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Dev environment setup

Harsimran Singh Maan edited this page Jan 18, 2021 · 9 revisions

Recommended environment

  1. Linux Ubuntu 20.04/ Mac Os Big Sur(required for ios app but not needed for android app)
  2. Android SDK 30 ( Usually installed with flutter setup)


Install flutter and switch to the dev channel.

flutter channel dev
flutter upgrade

You can use the above commands with flutter channel stable to switch back to stable channel if you need it for something else.


Visual Studio Code


  1. Install Flutter dev
  2. Setup the IDE with flutter and dart extensions
  3. Setup an android simulator
make run

You can also use the visual studio code to run the app.

Windows Setup

  1. Install Visual Studio Code from here
  2. Install Github Desktop from here
  3. Install Git package from here

Setup SSH on Windows.

  1. Generate and configure SSH key from here
  2. Sometimes the bin path of git is not added to PATH. Please ensure following is added to Windows PATH C:\Program Files\Git\cmd (Help on how to configure PATH? Please follow this link)

Running Visual Studio on Windows

  1. Once above configurations are done, Run Visual Studio Code.
  2. Open New Terminal from Terminal menu.
  3. In the command line window, type in git .It should resolve and not show any errors. If it generates an error, either git is not properly installed or windows PATH has not been updated correctly. Please try the configuration steps again.
  4. Go to your Github Repo and copy the SSH path from the Code area under SSH menu. More info on cloning a github repo is here
  5. At this point, you can open the repo in Visual Studio.