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Hello, This is test project for TopTal by Mate Bersenadze.

Test project is about Quiz API.

To say it shortly, Users can create Quizzes, other users can play it and gain scores.


Python version: 3.10.4

For RESTful application newly created Web Framework: FastAPI by Tiangolo

For Database: PostgreSQL

For Migrations: Alembic

For Code Formatting: Black and Flake8 backed by Pre-Commit

To run PostgreSQL I am using docker containers locally.

Guide to run API

Create and Activate Virtual Environment

Python 3.10 is REQUIRED to run application

Create virtualenv named venv

virtualenv venv --python=python3.10

Activate environment

source venv/bin/activate

Install Requirements

First, to run application we need to install all the requirements.

You may need to update pip before running install.

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run PostgreSQL Database

You can also use already ready created PostgreSQL DB, but in this step we gonna run fresh empty DB.

You will need to have Docker engine installed and running.

To run DB execute this in terminal

docker run --name toptal-quiz-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=toptal -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

This will run postgres DB on port 5432 with user: postgres and password: toptal You can configure password or port that is being used.

Create Environment File .env

Applications requires Environment variables. DB_URI and SECRET_KEY

  1. DB_URI is being used to connect to our created DB.
  2. SECRET_KEY is being used for jwt encode and decodings during authentication.

SECRET_KEY can be generated using this command

openssl rand -hex 32

Example .env File


Run Migrations

After you have successfully created and run PostgreSQL DB now you have to create all required tables. For this we can use Alembic which was already installed in the previous step.

Just execute in terminal

alembic upgrade head

and finally: Run the server

uvicorn server:app --port 8000

Running server like this on production is not recommended

API Documentation

We can see our API Documentation in Redoc or Swagger style

Redoc: Swagger:


Random Quiz API written in FastAPI




