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Merge dd1803a into fb20657
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fnothaft committed Apr 8, 2017
2 parents fb20657 + dd1803a commit 6b62fdf
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Showing 4 changed files with 379 additions and 7 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ import org.bdgenomics.avocado.util.{
import org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.AlignmentRecord
import org.bdgenomics.utils.cli._
Expand All @@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ object BiallelicGenotyper extends BDGCommandCompanion {

class BiallelicGenotyperArgs extends Args4jBase with ADAMSaveAnyArgs with ParquetArgs with PrefilterReadsArgs with HardFilterGenotypesArgs {
class BiallelicGenotyperArgs extends Args4jBase with ADAMSaveAnyArgs with ParquetArgs with PrefilterReadsArgs with HardFilterGenotypesArgs with RewriteHetsArgs {
@Argument(required = true,
metaVar = "INPUT",
usage = "The ADAM, BAM or SAM file to call",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,6 +174,14 @@ class BiallelicGenotyperArgs extends Args4jBase with ADAMSaveAnyArgs with Parque
name = "-min_hom_indel_allelic_fraction",
usage = "Minimum (alt) allelic fraction for calling a hom INDEL. Default is 0.666. Set to a negative value to omit.")
var minHomIndelAltAllelicFraction: Float = 0.666f
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-disable_het_snp_rewriting",
usage = "If true, disables rewriting of high allelic fraction het SNPs as hom alt SNPs.")
var disableHetSnpRewriting: Boolean = false
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-disable_het_indel_rewriting",
usage = "If true, disables rewriting of high allelic fraction het INDELs as hom alt INDELs.")
var disableHetIndelRewriting: Boolean = false

// required by HardFilterGenotypesArgs
var maxSnpPhredStrandBias: Float = -1.0f
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,7 +246,8 @@ class BiallelicGenotyper(

// hard filter the genotypes
val filteredGenotypes = HardFilterGenotypes(genotypes, args)
val filteredGenotypes = HardFilterGenotypes(RewriteHets(genotypes, args),

// save the variant calls
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -226,13 +226,13 @@ private[avocado] object HardFilterGenotypes extends Serializable {
Option(args.minHomSnpAltAllelicFraction).filter(_ > 0)
.map(af => new VCFFilterHeaderLine("HOMSNPMINAF",
"Allelic fraction was below %f for a hom SNP.".format(af))),
Option(args.minHetSnpAltAllelicFraction).filter(_ > 0)
Option(args.minHetIndelAltAllelicFraction).filter(_ > 0)
.map(af => new VCFFilterHeaderLine("HETINDELMINAF",
"Allelic fraction was below %f for a het INDEL.".format(af))),
Option(args.maxHetSnpAltAllelicFraction).filter(_ > 0)
Option(args.maxHetIndelAltAllelicFraction).filter(_ > 0)
.map(af => new VCFFilterHeaderLine("HETINDELMAXAF",
"Allelic fraction was above %f for a het INDEL.".format(af))),
Option(args.minHomSnpAltAllelicFraction).filter(_ > 0)
Option(args.minHomIndelAltAllelicFraction).filter(_ > 0)
.map(af => new VCFFilterHeaderLine("HOMINDELMINAF",
"Allelic fraction was below %f for a hom INDEL.".format(af))))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ private[avocado] object HardFilterGenotypes extends Serializable {
private[util] def filterQuality(genotype: Genotype,
minQuality: Int): Boolean = {
genotype.getGenotypeQuality > minQuality
Option(genotype.getGenotypeQuality).fold(true)(_ > minQuality)

Expand Down
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
* Licensed to Big Data Genomics (BDG) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The BDG licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.bdgenomics.avocado.util

import org.bdgenomics.adam.rdd.variant.GenotypeRDD
import org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.{ Genotype, GenotypeAllele }
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._

private[avocado] trait RewriteHetsArgs extends Serializable {

* The maximum allele fraction for the alternate allele in a het SNP call.
* Set to a negative value to omit.
var maxHetSnpAltAllelicFraction: Float

