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Implementation of (some) J operators in Julia.

Verb rank

The J programming language has the interesting and useful concept of verb rank. Thereby an operation can be applied at a specified depth within a larger array.

Consider an 2 3 4 sized array

arr = reshape(1:24, 2, 3, 4)

and a function providing some information about a value:

info(x) = "Some scalar $x"
info(x::AbstractArray) = "Array of shape $(size(x))"

Then, we can obtain information about each (scalar) element of an array via broadcasting, i.e.,


Alternatively, we can rank the info function:

using JJ

rank"info 0"(arr)  # Info on each element (rank 0 scalar) ... same as info.(arr)
rank"info 1"(arr)  # Info on each sub-vector (of rank 1)
rank"info 2"(arr)  # Info on each sub-matrix (of rank 2)
rank"info 3"(arr)  # Info on the whole array (of rank 3)

Note that

  • sub-arrays are formed starting from the first dimensions1
  • the function is applied to each sub-array and must return results of the same type. These are then automatically combined into an array2.

Thereby, many array manipulations can be expressed in a conscice manner. In particular, autobatching ML-models is easily accomplished:

using Flux

A = randn(2, 3, 5)  # a batch of 2x3 matrices
B = randn(3, 4, 5)  # another batch

A  B  # special batched matrix multiplication

rank"2 * 2"(A, B)  # just rank the standard one!

# Obviously this also works for complete models
# and across multiple sets of batches:
model = Dense(2, 4)
rank"model 1"(A)

Following J, ranking currently works for functions with one or two arguments only. In case of two arguments, the function is broadcasted across the left and right argument in order to be applied to all pairs of sub-arrays. Here, in contrast to standard julia broadcasting, missing dimensions are filled from the front in order to be consistent with sub-arrays being formed from the front, i.e.,

A = randn(2, 3, 5)
B = randn(2, 3)
C = randn(2, 5)

dot(x, y) = sum(x .* y)  # function we want to use at rank 1 must work on vectors

rank"1 dot 1"(A, A)  # obviously works
rank"1 dot 1"(A, B)  # does not work as 3x5 does not match 3
rank"1 dot 1"(A, C)  # does work as 5 can be broadcasted over 3x5

Further operators

As another example consider matrix multiplication. Together with the J-like operators insert and table matrix multiplication can be expressed in several equivalent ways3:

using JJ

A = reshape(1:6, 2, 3)
B = reshape(1:12, 3, 4)

@show A * B  # standard matrix multiplication
# In J notation: A +/ . * B

@show rank"x -> insert(+, x) 1"(table(rank"1 rank\"0 * 0\" 1", A', B))
# In J notation: +/"1 A *"1/ |: B

# or slightly simpler using partial application and broadcasting instead of rank 0 function
partial(f, args...) = (moreargs...) -> f(args..., moreargs...)
@show rank"partial(insert, +) 1"(table(rank"1 .* 1", A', B))

@show insert(+, rank"1 partial(table, .*) 1"(A, B'))
# In J notation: +/ (|: A) */"1 B

Obviously not as concise as in J, but enough to illustrate the power of these operators. For further examples, e.g., K-Means and Transformer layers in J, see also my blog post or the examples directory.

Further inspiration:

  • JuliennedArrays.jl

    Wonderful library to split-apply-combine n-dimensional arrays. Used here to implement rank functionality.

  • Rank in a hurry

    Quick introduction to rank in J. Includes many additional examples and links.


  1. This is different from J, but more suitable for arrays stored in column-major order. For easily comparing results with J the function reversedims can be used.

  2. Ranking functions thereby provides a constraint version of the more general split-apply-combine strategy. In my opinion, the restricted, but very consistent model of J applying ranked functions on n-dimensional arrays is well designed and allows for surprisingly powerful and understandable code.

  3. While these are mathematically equivalent, direct matrix multiplication is implemented more efficiently.


J-like verb rank in Julia







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