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Tools for working with amplicon sequencing data.
Ben J. G. Sutherland, Ph.D. (Sutherland Bioinformatics).

Note: this software is provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages, or other liability, whether in action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of, or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

The development of this pipeline has been supported by the following organizations: Support and Funding page.

Platforms supported:

  • Ion Torrent

Panels supported:

For a comprehensive list of panels that have been developed or tested through this pipeline, as well as updated and documented associated files, please see the following repository: amplitargets.



If you find this tool useful, please cite the original article that uses the tool:
Sutherland et al. 2023. An amplicon panel for high-throughput and low-cost genotyping of Pacific oyster. bioRxiv 2023.08.26.554329.

Please also be sure to cite the tools applied within each function.


A. VariantCaller to genepop
B. Population genetic analyses
C. Parentage analysis
D. Database storage

Looking for microhaplotype workflow? A separate README is available here.
Looking for panel design? A separate README is available here.
Original approach for tech reps? here.

Getting started

Clone this repository and change into the main directory.

git clone
cd amplitools

amplitools generally is run through R. To initialize your session, open the Rscript amplitools/01_scripts/00_initiator.R and source the script. This will initiate R functions used in this section.

Test out the platform with test data:
load_vc(input_folder = "02_input_data", test_only = TRUE)
This should load 8024 rows and 14 columns, with 2079 unique markers, from two different samples, and will save the output as input.list for inspection.

A. VariantCaller to genepop

Convert VariantCaller output to a genepop file for downstream analysis. An example of the input file is provided in 02_input_data/test_data.xls

00. Prepare inputs and functions

Important note: input filename must be alphanumeric characters only connected with hyphens or underscores (i.e., no spaces). Multiple sequential underscores without other alphanumeric characters breaking up the underscores will cause the script to fail (e.g., this__will_not_work).

Copy any number of input files in the folder 02_input_data.

01. Load data

Background VariantCaller format interpretation:
'Absent' means homozygous reference (0101)
'No Call' means missing data (0000)
'Heterozygous' means heterozygous (0102)
'Homozygous' means homozygous variant (0202)

Please note: all variantCaller input files must have been generated using the same hotspot file. The script assumes that all designations of VariantCaller formats are the same for all files.

01.a. Prepare genotype block

In R, use the following function to select only hotspot markers for all input files in 02_input_data, then convert genotype calls to genepop format to output a multilocus genotype matrix (rows: samples; columns: loci):
note: include the exact string for a pattern only within your negative control samples.

The output will be a tab-delimited text file in 02_input_data/prepped_matrices/, one per input file. Sample identifiers will be created as .

To inspect mean marker coverage per experimental or control sample, see output files:

01.b. Finalize genepop

From the terminal, finalize the genepop by running the following script for each genotype block text file:
./01_scripts/ 02_input_data/prepped_matrices/<filename>.txt

The output will be a genepop file for each file output as 02_input_data/prepped_genepops/*.gen

B. Population genetic analyses

Example using simple_pop_stats; to get started:

# clone simple_pop_stats at same level as amplitools    
git clone   
cd simple_pop_stats

Copy the genepop(s) created above to simple_pop_stats/02_input_data or analyze elsewhere. An example is given here:

simple_pop_stats is being developed to work well with amplitools to facilitate population genetic analyses. As follows are some examples of useful functions, but please see the simple_pop_stats repository for a full explanation.

General functions

Source simple_pop_stats.

Load the genepop generated by amplitools:
load_genepop(datatype = "SNP")

Note: this is now possible within amplitools:
load_genepops(genepop_folder = "02_input_data/prepped_genepops/", datatype = "SNP", shorten_name = TRUE)
...will load all genepops in the genepop folder into a list, each named based on the source genepop name.

Simplify your individual names from the amplitools format (i.e., <run>__<barcode>__<indiv>) to simply the indiv ID:
simplify_names(df = obj, format = "amplitools")
Note: must use this function for downstream functions to work.

Update sample attributes

Create a sample information file to be used for downstream analyses:
generate_popmap(df = obj)

This will produce a form to complete in simple_pop_stats/00_archive/my_data_ind-to-pop.txt
It will automatically produce a row per sample (indiv), and provide empty fields for pop, an alternate identifier (alt.ID), sex, and whether the sample should be ignored.
Manually annotate the above file and save it as my_data_ind-to-pop_annot.txt.
Note: do not include any spaces in field names, and do not start populations with numbers.

Load and population per-sample information based on the completed file above:
annotate_from_popmap(df = obj, popmap.FN = "00_archive/my_data_ind-to-pop_annot.txt")

See simple_pop_stats for other methods, such as filtering, plotting data, analyses, and converting from genepop to rubias format. The below parentage analysis will depend on a rubias file.