* The maximum allele fraction for the alternate allele in a het SNP call.
* Set to a negative value to omit.
var maxHetIndelAltAllelicFraction: Float

* If true, does not attempt to rewrite het SNPs.
var disableHetSnpRewriting: Boolean

* If true, does not attempt to rewrite het INDELs.
var disableHetIndelRewriting: Boolean

* Rewrites high allelic fraction het genotypes as homozygous alternate calls.
object RewriteHets extends Serializable {

* Identifies high allelic fraction het calls in an RDD of genotypes and
* rewrites them as homozygous alt calls.
* @param rdd The RDD of genotypes to filter.
* @param args The arguments to configure the rewriter.
* @return Returns a new RDD of genotypes.
def apply(rdd: GenotypeRDD,
args: RewriteHetsArgs): GenotypeRDD = {

val maxSnpAllelicFraction = args.maxHetSnpAltAllelicFraction
val maxIndelAllelicFraction = args.maxHetIndelAltAllelicFraction
val rewriteHetSnps = !args.disableHetSnpRewriting
val rewriteHetIndels = !args.disableHetIndelRewriting

if (rewriteHetSnps || rewriteHetIndels) {
rdd.transform(gtRdd =>,
} else {

* Examines a single genotype to see if it should be rewritten.
* @param gt The genotype to examine.
* @param maxSnpAllelicFraction The threshold for considering a het SNP call
* to be a miscalled homozygous SNP.
* @param maxIndelAllelicFraction The threshold for considering a het INDEL
* call to be a miscalled homozygous INDEL
* @param rewriteHetSnps If false, disables SNP checking.
* @param rewriteHetIndels If false, disables INDEL checking.
* @return Returns true if the genotype should be rewritten..
private[util] def shouldRewrite(gt: Genotype,
maxSnpAllelicFraction: Float,
maxIndelAllelicFraction: Float,
rewriteHetSnps: Boolean,
rewriteHetIndels: Boolean): Boolean = {
val isSnp = ((gt.getVariant.getReferenceAllele.length == 1) &&
(gt.getVariant.getAlternateAllele.length == 1))
val numAlts = gt.getAlleles.count(_ == GenotypeAllele.ALT)
val isHet = (numAlts != 0) && (numAlts != gt.getAlleles.length)

def checkAf(af: Float): Boolean = {
(Option(gt.getReadDepth), Option(gt.getAlternateReadDepth)) match {
case (Some(dp), Some(alt)) => (alt.toFloat / dp.toFloat) >= af
case _ => false

if (rewriteHetSnps && isSnp && isHet) {
} else if (rewriteHetIndels && !isSnp && isHet) {
} else {

* Rewrites a het genotype as a hom alt call.
* @param gt The genotype to rewrite.
* @return Returns the rewritten genotype.
private[util] def rewriteGenotype(gt: Genotype): Genotype = {
val numAlleles = gt.getAlleles.length
val newAlleles = List.fill(numAlleles) { GenotypeAllele.ALT }


* Processes a single genotype, and rewrites it if it appears to be a
* miscalled hom alt.
* @param gt The genotype to examine.
* @param maxSnpAllelicFraction The threshold for considering a het SNP call
* to be a miscalled homozygous SNP.
* @param maxIndelAllelicFraction The threshold for considering a het INDEL
* call to be a miscalled homozygous INDEL
* @param rewriteHetSnps If false, disables SNP checking.
* @param rewriteHetIndels If false, disables INDEL checking.
* @return Returns the rewritten genotype if the genotype should be rewritten,
* else returns the original genotype.
private[util] def processGenotype(gt: Genotype,
maxSnpAllelicFraction: Float,
maxIndelAllelicFraction: Float,
rewriteHetSnps: Boolean,
rewriteHetIndels: Boolean): Genotype = {
if (shouldRewrite(gt,
rewriteHetIndels)) {
} else {

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