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Registering your application

bevacqua edited this page Jan 15, 2012 · 3 revisions

The SE API demands you connect to their API using OAuth 2.0. To this end, you'll have follow a couple of easy steps.

  1. Create your site account on StackApps if you haven't already. This is the site for everything related to the SE API.
  2. Register for an application against the 2.0 API
    1. Start here.
    2. Choose a name for your application.
      Choose a name for your application
    3. Describe your application. This description will be displayed to users during the OAuth flow.
      Describe your application
    4. Input your OAuth domain. If you don't have a site, you're probably going to want to choose
      Input your OAuth domain
    5. Include your application website, Use if you don't have one.
      Your application's website
    6. Add a link to your application's icon.
      A link to your application's icon
    7. Determine whether client-side or server-side OAuth flow will be used.
      Determine what OAuth flow will be used
    8. Register your application!
      Register your application!
  3. If everything goes according to plan, you will be taken to a page describing the consumer application you've just created. Spend a few moments reading the considerations. Then take note of your app_id, app_secret and app_key. You can come back at any time from the Manage your applications page.

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