To convert the genind to rubias (brief), in R:

# Prepare a stock code file 
stock_code.df <-
colnames(stock_code.df) <- "collection"
stock_code.df$repunit <- stock_code.df$collection

# Write it out
write_delim(x = stock_code.df, file = "00_archive/stock_code.txt", delim = "\t", col_names = T)
micro_stock_code.FN <- "00_archive/stock_code.txt"

## All filtered loci: write to rubias for parentage assignment
pop_map.FN <- "00_archive/my_data_ind-to-pop_annot.txt"
genepop_to_rubias_SNP(data = obj, sample_type = "reference"
                      , custom_format = TRUE, micro_stock_code.FN = micro_stock_code.FN
                      , pop_map.FN = pop_map.FN
# output will be 03_results/rubias_output_SNP.txt
# rename the output and copy it to amplitools/03_results/

C. Parentage analysis

The parentage analysis is largely dependent on the R package CKMRsim by Eric C. Anderson. If you use the function ckmr_from_rubias.R, please cite CKMRsim.

Please also see instructions in the associated pipeline: ms_oyster_panel.

Quick method, as an example:

# source amplitools
# Set user variables
input_rubias.FN <- "03_results/rubias_125_ind_583_loc_2024-03-27.txt"
parent_pop <- "VIU_F1"
offspring_pop <- "VIU_F2"
cutoff <- 5

# Prepare run folder
date <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")
input_rubias_short.FN <- gsub(pattern = "03_results/", replacement = "", x = input_rubias.FN)
input_rubias_short.FN <- gsub(pattern = ".txt", replacement = "", x = input_rubias_short.FN)

run_folder.FN <- paste0("03_results/ckmr_input_", input_rubias_short.FN, "_"
                        , offspring_pop, "_vs_", parent_pop,"_", date
print("Making new result folder...")

# Run ckmr on the input file
ckmr_from_rubias(input.FN = input_rubias.FN
                 , parent_pop = parent_pop
                 , offspring_pop = offspring_pop
                 , cutoff = cutoff
                 , output.dir = run_folder.FN


It is now possible to graph the relatives based on the output of CKMR-sim, using the following function, with inputs being the paired relatives and associated log likelihood values (.txt format):

graph_relatives(input.FN = "03_results/parent_fs_broodstock_pw_logl_5.txt"   
                            , logl_cutoff = 5      # Additional logl cutoff as needed
                            , drop_string = "G00"  # String constant to remove from sample names
                            , directed = FALSE     # Should the plotted graph be directed? 
                            , plot_width = 5       # Plotting width
                            , plot_height = 5      # Plotting height
Other inputs may include offspring sibship, or parent-offspring relationships.     

D. Database storage

This section provides suggestions to maintain amplicon sequence data from variantCaller outputs for long-term storage.

We suggest the following approach:

  1. keep all raw data stored separately from amplitools;
  2. copy in a specific raw data runs to a fresh instance of the main repo;
  3. save an output file in standard genetics format (e.g., rubias) as a 'curated dataset'. This will be date-stamped, and then should not be altered. If it needs to be altered, return to the start and re-run.

Here are several general tips on how to manage this:

Sugg. 1: create a hierarchical folder structure for raw data

As an example considering Pacific oyster, on the server/ computer, in a safe and permanent location, do the following:

mkdir 00_raw_data
cd 00_raw_data
mkdir cgig
cd cgig
mkdir cgig_v.1.0

Once the structure is built, copy raw run files (.xls) into the above folder.

  • within the folder, store a single spreadsheet explaining per chip the chip name, date run, and projects included. This will be used to track what is in each raw data file, so specific chips can be then copied into an active amplitools repo.
  • note: it may be best to make the above read-only without sudo priviledges, to be sure that files do not get altered
  • also include an md5 alongside each raw run file, with the same name but .md5 appended to the end of the filename.
  • also include a sample interp file alongside each chip (see below).

Sugg. 2: create sample interp file for each chip and store with the raw data chip

e.g., R_<your_chip_name>_sample_interp.txt
Include the following columns so this file can also be used as a popmap:

indiv pop alt.ID sex ignore
... ... ... ... ...

Note: the ignore column will eventually be used so that one can set amplitools to ignore the sample, for example if it is decided that the sample should not be included in building downstream datasets, or perhaps it is the poorer of two technical replicates and should be dropped. This is currently not implemented, but is planned in a future release.

Importantly, when a new hotspot is used to generate the output, the files will no longer be directly comparable, and so a new folder should be created (e.g., cgig_v.1.1) for clarity.


Tools for working with amplicon sequencing data







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