"

Now the model objects will have a discount attribute which is a Money object, wrapping the value of discount_subunit column to a Money instance.

Field currencies

You can define a specific currency per monetized field:

monetize :discount_subunit, :as => "discount", :with_currency => :eur

Now discount_subunit will give you a Money object using EUR as currency.

Configuration parameters

You can handle a bunch of configuration params through money.rb initializer:

MoneyRails.configure do |config|

  # To set the default currency
  config.default_currency = :usd

  # To handle the inclusion of validations for monetized fields
  # The default value is true
  config.include_validations = true

  # Register a custom currency
  # config.register_currency = {
  #   :priority            => 1,
  #   :iso_code            => "EU4",
  #   :name                => "Euro with subunit of 4 digits",
  #   :symbol              => "€",
  #   :symbol_first        => true,
  #   :subunit             => "Subcent",
  #   :subunit_to_unit     => 10000,
  #   :thousands_separator => ".",
  #   :decimal_mark        => ","
  # }
  • default_currecy: Set the default (application wide) currency (USD is the default)
  • include_validations: Permit the inclusion of a validates_numericality_of validation for each monetized field (the default is true)
  • register_currency: Register one custom currency. This option can be used more than once to set more custom currencies. The value should be a hash of all the necessary key/value pairs (important keys: :priority, :iso_code, :name, :symbol, :symbol_first, :subunit, :subunit_to_unit, :thousands_separator, :decimal_mark).



MIT License. Copyright 2012 RubyMoney.


Integration of RubyMoney - Money with Rails







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  • Ruby 97.5%
  • JavaScript 2.5%