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Self Arranging Swarm Robots

Made as a first project in swarm robotics mainly for learning purposes. Turtlebots arrange themselves in the pattern inputed by the user

Swarm GIF


Libraries :

ROS Packages :

Brief overview of the package:

launch :

  • guiTest.launch - test for the pygame gui
  • robot.launch - sub-part of swarm.launch
  • swarm.launch - this is the main launch file which launches the complete system.
  • trial1.launch - launch file for a single bot
  • swarmTest.launch - same as swarm.launch but has camera and lighting

msg :

The custom message is used for sending information on which pattern the bots will be arranged :

  • Pattern.msg defines an array of size 6 of Points
  • Point.msg is th defination of a single Point i.e x and y

src :

  • convert.cpp - this nodes converts data published in quantenerion angle system to euler angle system and publishes the converted data under "odomTrans"
  • driver.cpp - Now redundant and has been replaced with driverNew this node drives the bot to the targeted point
  • driverNew.cpp - Does the same job as driver.cpp but useses a better method to model the diffrential drive bot
  • - node for the pygame gui
  • - node for keyboard imputs
  • position_publisher - this node is used for testing a single bot. this node publishes information on which position a particular bots need to go
  • position _publisher_node - this node takes information about the pattern the bots should be and then assigns a particular point to a bot based on distance ( i.e it selects a bot that is least distant from the point). this node controlls 6 bots but can be modified to controll more or less bots
  • -This node is under development will be used for pose detection currently detects position but not orientation

Worlds :

  • contains empty world with camera and light

if some file was not mentioned then the file is not relevant but if you gent any doubt please feel free to ask