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Find files or directories by sql.


SELECT select_expr [, select_expr ...]
[WHERE where_condition]
[GROUP BY col_name]
[HAVING having_condition]
[ORDER BY order_by_expr [ASC | DESC]]
[LIMIT row_count [OFFSET offset]]


select_expr is a column that you want.

select name, size;

Select all columns.

select all;

is equivalent to

select name, size, mode, mod_time, is_dir;

Give a temporary name:

select name as N;

The temporary name is available in WHERE, HAVING and ORDER BY.

Aggregations are available with conditions below:

a. without GROUP BY and select aggregations only. b. with GROUP BY then except GROUP BY column.


where_condition is a condition expr, if the evaluated value of a row is true then the row is selected.

select all where is_dir;


GROUP BY aggregates rows by col_name. SELECT must contain col_name and not contain raw columns but col_name.

select is_dir, count(name) group by is_dir;


having_condition is a condition expr, if the evaluated value of a row is true then the row is selected. HAVING must be written with GROUP BY.

select mode, count(name) group by mode having count(name) > 5;


order_by_expr is a expr on which to sort rows.

select len(name) as nlen, name order by nlen desc;


row_count constrains the number of the result rows.

select all limit 3;

If offset is exist, ignore first offset rows.

select all limit 3 offset 5;


  • name is the path.
  • size is the size, number of bytes in the file.
  • mode is the file mode, the entry type and permissions.
  • mod_time is the last modification time.
  • is_dir is the limited entry type, if true, the row comes from a file.

Data types

Name Description Example
int integer 10, -1
float floating point 1.2, -0.5
string string "str"
bool bool (no literals)

Hereafter, int or float are referred to as number, and a string literal matched with [01]+ is referred to as bits.


The operators in the more lower row has the higher precedence.

Format Description Argument Types Result Type Example
or or bool, bool bool is_dir or size < 100
and and bool, bool bool is_dir and name = "x"
xor xor bool, bool bool size < 100 xor name = "x"
= equal any, any (same type) bool name = "x"
<> not equal any, any (same type) bool name <> "x"
< less than any, any (same type) bool size < 100
<= less than or equal any, any (same type) bool size <= 100
> greater than any, any (same type) bool size > 100
>= greater than or equal any, any (same type) bool size >= 100
. in (...) within any, list of any bool name in ("x", "y")
. not in (...) not within any, list of any bool name not in ("x", "y")
. between . and . between any, any, any (same type) bool size between 10 and 100
. not between . and . not between any, any, any (same type) bool size not between 10 and 100
. like REGEX matched string string, string bool name like "log$"
. not like REGEX not matched string string, string bool name not like "log$"
+ add number, number number size + 1
- subtract number, number number size - 1
* multiply number, number number size * 2
/ division number, number number size / 2
| bit or int or bits, int or bits int 3 | 4
& bit and int or bits, int or bits int 3 & 4
^ bit xor int or bits, int or bits int 3 ^ 4
+ noop any any +1
- unary minus number number -1
~ bit not int or bits int ~15
not not bool bool not is_dir


The function converts an expr or a column into some value.

Format Description Argument Types Result Type Example
pow(x, y) x to the power of y number, number number pow(2, 3)
ceil(x) ceiling number int ceil(2.3)
floor(x) floor number int floor(2.3)
len(x) length of string string int len("length")
base(x) the last element of path string string base("dir/file")
dir(x) all but the last element of path string string dir("dir/file")
ext(x) the file name extension string string ext("dired.elc")
bin2int(x) bits to int bits int bin2int("1010")
int2bin(x) int to bits int bits int2bin(10)
cast(x, y) cast x to y any string cast(10, "string")
now() the current local time int now()
depth(x) the depth of the path name int depth("/home/user")
grep(x, y) grep x y string string grep("lambda", "")


cast(value, "destination type") cast value to destination type.

If the type of the value equals the destination type, then the result is the value itself. More conversion rules are below:

Value Type Destination Type Description
float int floor
string int parse
bool int true into 1, false into 0
int float type conversion only
string float parse
bool float true into 1.0, false into 0.0
any string format as string
number bool value != 0
string bool value != ""
string timestamp parse string like "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" (RFC3339) into timestamp (int)
number time timestamp into time (string)
number duration seconds into duration (string)

Undefined rules cause conversion errors.


The aggregation converts the rows into some value.

Format Description Argument Types Result Type Example
count(x) number of the rows any int count(name)
min(x) minimum of the rows any any (same type) min(size)
max(x) maximum of the rows any any (same type) max(name)
product(x) product of the rows number number product(size)
sum(x) summation of the rows number number sum(size)
avg(x) average of the rows number number avg(size)

Reserved words

The reserved words are case insensitive.

select where having group by order limit as asc desc like in not and or xor between offset


make dist/dql
cd dist
dql -h


Find files or directories by sql.





